Gold Monkey and Kooweetoo do Wichita State University

Started by Carnut, September 27, 2008, 10:07:46 AM

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Heh, heh, I know this is kinda dumb but it's what I do.

Pics of Gold Monkey and Kooweetoo touring Wichita State University,
my alma mater.

I first started attending WSU just to use up my GI Benefits, who'da thunk
I'd actually graduate?

There's actually some car pics in there of my 61 Chrysler.

Shortly after taking these pics I went to the hospital to have a gall bladder operation, so posting these pics on my website has kinda been part of my recuperation.


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Thanks Enjenjo,  I know my gall bladder thing wasn't much of an operation as operations go, but it did get my attention.

Heh,heh, and I still haven't got my head back on straight, or at least as near straight as it's gonna get yet.