Dem Aussies Been Too Quiet.....

Started by Bruce Dorsi, June 13, 2004, 01:02:51 AM

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Bruce Dorsi

....they must be cooking something up!

We haven't heard from Pep, Choco, Brootal, Carps, Ripper, Dolly, etc, in quite some time.  ....Peter R stuck his head up long enough to share a joke.

Either they're too busy having fun, or they're plotting.

What's up, guys?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Yes we are plotting something but I've been sworn to secrecy. Sorry.

You will be hearing from us all very very soon...... I promise!!


Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"....they must be cooking something up!

We haven't heard from Pep, Choco, Brootal, Carps, Ripper, Dolly, etc, in quite some time.  ....Peter R stuck his head up long enough to share a joke.

Either they're too busy having fun, or they're plotting.

What's up, guys?

Feel like we are under surveillance, Mr Dorsi keeping tabs on us in the US, enjenjo checking up on us on the Aus board and GW Bush telling us how to vote in the next federal election.

This is a holiday weekend in most states of Australia.    Monday is Queen's Birthday holiday, a relic of the days we were a colony of Britain.

This weekend is also is the unofficial start of the ski season and the last chance to catch up with all those odd jobs before winter really sets in.


They're probably all huddled together, shivering from the cold, and crying in their Fosters because hawt rawd season is over with...

Dolly was last seen hanging around the locker room backstage at the * Eye For The Straight Guy TV studio...

I think Enjenjo spotted her there... :oops:  :-o  :(
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "Rayvyn"They're probably all huddled together, shivering from the cold, and crying in their Fosters because hawt rawd season is over with...

My guess is they're having too much fun on their own Oz board to pay any attention to us up-over types. Besides, we just laugh at their funny steering wheel location and the fact that their toilets flush with a reverse vortex. Just wait until they get ready to travel in our direction and you'll see how matey the can get.  :D


Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"....they must be cooking something up!

We haven't heard from Pep, Choco, Brootal, Carps, Ripper, Dolly, etc, in quite some time.  ....Peter R stuck his head up long enough to share a joke.

Either they're too busy having fun, or they're plotting.

What's up, guys?

Been busy mate.....winter does not stop us from working in the garage. Might slow down the hot rod runs but I think that's a good thing cause I can't do both :) ...check out my site...there is even some Aussie run pics and tourist stuff as well as the 37...yeah, I'm still plodding along....
See Ya


Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"....they must be cooking something up!

We haven't heard from Pep, Choco, Brootal, Carps, Ripper, Dolly, etc, in quite some time.  ....Peter R stuck his head up long enough to share a joke.

Either they're too busy having fun, or they're plotting.

What's up, guys?

Choco and I are working out a way to smuggle our VB (Victoria Bitter) into the US so we don't have to drink your lizards p**s when we get there next month :wink:


Quiet aussies ? never met one there must be one a mute maybe

Na its winter my hot rod club have a shed raid on sunday and we just did a drive in movie for 103 rods what movie ? blues brothers of course

And we thrashed england in the rugby did i mention thrashed
Just because it\'s written down doesn\'t make it true


I know what's going on with the Aussies. Two of them left my house just yesterday.  John and Jan Taylor from Brisbane are travelling across Canada on a vacation but I think they're really planning an invasion.  We met up with them on Saturday last, had some lunch with a group of rodder types and were surprised by a visit from our own HRLC.  They did the tourist thing in Toronto and drove to London on Sunday.  Some more food and Sunday evening a trip to the local cruise.  I'm sure he was doing some mapping because he had 2 still cameras and a video camera going at the same time.  Now they are back in Niagara Falls.  They leave Wednesday for Calgary probably to scope out the approach to the Rockies.  So Cword watch for them OK!  From Calgary they head up to Edmonton. Oh any of the guys on the board in the Rockies, like Kamloops etc., they are going to be driving through sometime next week.  They say they're going to meet up with a couple of people down Vancouver way as well.  We really did have a great time with John and Jan and would have them back to stay with us again in a heartbeat.  Keep an eye out for them and say HI!


John and Jan will be here tomorrow night, they'll be at the FSRA safety Lane at Hot Rod and Cool cars in Airdrie ( on Wednesday night and then taking in the Banff Rod Run Thursday evening through Sunday.
They'll be staying in Calgary as guests of Gary and Janet Savage.

With a little luck I'll be able to meet them, unfortunately I'm helping my folks movve out of the family vacation property this weekend.

Watching the mail box for a BNI/SCTA tube

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"....they must be cooking something up!

We haven't heard from Pep, Choco, Brootal, Carps, Ripper, Dolly, etc, in quite some time.  ....Peter R stuck his head up long enough to share a joke.

Either they're too busy having fun, or they're plotting.

What's up, guys?

Wadyameean; I'm always quiet!  

Actually, I just spent a week and a half family holiday at 'The Gold Coast", (south east Queensland).  What a coincidence, there was a couple of car things on too!  Even spent a day and evening at "Wintersun" and a day at the Winternationals (Drags).  BTW, winter up there is about 25 degrees C  in the day, so, it's pretty comfortable.

The pickup is all over the shed at present, finally getting it's 'new' engine.

I'm plotting a trip 'up-over' (or is it 'over the top') in August; see you then.


You Goobers are in for a real shock come August when Me, GT28A and Reddo descend upon Louisville. Before we drink all the bars dry, we'll sign autographs. Carps has promised me that Th'Rayvn will be so in awe of our rugged Aussie-ness he'll be buying the first few rounds, although, as GT says, we'll probably have to throw up a few times before we get used to your poor excuse for beer.
The reason we have been quiet for a while is because there's work to do on our cars (especially mine, which GT28A is trying to paint!).
So can you all just shut up and leave us alone?
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks


Quote from: "choco"You Goobers are in for a real shock come August when Me, GT28A and Reddo descend upon Louisville. Before we drink all the bars dry, we'll sign autographs. Carps has promised me that Th'Rayvn will be so in awe of our rugged Aussie-ness he'll be buying the first few rounds, although, as GT says, we'll probably have to throw up a few times before we get used to your poor excuse for beer.
The reason we have been quiet for a while is because there's work to do on our cars (especially mine, which GT28A is trying to paint!).
So can you all just shut up and leave us alone?

I take great offense to your attitude Mr. Choco. From now on (and don't forget it) the term will be MR. Goober.

And I've had a few of those tins of Wallaby Whiz that you dudes seem to like. I'd rather have Enjenjo's cooking...!!

And you guys sign autographs?? I think Helen Keller had a better command of spelling than a' buncha you blokes...

And hey, bring a copy of that Magazine you guys are scrapping about; I'd like to see it. (Someone's gunna have to read it to you. Mrs. Carps won't be there.)

See ya in 6 weeks... :D  :D  :D  :D  :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "Rayvyn"They're probably all huddled together, shivering from the cold, and crying in their Fosters because hawt rawd season is over with...
Dunno about that, Carps & Mrs Carps went to a rod run over the long weekend.  Weather was fine and sunny and they had a great time.

QuoteDolly was last seen hanging around the locker room backstage at the ##### Eye For The Straight Guy TV studio...
Uh, Oh, it appears you're having that reccurring dream again!

QuoteI think Enjenjo spotted her there... :oops:  :-o  :(
Man, that would have to be the biggest challenge those fairies ever had to deal with.

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.


Quote from: "Rayvyn"And hey, bring a copy of that Magazine you guys are scrapping about; I'd like to see it. (Someone's gunna have to read it to you. Mrs. Carps won't be there.)

You just never know what might happen!   :twisted:

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.