St. ignace car show

Started by 48ford, June 24, 2008, 10:09:23 PM

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Is anyone going this weekend?
It's my yearly pilgrimage,so the same people I always go with will be going again.
The show was really off last year and I think it will be down even more this year.
but we always have a good time.


I'll be there Russ, of course its only a little 30 mile jaunt for me. I'll come look ya up! :D

Till we meet - On the street


Hi Mike,
We moved back up the hill this year.
We are staying at the Aurora Borealis.
Hope to see you again.


Quote from: "48ford"
The show was really off last year and I think it will be down even more this year.

Well Russ was right. I only seen one entry over 500. We meet up with friends from down state & would go regardless of how many vehicles are there. But It is a shame how motel greed has ruined this show.

I got lazy Russ and only made one trip up the hill around 2:30. I found your car....but not you :shock:

Till we meet - On the street


The show looked like it was going to get rained out ,but it was a wonderful day.
Less cars,less people. but we still had a good time.
Mike I seen your car downtown,but not you.
It's sad to see a good show go down like this one,but I will be back next year.