More bad news today..

Started by Dave, March 26, 2008, 07:16:30 PM

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brother in laws brain tumor from what the doctors tell them he has cancer but they didnt specify brain cancer :?:
Ill be damned if i know how they know this but they cant even check right now with a cat scan or anything like that but they gave him 2 years to live. * they have their first grand child on the way in about 7 months.. My sister in law told Sue she isnt surprised they way he hacked every morning when he woke up. Ya know all the years I smoked I never coughed in the morning when I woke up like everyone else seems to do.. I find that scary. I told Sue ill take the 20% heart damage and run with it instead of cancer and she told me I can snore in the easy chair at 8pm anytime i want. Thats what the meds do for you after a heart attack and i was told some people try changing and some just live with it and that was by my doctor.. Ill live with it.. Anyway  its a sad night here tonite..  I did work on the car just to keep my mind off of Mike and I got the new Holley today and its installed. I plumbed the new moon style tank to the radiator for a really over sized over flow modified the throttle cable and called it a night .. Ive got just a couple more things to do and im done and ready for a ride..
Dave :arrow:


*...that's not good.  Dave i feel your pain.
I need some good news too, A friend from work that had just retired had his wife die yesterday, last wek at this time she was fine....and a close friend had her son in law udergo an operation today to remove a quarter of his skull to try to let his brain swelling go down, he fell off a motorcycle last week, 60 feet from helmet.


Really sorry about the bad news,Dave.You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

No billet for this kid!


Dave ,
Sorry to here the bad news. Tell Sue and Mike that he is in our thoughts....



Sorry to hear that Dave, I'll be thinking of him.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Always sad to hear stuff like that, and we hear TOO much of it nowdays. That's why I didn't hesitate to retire at 60 when they offered me a deal I couldn't resisit - life's short and Y'never know.
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"


Sue took grandma up to see Mike tonite and he wanted to know where i was.. He asked about me hunting so he is a little off yet.. Sue told him i was working on my car and id see him tomorrow with pics  :!: They were going to move him to Chelsea hospital for speech therapy and thats where I was for cardiac rehab and the did want me to do speech therapy too but i got out of that.. They are really great there but now we have heard they want to send him to a home  :?: Thats not as good sign and were really down about that. I guess tomorrow we will know more but the home they want to send him too just isnt gonna help him speech wise like the hospital in Chelsea.. Another crummy day...... Ill be there for him tomorrow.. And when a guy comes he can go out for a smoke .. And yes he will.. Ill observe..
Dave :arrow:


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
just remember.....there is a reason they call what we do in the medical field a "practice"

I can't count the times I have heard "2 weeks to live" and the patient lives another 5-10 years.

hang tough Bro.

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Sorry to hear that--thoughts and prayers are on the way


I had a freind that passed a couple weeks ago from cancer, 12 years after they gave him 6 months to live.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

Old Tin Bill

This is very tough and I feel for you. I work part time in a funeral home and I would say that most of our decedents are victims of cancer, followed by heart problems.
Eight years ago I received a letter from my ex-wife saying my 28 year old son whom I had not seen in a long while, had terminal brain cancer. It was inoperable and they gave him 6 months.
I went to see him and found that his attitude was better than anyone could imagine given the situation. He refused to lie down, continued living the wild life, and would never discuss it. He had chemo and radiation and went through it all. I could see him suffering and felt for him but it would not stop him.
He will be 38 years old this summer and full of life. I firmly believe that the biggest thing you can do is have a positive attitude. Its not easy and those that do I admire.
Keep the faith my friend.


I was just thinking of updating this too.The brother in law has been checked checked again and rechecked and the only cancer they found is the brain cancer. They are pretty sure they got it all and he is getting radiation treatment now. He is really doing good and they hope to take him off from some of his meds for seizures and stuff..  Very interesting .. Good news though..
Dave :arrow:


Quote from: "jusjunk"I was just thinking of updating this too.The brother in law has been checked checked again and rechecked and the only cancer they found is the brain cancer. They are pretty sure they got it all and he is getting radiation treatment now. He is really doing good and they hope to take him off from some of his meds for seizures and stuff..  Very interesting .. Good news though..
Dave :arrow:

Good news Dave, at least I should say it's the best news you could expect. I wish the best for your bro in law and your whole family!


Thanks for the update. What good feelings to start the day with.GPster


That's good news Dave.

I had a close friend like OT Bill's son, when he finally succummed earlier this year, pretty much everybody aside from me and his wife was shocked because they had no idea he was ill.

I envy his attitude and approach and miss him a great deal.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.