Finally Big Olds' New Interior Adventure Post

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, December 11, 2007, 04:36:32 PM

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This post has been a long time in coming....literally like years!  Yep, it's taken exactly 6 years this month, and counting, to do everything on Big Olds to date.  The windows and interior were the latest in a long line of stuff that's gotten done lately (this summer)  

Not too long ago I flew to Austin, TX to pick up Big Olds from the South Austin Speed Shop where Sean, AKA:  FatLuckys had sewn another one of his magical interiors.  JohnJoyo who runs the shop picked me up at the airport and on the way to SASS we stopped and picked up beverages for the "début party".

Once we got to the shop parking lot I was warmly greeted by Casey and Norm who hadn't actually gone inside cuz they were waiting for me.  Norm promptly handed me a couple of gifts from VonFranco which I'd like to take this opportunity to thank him for.  I'm bummed you and Katie couldn't make the get-together but I certainly understand being very busy this time of year.  Thanks so much for the gifts.  I love'um and appreciate you thinking of me.

Casey chatting up MrFord (who works at the shop) and Norm in the background.

Sean was busy working on the boot when I arrived

Blake and his lovely wife with Norm

Sean continuing to work on the boot

The interior of a roadster that Sean just finished up

DW and Buzzard, do they look like twins or what

Me and Laura in the backseat.  This was my first time sitting on the new interior.

The front seat

DamitDave helping Sean fit the boot

While looking around the shop I found this box of Big Olds' old seat springs.  Sean did A LOT of work to make the old seat useable.

John taking a break from helping to chat with KevinS, Sean in the background STILL working on the boot.

MrFord giving Sean a hand

Skullcracker chatting with MrPizza guy, who brought boxes and boxes of pizza finger type food.   Everything was delicious, thanks so much.

First sit in the trunk

Sean working installing these little tabs which will hold the edge of the boot to the top when the top is down.

Blake, me and DW

Left to right
Ryan, Steve, Reggie and Kevin

This story is good.  So I board the plane in Chicago and sit next to a women.  During takeoff she asks me if I live in Austin and I tell her no that I was going there to pick up my 47 Olds and drive him back east.  She then tells me her and her husband own a '64 Mercedes and are into old sports cars.  We hit it off straight away and chatted cars for the complete 2 ½ plane ride.  I whipped out my laptop and showed her photos of Big Olds and some event coverages.  She was really into it.  By the end of the trip I invited her and her Austin friend who she was visiting, to come to the shop and hang out with us.  Guess what, they came!  Drank beer and had a blast!  I made two new friends and plan on calling Amy when I'm in town for the RoundUp.
Margo (my plane mate), me and Amy (who she was visiting in Austin)

Reggie, first guy in the backseat of Big Olds.  At this point I still hadn't sat on the front seat cuz it wasn't mounted to the floor yet.

The donut guys cut their poker game short to come see the interior

I took a walk outside to get some fresh air, check out some of the rides in the parking lot and chat with some pals.

Back inside the shop, DamitDave is explaining the truck that helped build the shop and how now the shop is going to be building the truck.  Cool story

JohnJoyo's Merc truck with a FatLuckys interior

Neat little Falcon

A couple of other projects

A shot of the trunk AND Sean in the background still working

Reggie, me and Norm

First sit on the front seat
LuxBlue, Me and MrFord

So MrFord is telling me about the speakers that they installed up under the dash for me so I stick my camera under there and take a snapshot.  I view the photo and ask "What's this blue thing under my dash?"  We all start laughing...."someone" left a flashlight up under there.

Once the flashlight was removed....Looking forward to listening to music in Big Olds.  It's been a long 72,000 miles without a stereo, that's for sure.

Jesse's Merc in front of Big Olds.  His headliner is almost installed and I believe he was up next for a complete FatLuckys interior

At this point Casey had to head out BUT not before he did a burnout....

...then I got a call from Megan and as I'm chatting with her, Casey does a donut.

Sean STILL working

Dave taken a break

The work crew
Sean, me, Dave, John, Mark.  
I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank the guys for such an outstanding job on the interior.  I know I said it over and over but I really can't thank you enough for making me so happy.  Sean's design suits Big Olds better then I could ever have imagined and the quality of the workmanship is like nothing I have ever seen.  John was so easy to work with.  He knows how to successful communicate with his customers.  He listens and actually hears what you are saying.  He's a true asset to the South Austin Speed Shop.  I'd also like to thank Mark and Dave.  Without your help I realize the completed timeframe might not have happened.  I really appreciate your dedication to getting the project done on time.  You guys are all the best and I'm so proud to have had you work on Big Olds.  

From the bottom of my heart...THANK YOU!

I'd also like to thank all my Texas friends who made the effort to come to the shop and see Sean's lastest creation and support Big Olds.  Means the world to me that you took the time during this busy holiday season and I love you guys for it.  xoxox

So it's getting late.  John and I decide it's time to head to his place.  Dave and Mark are going to stay and help Sean finish up.  I'm leaving first thing in the morning in Big Olds.

Once at his place he gives me the nickel tour.  LOTS of cool original artwork on the walls.  Thanks for putting me up bud.  I appreciate the hospitality.

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Next morning we loaded up Big Olds, I said my goodbyes and I headed for Dallas.  I had big plans for lunch.  

It was a beautiful day for a topless cruz

I arrived at Big Ken's workplace

And had the pleasure of Santa being my first passenger.

We headed over to a BBQ place.  I was excited when we pulled into the parking lot as I recognized the place from a BBQ special on TV.  My mouth started watering before I even got out of the car.

Huge line when we stepped inside but the guy behind the counter yelled for Santa to step to the front and he took our order right away.

The BEST BBQ sandwich I have ever had, bar none.....and trust me when I tell ya I've had PLENTY of BBQ in my life.

Thanked Ken for the yummy lunch and bid farewell.  I had a little girl to surprise.

I had asked Danny if I could stop by Danyelle's school and surprise her since I knew I was going to be kinda close.  I mean, after all I was in Texas, how could I not see my Dirty little Princess right?

I pulled into the parking lot and just by chance she was walking into the building with her class and spotted me before I could even turn Big Olds.  What a great sound when a child screams your name with joy.  I couldn't park Big Olds fast enough and she ran into my arms.  The teacher allowed me to take and show her the new interior.  She loves pretending she's driving.

Hugged and kissed her goodbye then walked her back inside to her teacher.  It was wonderful seeing her and being able to spend a few minutes together.  Of course it wasn't long enough BUT I think it will be something that she fondly remembers for a long time.  I know I will cuz it's really the little things that matter the most.

Next stop, DOC.'s place in Shreveport, LA.  

I let myself in cuz he was at work.  He's got the coolest home I've ever been in.

The foyer

The "formal" living room

The "formal" dining room

Upstairs in the HAMB art lounge

The rest of his place is pretty amazing as well but more personal so I'll take you guys to the garage.

On the very far right is his Chevy.  

On top of the Chevy is the LunerLander

In the middle is the '33

And on top of the '33 is a FED

On the left is one of two Vipers

I had a very relaxing evening at DOC.'s place, it's a beautiful home and I'd just like to thank him for his hospitality.

Sadly left early in the AM as I had miles to make if I was going to be at my next stop in a timely fashion.  Headed north out of Shreveport and it wasn't long before I was at the Arkansas boarder.

It was kinda a chilly, long ride to Memphis.  By lunchtime I was pulling into HotRodA's work parking lot.  It was wonderful seeing him.  I think it'd been about 18 months since we hung out together.

We headed to the other side of the city...

Which was in Memphis, TN (Bills work was in AR)

We headed guessed it, a BBQ joint for lunch.  It was delicious.  We sat, chatted and got caught up with each others lives.  It was wonderful seeing you Bill and having the opportunity to talk.  Thank you for lunch.  I really enjoyed myself.  I wish I could have stayed longer.

It was a cold, dark, wet drive to Mike's (AKA Earl Schieb) place in Hartsville, TN which is located about 40 miles northeast of Nashville.  Lucky for me he had his fireplace going.  I crawled into my PJ's and we sat around for hours and chatted.

For those that are late to the game, Earl Schieb is the one who did the body and paint work on Big Olds the winter of 2004/2005.  He's an awesome guy, my best bud and I owe the quality of the build on Big Olds to him.  He does fantastic work, a true craftsman.  

The next afternoon we took Big Olds over to his shop.  A few projects sitting out front that can't even fit behind the fence now that the projects are overflowing.

Mike picked this up in Montana a couple of years ago.  This one would make a GREAT family cruiser

Mike's got a soft spot for Caddys.  This one is in wonderful shape.

This one, not so good.  I think he said it was a parts car

I did not do out to the back 40 and take any shots of the other "projects" as it was cold and rainy BUT there will be many trips back and forth from Detroit to Hartsville in the next few months, along with detailed stories so I'll fill you guys in on the others projects as time, and weather, permits.

For those that haven't seen the inside of Mike's place, the lounge area is really cool.  Needs some cleaning and I'll hopefully have a chance to help out in that department this winter.

What you see when you first walk in his front door

And if you look to the right alittle.  The main shop area is located behind the large overhead door behind Mike's desk

And when you walk in the front door and look directly to your left there is another shop area and this is where we pulled Big Odsl into.

Mike has a thing for sign's, neon, wood, canvas, whatever.  Actually he has a thing for stuff

In front of Big Olds is Mike's lastest creation which will be a running, driving car at the Detroit Autorama in March.  

Another project in the works

This Caddy is so close to being done

I spent a lot of time in this room when I was hanging out at the shop the winter Big Olds was being painted.  

Being here brought back lots of great memories

Spent A LOT of time in front of these books trying to determine what color I wanted to paint Big Olds.  The paperclip I used to mark the page once I found the color is still there.  Sappy I know.

I then proceed to go over Big Olds with Mike and show him the interior.

Yeah, I know, I need new, flashy seatbelts

Speakers are located under back seat and covered with this cool cloth.

I guess I really need to make a bag or something to slide my donut in.

I love the details

The thing on the right is the fuse box

We then made a punch list of everything that needed to be done before the beginning of March.  The list kept getting longer and longer.  Lots of little things that I needed help with AND a lot of really HUGE things that I knew I couldn't even begin to accomplish without Mike's help and guidance.  

In my world if I can do something on Big Olds I do it, or try BUT if I don't feel I have the needed skills to perform the task to the quality that it needs to be done, then I leave it to the experts.  Mike allows me to do what I can.  I have welded, used a plasma cutter, torch, block sanded till my fingers cramped. I primed, painted and cleared pieces on Big Olds BUT in no way would I ever take credit for actually building Big Olds.  I feel like I'm kinda the general contractor and I've gathered the folks in the business that I feel are best suited to help on Big Olds.  

I will be spending a lot of time in Mike's shop over the next couple of months and will continue to update the HAMB on the build process in my own story telling way.  If I feel something might fit the tech-ish mold I'll try to do it that way instead of including all the personal stuff as well.

Anyway, it was getting late and we were getting hungry so off to dinner we went guessed it....a BBQ joint!  Yep, my HAMB pals who know me well know I love my BBQ.  Had a wonderful meal and unbenounced to Mike I told the waitress alittle white lie and told her it was his birthday and she brought him out dessert.  I was bummed they didn't sing to him.

In the morning Mike drove me to the airport in Nashville (that's a story in itself but I'm not getting into it) and off I went knowing in my heart that Big Olds is safe and happy and spending time with someone who cares about him and making him the best possible car he can be.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Larry AKA: OldBobSign for all his help and guidance this past summer.  Without his help with the top bows and "new" seat installation, Big Olds never would have been ready to take to the South Austin Speed Shop and therefore would not have gotten his new interior which started the whole ball rolling in this next stage of completion.

I'd also like to thank Chris AKA: 62Wagon for cutting me all the new glass from the old glass patterns I had.  It was very much appreciated sweetie.

I hope Big Odls latest adventure story was worth the wait.  Sorry it took so long to post but sometimes life gets in the way and even with the best of intentions stuff happens.  

I can finally see the light at the end of the Big Olds tunnel build and it's a bright light and I'm thrilled.  It's going to be a very Merry Christmas in my world this year.

Happy Holidays to each and every one of you.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Way to go Denise......"Big O" is in far better shape than the first time I saw it......NO TOP, NO INTERIOR, NO PAINT....   ...and thanks for the pictures and the story.....    Do you ever NOT smile ?????    You are one of the people that I am glad I had a chance to meet.   I loved the story and pictures, I could almost get the same feelings that you had and I was not there.     Take care and drive that car with care.........see you on the road.


1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


Looks great,Denise! Have a wonderful holiday.
No billet for this kid!


The car looks great!  Say Hi to everyone at home for us.
L & S


Denise, I've followed your Olds from the time it was being started in Rodders Digest, loved it then and love it even more now.  The new interior looks fantastic.

The best part is, you drive the wheels off of that car.  :D   It seems that I see pictures of it at events all over the place.  It couldn't have ended up in better hands. The gentleman who started it (was his name Steve?) would be proud.



Sounds like your holiday was almost as much fun as mine.

It would have been funner had to taken me for the ride you promised.

maybe I gotta come back next year to park  my carcase on those gorgeous seats.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Hey friend, nice job! Mike has been keeping me up to date on your progress. Will you be back in Tn. over the holidays or for Frosty Wheelsin Jan? We could probably arrange some southern home cooking at the Midgett home.
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!

Ohio Blue Tip

Looks real good, thanks for all the pictures.
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



'32 3W

I write novels, too.


Very Nice Denise!!!!!  You and the car have come a long way.  Inspires me to buy the ragtop my wife wants.


Thank everyone for the kudos.  Yes, Big Olds has come along way since Steve Hendrickson (Just Steve here on the RRT....RIP)  started him in the pages of Rodder's Digest in Aug of 1992 I believe.  I'm very proud of the way he's turned out and I know Steve is looking down upon him and is as proud as I am.

Carps, all you would have had to do was hop outta that roadster or Chevy you were always cruzn around in and come ride with me.  Next time for sure.....there is always room in Big Olds for an Aussie piece of *. :shock:

Leon, folks said "hi" back at ya.  Hi to Sharon from me.  Megan and I will be out for the GNRS in Jan, you going??

CQQl33, that picture brings back alot of good memories.  Thanks for posting.

Quote from: "papastoyss"Will you be back in Tn. over the holidays or for Frosty Wheelsin Jan? We could probably arrange some southern home cooking at the Midgett home.

For sure the weekend after Christmas.  I'm hoping to be able to stay thru New Years day if my boss will give me the 31st off without pay as I am out of vacation time.  In any event, dinner sounds WONDERFUL.  I'd love to see if you've added anything to your "toy" collections.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Lookin' good D :!:

you and Big Olds have come a long way 8)

glad the TX boys were good to ya :D

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****