Started by Dave, October 25, 2007, 06:53:34 PM

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I scrapped the hunt tonite cause of the really windy conditions but i did make an effort to drive to the hunt grounds fore i called it a night.  Oh ya i missed one last night.. I got home and sue was mulching leaves with the mower and showed me the tracks the neighbor left in the yard pulling his float boat out  :?:  :?:  I wondered why he drove thru my yard cause he never did that in the past.  :?:  I went to the garage and did a couple things on the roadster while sue was mowing . I heard the mower stop and i walked out back and sue was talking to the neighbor. Thats when it hit me.. Someone stole the * float boat :!:  Its right by my bedroom winder too :?:  Of course we dont look in the morning so we dont know if it was there when we went to work or not..  This sucks .. First my tools and now the neighbors boat  :!:  Its insured so he is good we think  :?:  But once again its the violation factor. Ive never forgot the break in here and if it ever happens again I sire hope im home....... :)
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


Wow is right. How brave do you have to be to do some of the things we hear about. If they have no fear of being caught, what has happened to let them be that fearless?

wayne petty

the only thing to do is to video tape everything

these will hook to a conventional vcr...
or even a time lapse vcr.

some of their cameras see really in near total darkness...

digtital video recorder cards can be had for cheep and will make an older pc work  for you... be sure you get one with an analog video input.. not all have them... under 100 bucks.. most have at least 4 camera inputs and recored directly to the hard drive..

my friend had cameras for years...  the local gang just tormented him..  talking tv and other valuables and calling him to thank him for them... one day he can me home from a day digging foundations and watched the time lapse... the local fire deparment had put up their ladders and gone over the 8 foot fence and made the rounds in his back yard... they found his 300 gallon propane tank that had need converted to diesel fuel for the truck and trenchers. the dipped the tank and wrote it down... the next day they came knocking.. and damaded entry as he was illegaly storing diesel fuel... he let them in and followed ... the walked through  the maze  of storage right to the tank and dipped it...
and then dipped it again... and again.. then out came the flash lights...looking into the tank..  it was empty...  they were mad... but they left ...  video does work...

on some systems  you can even watch it remotely with a web connection...


What the h*** is wrong with people anymore??????? All these breakins, cars being stolen, etc.   We are starting to really talk seriously about ways to theft proof our shop, like an alarm system, running big chain through all the welders and equipment, etc.

We had 4 cars stolen from our Condo parking lot a few weeks ago, and one day a few months ago I heard a loud banging.  I thought someone was slamming a door on another condo, so I went out to tell them to close the door easy.  I found my neighbors door kicked in, and when I ran to get my cell phone some black kid comes running out and tears down the stairs.

The courts have got to start putting these people away for much longer periods.


wayne petty

those are low tech crooks... hi tech ones can walk through you door in under 10 seconds and lock it when they leave with just a modified key and a small object like a screwdriver or hammer......

there are hanging door alarms......  little boxes with a loop of wire that hangs on the inside door knob... somebody touches the outside knob and it goes off... it does have a slide switch on the box to shut it off... but you cannot do it with out making it ring...  i tried for years... mom had one...people that came up the front porch and tryed the knob. many ran away...even the ones with a big pipe wrench...they left marks...

if you want instructions on how to pick proof your door locks pm me... most can.. i think i posted it in the throne room a while back...

if parking garages are being broken into.... the remote codes need to be changed... and the parking lot doors secured..secured as in making sure the locks do lock.. and are not modified or rigged to open later...

the crooks break into a car and steal a remote..  better than keys...they can drive in like a tennant..

when i lived a little further south in los angeles.. koreatown to be exact.. the apartment building next door had to have a guard most of the night...
the people on the next block had a strip shop (no cutting tools)  when the cops busted them they had the parts to 30 differnt cars in there...

one guy had a 200sx with three alarms on it...  he used to chirp the alarms every night till 2 am..  he said that someone had tryed to steel his windshield...and those are glued in...

kill switches work... those green knob battery disconnect switches work... especially if only the starter power is cut... that way all the electronics are not cut...

a switch on the fuel pump circut really works well... since most of them run for a foot or so out in the open where the rear harness is plugged in under the dash... sorry rodders this is mostly on fuel injected new cars...

a 1970 ford dimmer switch mounted up high under the carpet is a good place to hide it...( ford dimmer switches a have the terms a bit farther apart them gm switches..) do mount them on a plastic insulator..just in case...(a soft plastic can lid)


Shoot em'.
Not dead, though. Then drag them to where no one can see, and
beat them for a while. Then, shoot them again. Maybe a couple more times. Killing them would just depend on the situation, and the caliber
used, area of entry, etc.

My 2cents
Do not spoil what you have, by desiring what you
have not.
Remember, what you have now was once among
the things you only hoped for !


Quote from: "Choptop"Shoot em'.
Not dead, though. Then drag them to where no one can see, and
beat them for a while. Then, shoot them again. Maybe a couple more times. Killing them would just depend on the situation, and the caliber
used, area of entry, etc.

My 2cents
Sounds about right

wayne petty

thats a terrable idea....

the district attorneys and the poiice departments have a lot of time on their hands.. and love to prosacute anything... makes them feel good.

alarms.. cell phoones... video cameras... tiny things in locks to stop them from being picked... do not intercede... these fools have guns..... and knifes...and friends on the look out... they dont plan on living til they reach 30.. or even 25 as that is how old their freinds lived to.

they also like revenge.,....they live in's their whole life...

you mess with a home boy and they mess with you....dont do it....

only if you life depends on it.,,.. or somebody can be replaced.. you are dead or living in prison a long time....

they are also bored... i was at the orignal tommy hambergers (beverly blvd and rampart ) on friday night a few years ago... a member of the local high school football team said to his friends ( I'm bored.. lets go di o a drive by)" that's a shooting as some unsuspecting person or gang member'


Wayne, as usual your advise is very good but sometimes the way the system deals with these guys just doesn't seem like enough.  

We've been having a lot of break-ins in the area that the M.O. indicated that it was probably the same people doing a lot of them.  In a couple of cases people in their homes were pistol whipped.  My neighbor was one of the victims and there was plenty of evidence that the police didn't even pursue.  They said that even if they could match fingerprints, tire tracks, and dropped personal items, the courts wouldn't do much.  The jails and prisons are overcrowded so people doing robbery and breakins are not considered bad enough to put away for very long....if at all.  Knowing that, the cops don't have a heck of a lot of incentive to pursue these guys.  Heck, there are local news stories about the shortage of jail space and they basically say that unless you do a very violent crime you probably won't recieve jail time.

My neighbor found a lot of his stuff at a local pawn shop and got the ID's of the people that sold it but no one cared.  Finally a sympathetic cop checked these guys out and they were known meth heads with a huge record of breakins and such.  The cops planted a decoy trailer loaded with ATV's and sure enough, these guys grabbed it.  They were followed to their house where cops found a meth lab, lots of meth ready to sell, and a garage full of stuff that was tracked back to many of the break-ins.  This was over a year ago and the guys haven't gone to jail yet and probably never will.

It's hard to accept a world where people can violently intrude on our lives without serious consequences.  That's why Choptop's post sounded right on to me.  But you're right about the consequences of doing that Wayne.  

The bad guys are getting badder and out of control.  These people are our resident terrorists.

phat rat

George, I had a breakin way back in 71 and the cops were just as bad. I found some of the stuff myself. A few months later they found the guys somehow and I got my coins back, well some of them,  I've always figured the ones I didn't get back the cops took. Why? The only ones missing, 5 of them, were from the late 1800's. I had some newer ones that I figured had some value and those were recovered.  It was young guys and they never even spent the newer ones
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Maybe it's time once again to demand our elected leaders actually DO something about it, instead of just * in the wind as they do.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Your mistake may be in thinking the elected official and the meth-head have different goals. In both cases it's to clean out the working class guy. So in a way their on the same team.


Quote from: "wayne petty"
a switch on the fuel pump circut really works well... since most of them run for a foot or so out in the open where the rear harness is plugged in under the dash... sorry rodders this is mostly on fuel injected new cars...

a 1970 ford dimmer switch mounted up high under the carpet is a good place to hide it...( ford dimmer switches a have the terms a bit farther apart them gm switches..) do mount them on a plastic insulator..just in case...(a soft plastic can lid)

Great idea, Wayne. When I go to the parts store, ask for any moel Ford from 1970?

I plan on using the VATS that is built into my system, but a switch on the fuel line would be some extra insurance.

'48 Chevy Custom sedan in progress-Z28 LT1 drivetrain, chopped, shortened, too many other body mods to list
'39 Chevy driver