I'd Give My Left Arm For A Roadster - Almost Did

Started by Grandadeo, October 23, 2007, 07:40:18 PM

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Looks like 5 years and 50 some thousand miles has taken its tole on me.  Yup, skin cancer.  The good Dermo took a hefty chunk of my left arm just above the elbow and left me with about 2 inches of stitches.  Got the biopsy results back and they have to take some more out of the same area plus take some meat from my left elbow.  Now I know its not just from roadster driving.  Its 60 years of being out in the sun.  But when I've got my arm hanging out of the '32 I never think to put sunscreen on it.  I'll coat my face and neck but figure my arms don't need it.  Boy was I wrong.  So Boys and Girls, if your driving or swap meeting - Lather Up.  I will be from know on.  We don't need another one eared roadster driver out there.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


If you look  closely ...  everyone in the photo has short sleeves ... and some even have on short pants ... NOT ME ...  8)

I ALWAYS have on a long sleeve shirt and long pants ...
Wear a hat at the rod runs and swap meets too ...

Hope they got it all ...Skin cancer can KILL ...  :x
RETIRED.....no phone, no work and No money  :?


Where it was is probabaly from your arm in the sun but I think the tendancy for skin cancer is heredity. I have had it (eight years ago )and my mother and one of my brothers are fair skined and are on the watch it all the time. Mine showed up in the center of my back and I'm hardly ever without a shirt. Mine was just a dot about the size of a pencil eraser but they took a piece of skin about the size and shape of a football. Because it was in the center when they did the check the dye went both ways so they removed the nodes from both armpits. One word of caution. Pay extra for the long sleeve "T"shirts that atletes use. The cheap shirts get hot when you have to wear them in the sun. GPster


Sorry to hear that Lee.  It can turn your world upside down when they say cancer.  I hope they got all of it and you will be around for a long time to come.

You can always move back up north.  We pretty much keep our shirts on outside about 8 months of the year. :wink:


I've been much more aware of sun exposure since my dad, a farmer, dealt with skin cancer for years. He had to go to a dermatologist for checkups every six months. The other reason I don't wear shorts is because I don't want people accusing me of shaving my legs. LOL!
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


Quote from: "Grandadeo"Looks like 5 years and 50 some thousand miles has taken its tole on me.  Yup, skin cancer.  The good Dermo took a hefty chunk of my left arm just above the elbow and left me with about 2 inches of stitches.  Got the biopsy results back and they have to take some more out of the same area plus take some meat from my left elbow.  Now I know its not just from roadster driving.  Its 60 years of being out in the sun.  But when I've got my arm hanging out of the '32 I never think to put sunscreen on it.  I'll coat my face and neck but figure my arms don't need it.  Boy was I wrong.  So Boys and Girls, if your driving or swap meeting - Lather Up.  I will be from know on.  We don't need another one eared roadster driver out there.

Lee, I'm glad you caught it early. I had a chunk of my shoulder removed for the same reason a couple of years ago. I thank God that I haven't had any reoccurance, since. Fred


QuoteThe other reason I don't wear shorts is because I don't want people accusing me of shaving my legs. LOL!

And just what is wrong with shaving your legs??? Some of my favorie people shave their legs!! My wife for one. Dave for another. :oops:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Another item to watch is those skin  moles , skin tags .... when they change  shape , go dark from a light color..  I've buried a few friends where the cancer started with moles..

IF a skin mole changes color , gets painful , changes in shape - size.... go to a skin cancer doctor!

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)