So im not happy lately..

Started by Dave, September 18, 2007, 07:36:50 PM

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Ive been up to my elbows in stuff here.. im glad i went to the kzoo show and im also glad I could help out denise.. Ya see im not that bad of a guy  :lol: I got the harley back labor day weekend although not finished and sue and i rode to auburn ,indiana to the car auction and had a great time and rob and deb caught us so it was even better yet bsing with them..  Ok back to the bike.. after all the bs getting parts they mucked up and the painted stuff (bags fairing trunk) were for a ultra instead of a classic.. That meant i had extre holes in the fender for a ultra classic badge and extra holes in the trunk for speakers.. I told em put er together i wanna ride :!:  So we ride.. last week i decided to investigate the rear speakers for the sound system and found a really good deal (egay).. I ordered the stuff and it came in a couple days ago.. I got the speaker pods mounted just before kzoo and stopped..  Show time........ Last night i finished the pods and then  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  I had the fairing propped up to put the fron speakers in ( ya gotta change the fronts out for the rears) when the fairing fell to the floor... Ok a little scuff.. I got the job finished although the screws for the rear speaker pods are half stripped and im debating what to do  there then i take the protective rag off the fender and * its got a dent..  Now im *.. Frank remember the dark cloud..  I didnt even sleep last night and ive been having trouble for 2 months sleeping so great i need this..  Anyway tonite i played with the wires in the fairing and they all have connectors that hook somewhere and none of em are hooked .. For hanging purposes.. I remember when i put the oil temp gauge in to replace the stupid air temp and i had it done and back together in 1/2 hour .. I havent yet got the fairing to go back together right..  So im a lil embarassed about my screw up but then again im finding too much wrong here ..  Then the other deal .. right before i picked it up they wanted more money (insert nice guy crap again) I asked what the balance was and the said 4,110 .. I got em a cashiers check then i realised beacuse the turned some after the fact stuff into the insurance co i only owed 3, 33.37 .. I havent got any money back yet and the mufflers that they said were just like the ones i had  absolutely suck....... Sorry Tony but I can hear the gold wings radios going the other way... (Just in fun dude)
Ive been laying a little low cause ive been pretty busy this week but about next week the s&*T is gonna hit the circular... Its like Jesse ..... Pay UP SUCKER.... I hope it an easy deal.......
Oh ya I did work on the roadster tonite too.


Quote from: "jusjunk"So im not happy lately..

So when are you happy.... :wink:

Are you going to get that tattoo on the palm of your hand like Jesse has?


Not to make lite of your plight but, those of you with really good memories might remember that I mentioned that I was racing against 2 clocks on my 32. One that is weather related and the other was a friend that is dying from cancer. A week ago on saturday he hobbled over here to see all the parts in person that I have been emailing him pics of since I started at the end of May. Yesterday he passed away. Friday I get the privilege of being a pallbearer. That is one of my least favorite things to do in this world but out of respect for him and his family, I'm honored at the request. I'm not asking for sympathy. He and I shared a common thought of how life is. He got to life 70 years which is far more than lots of people do. I'm just tired of losing friends. Dave, try to be calm. I'm sure you will get this resolved without having to lose your temper. When it's over, it's just one more test to see if we're tough enough to make it to the end and not be crazy.


Quote from: "kb426"Not to make lite of your plight but, those of you with really good memories might remember that I mentioned that I was racing against 2 clocks on my 32. One that is weather related and the other was a friend that is dying from cancer. A week ago on saturday he hobbled over here to see all the parts in person that I have been emailing him pics of since I started at the end of May. Yesterday he passed away. Friday I get the privilege of being a pallbearer. That is one of my least favorite things to do in this world but out of respect for him and his family, I'm honored at the request. I'm not asking for sympathy. He and I shared a common thought of how life is. He got to life 70 years which is far more than lots of people do. I'm just tired of losing friends. Dave, try to be calm. I'm sure you will get this resolved without having to lose your temper. When it's over, it's just one more test to see if we're tough enough to make it to the end and not be crazy.

I hear you
Last week we buried a friend of mine that was 66 and was diagnosed 14 months ago
Although he was 25 years older than me I still had a close connection with him
Every spring he'd come into the shop at work after returning from Arizona and say "Jezz Jeff I sat there all winter waiting for you to show up"
Dave, everytime the sedan * me off (which has been alot lately)
I sit back and think about all the people that won't ever get the chance to do what I'm taking for granted.
Doesn't seem so bad after that


Dont worry im not gonna shoot my self or anything like that 8)  I did get a good nite sleep last night. I guess my rambling was more along the lines that id sure wish my luck would change.. Im hoping to run down town after work and get the lamp for the headlight and just maybe ill get the fairing to go back on properly and ill go for a ride.. I did work on the roadster for a bit last night after the bike made me mad and at least i didnt screw anything up on that :!:  Id like to start on the body this weekend but first I have a few items to finish up on the frame. Nothing big but it all takes time. Thinking back I almost wish id have just flat blacked the thing. I wouldnt have to worry about nice shiney paint that way  :lol:  Nah thats the easy way out............


Man, sounds like frustration! You gotta quit! I have a cure!
Sometime when I'm not mindful of whats happening, I change the station on my shop radio and listen to a "softer kind of music!" Whats that, you don't have music playing in your shop? Then, consider taking the thing you are most * at and give it to me!
It seems as though the grass is always greener! If you had my tools and shop space (about the size of a closet!) you would puke every time you wanted to do something, I don't let it stop me! I'm going to mess things up anyhow!



So who are you, Sneezy?

My wife told me" cheer up things could be worse". So I cheered up, and sure enough, they got worse. :shock:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"So who are you, Sneezy?

My wife told me" cheer up things could be worse". So I cheered up, and sure enough, they got worse. :shock:

Good Frank....... I put the bike back together tonite and went for about a 15 minute ride to test the radio .. Works good . Dunno if it was worth almost 375 bucks but it works..  Remember our kinda short conversation on setting camber on a 4 bar..  :?:  Well I decided to have at it tonite and it went well ..
Im at about 6 degrees and when the rear of the car comes down some from the body weight i should be good..  I figure it will add a degree or so but the front may settle too. So easy a cave man could do it.. But my fender still has a dent on the bike.....