Hotrod reunion

Started by slocrow, June 18, 2007, 06:06:22 PM

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Here's some memories................
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Coming Mother..........
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


I'm getting there.......
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Thats all folks................Thanks for thr band width Frank's
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Trucked Up

Made it this weekend for the first time. It won't be my last.... :D  :D  :D
I wonder how it would feel "to wake up" one day as opposed "to come too"


Looks like you had a good time. Did you take the coop?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Looks like you had a good time. Did you take the coop?
Yup, it was nice. I kind of forgot how loud those rails/diggers were/are. And what a bunch of geezer gassers.
I did run the 32 down with a friend. I only attended Sat & Sun as hotel space was somewhat limited and I can only watch so long. We took 77 down and then West on 70 to the track. A much cleaner ride then that I-71 race track.
It was my first reunion and compared to a GG like show, less vendors, enough show & shiners and tons of participants. Surprisingly there was even a large contingent of spectators, something I usually don't see much of at the local strips.
Watching was cool but that same old feeling of needing to slam a gear came over me as I sat in the noon day sun.
The "Cacklefest" was a little different this year I'm told. All of the cars were paraded (towed/pushed) down the return road the wrong way, entered the track at a turn out and then the gasser types were angle parked on the track facing the pits starting at the start line. At a signaled time they all started up and free revved.
The rails, which had lined up in the shut down area facing the start line direction were pushed started one by one. Once fired they drove up the track while free revving, turned out at the starting area and once again preceded down the return road but this time under their own power.
As you might be able to tell I was on the fence for the passing. Sure glad I had ear plugs in and the exhaust wind was blowing hats off.
Garlits' digger, rear ended by Ivo car: First off, I didn't see it happen but did hear a story. After their live running on the track & return road, the rails were shutting down about 1/8 or more down the road from the start. In front of the major grandstands, I think. I was still up at the start area when I saw a large argumentative commotion between officials and "Big" himself. I've got film! He was madder then a wet hen and all finally left in golf carts heading to the pits to find the perpetrator, who had turned out early ( I saw that and didn't know why, then) avoiding the return road run.
It was an orange (I saw pieces) Ivo car that did the rear ending but based on my above pics I don't think Tommy was the driver as he appears in the silver rail.
As I got the story, the Garlits push car, that was following Don, pulled out to pass Don and four other participants for reasons unknown. Maybe a "power park" move. Once the push truck was gone the Ivo driver claimed to have no visual reference to what was directly in front and low. Seems plausible to me. The Ivo hitter car was behind Garlits according to my pics but the silver rail was in-between. I don't know how or where things changed order. I'm not sure exactly where the accident happened either. It was most likely the track area, hence the Ivo car turning out early and heading back to the pits. Anyway, that's all I know about that.
I'll probably attend next year too as it is different and a lot of fun................Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Dave McClelland of Drag Racing Announcing Fame frequents a drag racing board I am a member, the following are his comments on the incident:

To all,

Though I had already left before the incident occurred, my information is that Ivo was the driver of the car.

When I did the introductions, Tommy was driving the "Barnstormer" car...but due to mechanical problems with that car, he moved over to the restored "Last Front Engined Car" for the fireup. That was the car and driver that collided with Garlits.

Just an effort to set it straight. Thanks goodness it wasn't worse.

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The Back of BIGS car

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