update on my uncle

Started by KustomLincolnLady, May 14, 2007, 09:35:10 PM

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well, some of you have seen the post about my uncle in the "who's going to coldwater " thread

thanks everyone for the well wishes.
sat we decided late to go to coldwater, he didn't have any set backs and figured we'd come for a while.

I was going to post today but wanted to wait till we visited tonight. Yesterday his heart stopped and restarted on its own, but he now has pneumonia due to the ventalator tube being in so long, and his fever spiked also. so I was hoping to have better news tonight

and I do somewhat, they took him off the ventalator today but he coudn't breath on his own so he is back on it. they changed his drugs and he is opening his eyes a bit now. they are going to try to take him off the ventalator in 2 more days. he is agitated by it, so thats a good sign.

please keep him and the family in your prayers, we could sure use them, he is in pretty bad shape and its going to be a long recovery period, but it would be awful to lose dad and his brother within 4 mos of each other  :cry:

Thanks everyone, you guys and gals are the best


Debb,  I missed the post about your uncle, I will put you all in my prayers.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Were still praying for ya here Debb.. Man that tube can be a *. I dont remember anything at all but i wouldnt breathe on my own either . I had pneumonia before i had the heart attack. Hopefully he will get that thing out and start breathing on his own..


Debb, my thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family.  Please continue with your updates on your uncle's condition.



I'm also keeping your Uncle in my thoughts and prayers.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Continued prayers and well wishes for both you and your Uncle.....Getting agitated usually means getting better....Let's hope so!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "40"Continued prayers and well wishes for both you and your Uncle.....Getting agitated usually means getting better....Let's hope so!

Hey, good news, improving a bit each day. sat he asked what happened!!!

he's still on the ventalator but they gave him a tracheotomy so he is much more comfortable. drain tube came out of his chest sat and they took the neck collar off also. he is so much more comfortable. they were going to try to take him off the vent again today.

He has been trying to tell us something and we can't understand him, so last night they brought up a board with magnetic letters hoping he could tell us!! his right had is hurt and he can't write, tried with his left but its pretty slow going. we left before they all came out of icu last night so we don't know if it worked or not. I'm going to call up after the last visit tonight, hes starting to get more people so we decided to take a break tonight, you can only visit for a few mins and others that haven't been up yet can get a turn.

i was so thrilled to see him sunday we missed sat due to being out of town and i couldn't believe the improvement since fri night!!!!!

they think another week or more in ICU at this point but i think he will be ok, just a long road ahead!  Thanks for all your prayers :)


Great News!He sounds like a tough old bird  :P We'll continue to pray for a speedy recovery!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"