Got Gas??

Started by KustomLincolnLady, May 02, 2007, 03:12:18 PM

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$3.65 a gallon to put gas in the 54! and I'm getting ready for a 6000 mile trip.  I must be nuts!


Quote from: "Leon"$3.65 a gallon to put gas in the 54! and I'm getting ready for a 6000 mile trip.  I must be nuts!

Well lemme guess 6000 miles your gonna be outta california and into states where the gas is gonna be a little cheaper..
Dave :wink:


$3.19 at the station on the corner.

No matter what the price I don't think it will stop me from attending the out of state events BUT I can see me changing from attending 4 cruz nites per week down to one or two and I will probabley spend more time gardening, bike riding, scrapbooking, and general house stuff.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"$3.19 at the station on the corner.

No matter what the price I don't think it will stop me from attending the out of state events BUT I can see me changing from attending 4 cruz nites per week down to one or two and I will probabley spend more time gardening, bike riding, scrapbooking, and general house stuff.

I missed the Brooklyn cruise last night and i did drive by there and it was packed. Sue and I took her mother out for her 81'st Birthday.. Had a real nice dinner and was home about 8:30.. Tonite brooklyn has another cruise down the street at a bar and eats joint . Its a bike hot rod deal. Sue checked with me about 2 hours ago and asked if we were gonna ride the harley down :?: Got me thinking.. The coupe is about outta gas and i really dont want to fill it up tonite  :twisted:  Im thinking bike night. I need to investigate this new cruise anyway.. By the way next weekend is coldwater.. who is going??? Were gonna go one day and i think sue is gonna go to ft wayne while im at the show.


Let's face it, they have us where they want us.  It could go to $ 6.00 a gallon, and we would have no choice but to buy it.  As for a boycott, one day or one month wouldn't hurt them one bit, and they know the very next day we would be back in to fill back up.

We are an oil dependant world, and if we were really concerned about the cost we wouldn't be driving huge SUV's and hot rods.  We would all be in one of the hybrids or riding a motorbike.

That little game they play every so often where they back it down to $ 2.19 is only a teaser to keep us thinking it will go back down and stay there.  Never gonna happen, it just keeps creeping up, and they keep making billions in profit.

We are on a ride we have no control over. None.



Quote from: "donsrods"

That little game they play every so often where they back it down to $ 2.19 is only a teaser to keep us thinking it will go back down and stay there.  Never gonna happen, it just keeps creeping up, and they keep making billions in profit.


the prices never go down as far as before each major rise. they raise it til there is a big enough uproar then ease it back down. the next time it goes up we we don't complain until it goes past where it was last time. at a new higher level the complaints get high enough where they stop. then they do it all again next year.

it also is suspicious (to me) that every spring just in time for driving season the have a refinery fire or two.

when will it stop me from my road trips? don't know  :roll:
will it stop me from my day to day driving? nope, the driving i do day to day has to be done, tho i'm making more stops on the way home from work these days.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Another thing people don't realize, is that oil is bought as a "futures" type of purchase based on speculation, meaning that oil at the set price today of $70.00 per barrel by OPEC, along with a limit on the output, is bought by the oil companies with the knowledge that this barrel of oil will not even find its way to the local gas station for at least 10-12 weeks..

Here's 3 scenarios:

#1) 2-3 months ago company X bought oil at the going rate of $62.00 a barrel. That is the oil that's been refined into gasoline that you put into your car today. Don't forget, that barrel takes 2 weeks to get here, a week for storage, another week to the refinery, 3-4 weeks for refining, 1 week for shipment to the local distributors and then delivery to the station. And that's if the refinery is in full production mode at full speed.
But, you've seen the prices rise for the last 6 weeks. And yet, this high price is for oil that was purchased cheap 2 months ago. So who's ripping who?

#2) OPEC raises the price of crude $1.00 per barrel today. The alarmists on Wall Street start screaming, the media jumps on the story, all the economy pundits are scrambling to get on TV to tell us 1000 different opinions about what's going to happen next ("The sky is falling. The sky is falling"). The oil companies see this as a way to increase profits by telling everyone down the line that costs are going up. Of course everyone else then raises their prices to cover this (plus a little extra for profit) until it gets to the local corner gas station. Of course he's probably under contract to sell brand X's gas at their price, so he has to raise his price too or be in danger of losing his supplier.
But yet think back to example 1. OPEC raises the price at 9:00 am, company X raises the price, distributors raise the price and Joe Schmoe corner gas station guy raises his price at 11:00 am. BUT, these price hikes are being made on gas that hasn't even been bought yet!!  Talk about double dipping by the oil companies!! We get screwed twice on the same gallon, and they increase their margin of profit.

#3) Compare oil to shopping at WalMart. WalMart tells it's suppliers what it will pay for an item and how many they will buy. There is no negotiation. And for every item sold at a sale price, there is still a profit made. The mark-up of soft goods like clothing at a big box store like WalMart or Target is anywhere from 30-75%. So if there's a 10% off sale on that item, the company still makes a minimum 20% profit. Oil companies operate the same way.
Yet the mark-up of petroluem products at the same store is at the most 5%. This is controlled by the oil companies, so that when gas goes up and the price of a quart of oil rises comparitively at the local store, the store cannot add on more than 5% of this price hike difference for their own profits, meaning that the oil company keeps 95% of the price difference on each item that's gone up.  Screw job # 3.  

What the sad part is, is that America is only 20% dependant on Middle Eastern oil for it's daily consumption.

And if the recent plot to blow up Saudi oil refineries with suicide attacks using small aircraft filled with explosives hadn't been stopped, gas would have gone to at least $100.00 per barrel by the days end, our stock market would've reacted sharply by crashing, the economy would be thrown into chaos, and gas would be At Least $6.00 - $6.50 per gallon within a week, there would be a mad rush to fill up our tanks, and there would be an oil shortage for years to come.

And that's with the loss of only 20% of our supply. Tragic and scary at the same time. Maybe it is time for a little boycott. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "A little revolution carried out in the right manner can be a good thing".
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Up here in sunny Victoria BC Canada (eh!) the price per LITER right now is 1.22.5 so that's just under $6 per gallon, and even if our gallons are a little bigger that's still a lot more!  AND the prediction is that it'll hit 1.50 - 1.75 / liter by July 1 !!!   STILL, it doesn't make any dif to me - I'm doing all the things with the old cars I'd planned on doing!
"If a man is alone in the forest and speaks, and there\'s no woman around, is he still wrong?"


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It was 30 sumpin this morning when sue and I came in on the Harley.... :x Should be a lot nicer ride home tonite at 71 degrees... 8)
Dave :wink:  :arrow:  :wink:
ps: gas up from my hoiuse was 3.25 a gallon this morning the closer i got to work it was 3.15 then 2.99 ill check down town tonite ..


The extra money we are paying at the pump is just the tip of the iceberg in relation to what it is really costing us overall out of pocket.People see the immediate impact at the pump and perhaps the grocery store as we are there several times per week but it will certainly cause an increase in the cost of EVERY single thing we buy as consumers!The price of every single thing we purchase is affected.....from the food we eat to the clothing on our back.I fear that in time it will bring our economy to a screaching halt! For me personally,I see it every day with my business...for example,the cost of concrete has risen due to the fuel cost of getting the raw materials in place to mix it and then there is a fuel surcharge added on top of that to defray the additional cost of delivery.....the same applies at the lumber yard.I have two large custom homes scheduled for this Summer,both are on the river and require a 50 mile drive each way.....driving two trucks each day.I bid these projects last Fall......the cost has already risen somewhere between $4K to $5K each.....I have signed contracts so at this point,I will absorb the increase.I am seriously considering some type of housing such as a travel trailer to eliminate some of the driving time/cost......I have a motorhome that I could use but after it was used as a construction shack/motel all Summer it would be shot I'm afraid! I'm not sure of the solution but I believe a good start might be getting some elected officials in office who are not on the oil company campaign contribution list! I intend to look closely at every single candidate up for election at all levels and if I feel they are influenced by oil money.......I will certainly not vote for them.At this point,I'm afraid they are pulling the strings of puppet politicians from the local level all the way to the VERY TOP!! Well....Now I'm going to go burn up some more $3.25 Fuel!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


What adds to the problem is some of the younger people in the workforce that are making 80K-100K a year and accept the gas prices as a normal expense.  I know several people that have a "so what" attitude because gas is a fraction of what they are making, as everything goes up so does their pay.  It's just part of doing business for them.  It doen't hit them like those on fixed income.  The government doesn't use the rising cost of gas as a major factor in figuring the cost of living increases, housing cost is the primary factor.  The retiree that has his house paid for doesn't need to have the COL figured on an expense that he paid off, he needs it on the everyday items that are impacted by rising gas prices (just about everything at the store!)


Did i mention that i got a 26 cent raise last year... Might as well let them kick me in the nuts :twisted:

phat rat

doesn't this sound great :lol: Down to $3.129 here
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


:oops: Just got back from Pahrump, NV, near Las Vegas.  Gas was $3.05 in Pahrump and it was 98 degrees.
It was 112 degrees and Gas was $4.34 in Death Valley, CA.

Larry 8)

The joy is in the journey.


Quote from: "jusjunk"Might as well let them kick me in the nuts :twisted:

Where does the line form :?  :P  :wink:  :wink:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
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