3 Days in the Fast Lane - an RRT exclusive.

Started by Rayvyn, April 03, 2007, 12:18:05 AM

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I have always been a fan of racing, whether it's 1/4 mile, dirt, stock car, Indy, or just plain friday night run what you brung events. I've been to alot of different events over the years, but never an Indy car race, and always as a spectator at others.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong ambition by doing 3 things at once: 1) taking part in an IRL event, 2) doing it as a member of the media, and 3) representing the RRT.

First of all, Thanks go out to Enjenjo and Fat Cat for allowing me to post this here, and also to Carps, who gave me a few tips and some great advice about what to do and how to do it.

And surprise to the Franks, who knew I was going to post this but didn't know that I was there as a Media representative for the Rodding Roundtable. I feel a sense of loyalty to the RRT because I've been a member here for about 12 years or more, and have come to know a many great people on this board, and I'm appreciative of the work that goes into keeping this board what it is: a great place to hang out with a great bunch of people. So, I applied to the IRL and Andretti Green Racing for the credentials, dropped a couple of names, and was approved for an unlimited access pass for the entire 3 day event, the IRL Honda Grand Prix in St. Petersburg, Florida. The RRT is now represented along with the big players, and is on the approval list for future media coverage by me for all their events

Here's a short rundown of some of the events that I took part in.

Thursday prior to the start of the action, was credential day with a mingle and meet and greet for all the TV hosts and commentators, reporters, video and photo guys, network and foreign journalist teams, and the IRL's own reporting staff. I found myself shaking hands and talking with people from CNN, ESPN, Speed Channel, AP, Rueters, The BBC, TV crews from Japan, Brazil, Denmark, England, Spain, Italy, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Mexico and The U.S., and alot of photographers from around the world who cover not only the IRL, but the Indy Pro series, and the American Le Mans series. I felt like a fish totally out of water in that room, and a few of the big time folks were snobby, but I held my own and asked alot of questions. I didn't get to the Media dinner that night hosted by the IRL and Andretti Green Racing folks because of work and a prior commitment, but met alot of great people during the day who offered up their well wishes and alot of friendly advice to help me out.

Friday-Mandatory media meeting with the safety staff and IRL promotions people. We had to attend a class presented by the safety director of the IRL and a few of the safety team and medical folks. They stressed the need for safety, especially in the pit areas because of the Ethanol. Crews used to throw water on the Methanol fires to put them out. Ethanol has a much hotter flash point, and is heavier that Methanol, and water will cause an Ethanol fire to spread. They used the example of slamming your fist down on a pile of mashed potatoes-it splatters all over the place. They also stressed that although we might be right at the track wall and nearest person to an accident, we were to do absolutely nothing to help. There are special procedues for approaching the cars and extracting the drivers. They demonstrated how they shoehorn the backboards into the car and extract the drivers, and how there is always a Dr. with 20 seconds of any part of the track in case of head and spine injuries. The safety teams are required to know what every part of the car is, and take part in hundreds of hours of training given by the crews in taking the cars apart and how every little piece operates.

After browsing through the media center where there were over 150 laptop computers being used by reporters filing stories, and huge big screens showing everything happening on the track, discussions were held there on what parts of the track our credentials would let us get to, and what changes would take effect when the track when into "race mode", and they stressed that the dress code would be strictly enforced. We were assigned numbers to wear, and small belt streamers were given out to those of us that could go onto pit road during the practices. Special hologram stickers were also given out to those of us who had access to the pits during the IRL race. After that, we were free to roam, and I made a quick beeline around the circuit to scout out the good spots for photos.

The rest of the day was spent photographing the practices for IRL, Indy Pro, and Le Mans, walking the pits and going over the wall during stops, and strolling through the paddock areas where the cars are worked on, talking with the crew members, and meeting up with a few of the drivers.

Saturday-Mandatory meeting again, discussing the changes taking effect for the Indy Pro and Le Mans races, and what credentials would be allowed in the pit boxes during the actual races. After scouting out the prime photo spots around the track and finding most of the big time guys already crowding around certain areas, I went and hung around some of the more unconventional areas where I got alot of my shots. I didn't have to jostle with 30 other guys trying to stick a lense through a hole in the fence just to take 1 picture. I found a few nicks and crannies that offered up some awesome pictures.

Sunday-Race Day!! Another meeting to go over who was allowed where, when they would open the track so the photo guys could get to the podium for the winners festivites. I chose not to go to the podium, because everyone else would be going and they weren't about to make room for a small time photo guy to get his pictures. It looked like a swarm in front of the stage, and by staying where I was at the end, I was able to capture a shot of Helio Castroneves climbing the wall right in front of me; a photo that Rueters, Open Wheel Racing and ESPN Magazine wanted to purchase from me. I turned them down. I told Frank I would post them on the RRT first as an exclusive. I never asked the amount they were offering. I just said no.

This may not appeal to everyone, but everyone has their own definitions of what a "Hot Rod" is or should be, and this was my opportunity to get up close and personal with some really fast awesome ones, and the crews and drivers that run them. The photos in this story are copywrited by the owner (me) and are used under licensing granted by the Indy Racing League, Honda Grand Prix and Andretti Green Racing. They are not to be redistributed or used for resale in any way without permission from the owner.

Here's the photo. Compare it to the one the AP photographer took if you can find it. We were the only 2 to get it. Here you go Enjenjo and FatCat.
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


A short story goes with these photos. The first day of practice and qualifying for the IRL was Friday. During the morning I was walking through the paddock areas filming the cars and crews, but only after asking pemission. (Thanks for the tip Carps)
I got the attention of the crew chief for Danica Patrick and asked him if it was okay. He thanked me for asking, and stated that alot of teams will have their own people acting like a media member, meanwhile shooting every little detail of the competitions cars. Honda especially doesn't like pro photo types shooting their engines. I took my shots and made sure I thanked him for the opportunity.

On Saturday, it was hot laps, qualifying, and the Fast 6 run-off to determine the top 6 starting order. The pit box was "hot", meaning only people with approved credentials could get near it. I was standing near the rear of Danicas pit area, and got the attention of the crew chief, held up the camera, and asked him if it was alright. He told me to wait a couple of minutes. About 10 minutes later he comes back and waves me into the pit box with the crew, and up to the wall right to the car. He told me "Thanks for asking", slapped me on the back and said "Have fun" and walked away. About 4' from me was Danica Patrick, the hottest name in racing right now. She let me take all the photos I wanted, and never once turned away. (She has a very forced corporate smile, and is constantly hounded by everyone. She likes to hide in the trailer, doesn't sign many autographs, and always hides or turns when there's a flock of people with cameras in front of her.)
She was very cooperative with me, and I got an entire series of shots that most everyone else couldn't get. There was only 3 of us at the car on pit road, an IRL photographer, and Japanese video cameraman and myself. A bunch of the guys who were crowded around the back of the stall were * off because they couldn't go in, and when a couple of them asked me how I got in, I simply said "By asking permission and not shoving a lense in their face." That * them off even more, but I got the shots...!!
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


I'll file more later. I have nearly 2000 photos to go through, and a bunch to downsize for the board. I'll post more on my photobucket website, and I'll have them at the RRT BBQ in a couple of weeks.
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


very COOL!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm lookin forward to your continued coverage.

thanks jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Now that you have your Press Pass you won't have to pay to get on the "Flats" at Bonneville. Thanks for the coverage. GPster


Very nice Bryan.. Ill have to read it all this evening

Sue left early today so i had a good read on my lunch..


WOW! That's pretty good kiddo. You seem to know the path to take when it comes to people problem solving. Glad you got to do what appears to be a long time passion and thanks for sharing. I'll look forward to hearing and seeing more at the BBQ tune-up :b-d: ...............Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

phat rat

Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


What an awesome adventure!  Thanks for sharing.  And here I was excited because my season tickets get me into the Fan Walk at Iowa Speedway.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Koool Bryan! Look forward to "The Rest Of The Story"!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Great Job ! !...The results show what a little consideration & patience will do..... :b-d:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Here's a few more pictures for ya'... I'll try to keep the captions short. :D

Picture #1 is the man himself. Old AJ is still running #14, with Danny Manning behind the wheel. His own grandson, AJ IV drives for another team because AJ fired him. AJ wasn't happy with the way he drove, so he hired Manning.

Pic #2 is another super duo, Mario and Michael Andretti. Enough said.

Pic #3 is Sarah Fisher. She is a very down to earth blue collar type of person who doesn't get caught up in all of the frenzy that Danica does. She is the nicest person to talk with, and stayed almost an hour past the IRL autograph session until everyone was gone. In this picture, she took time to ask every kid what their names were, where they went to school, etc. She made time for every one of them, and she does not refuse to sign when she is out and not under schedule. I had a short talk with her at her trailer after she signed for the kids, and when she had to leave she shook my hand and thanked me for stopping by. One of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

Pic #4 is Sam Hornish Jr. exiting Pit Road. I was actually leaning over the wall with the camera and timed it right.

Pic #5 shows Danica's car in the team paddock area. The teams keep alot of the car covered because of spies from other teams, but I happened to catch this one right after the side cowl was taken off.
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


A few action shots taken during the race.
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...