
Started by enjenjo, March 14, 2007, 06:07:35 PM

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The last time I tried to converse in a chat room , I got e-mail's from the confused people trying to read my responses when they arrived 2 days later..........  :shock:  :shock:  I dunno...Something about "typing at the speed of sludge" .... :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:

And yes :!:  :!:  I read dem stickies  :!:  :!:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Rayvyn"Then how about a random site generated email to all members as a reminder. This could work for all topics.

That would work if people read the emails I sent out as well. DO you remember that issue we had back in September when I made a change to the Forum cookie and posted a message about needing to delete the cookie. I also sent out an email at that time to all users. I am still answering that question 6 months later and the original thread is still in the FAQ forum.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I notice that participation has been falling off. Do we want another night, different time?

I like it fine the way it is except for the getting booted out for inactivity.  I was just reading more than posting the other night, it booted me off, so I went to bed.

I looked at the Throne Room feature as an ongoing chat.  I like the idea of the Throne Room.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


back a couple years ago when chat was on Sunday night I was there almost every weekend.  Then we purchased our lake house and since it is closer to work, I'd stay there on sunday nights then head out to work on Monday,  don't have a phone line there so I can't get on line on sunday nights, and kind of drifted away from posting here during the week.

When I got the email months ago about the site I decided to try to get active again, when I found out chat had been moved to Wednesday, I made a point to go into the chat room a couple of times.  

But in my absence, I became an outsider, and especially when I'm in chat I feel like I'm just interupting other's conversations. Since most of you don't  know me, and I don't know you it's difficult to become a part of the conversations that are going on, so I'd just sit there until I got kicked out for inactivity.  Not alot of fun in that, so I just don't go into the chat room, even if I'm on the site during chat time.

I'm not trying to speak for anyone else, and please understand that this isn't in anyway a complaint against anyone here, or the group, just simply saying why I don't go to chat.

I don't post much but do read almost every post, and this is one of the first sites I visit when I get online.  I appreciate the information here, and also enjoy reading  the good natured banter back and forth between the more active members.


Quote from: "bombcan"back a couple years ago when chat was on Sunday night I was there almost every weekend.  Then we purchased our lake house and since it is closer to work, I'd stay there on sunday nights then head out to work on Monday,  don't have a phone line there so I can't get on line on sunday nights, and kind of drifted away from posting here during the week.

When I got the email months ago about the site I decided to try to get active again, when I found out chat had been moved to Wednesday, I made a point to go into the chat room a couple of times.  

But in my absence, I became an outsider, and especially when I'm in chat I feel like I'm just interupting other's conversations. Since most of you don't  know me, and I don't know you it's difficult to become a part of the conversations that are going on, so I'd just sit there until I got kicked out for inactivity.  Not alot of fun in that, so I just don't go into the chat room, even if I'm on the site during chat time.

I'm not trying to speak for anyone else, and please understand that this isn't in anyway a complaint against anyone here, or the group, just simply saying why I don't go to chat.

I don't post much but do read almost every post, and this is one of the first sites I visit when I get online.  I appreciate the information here, and also enjoy reading  the good natured banter back and forth between the more active members.

Well you need to go in thier and kick some azzzzzzz :lol:  I dont do chat that much myself.. When i do make it im gone early. Work and other things meake me go to bed at an early hour.. So dont feel bad. I actually got spoiled years ago on irc chat. Id have to make it work on a port with my router now but it was real time and real easy .


Well, we are trying to change the chat so it doesn't kick you out so fast, we are looking at 30 minutes. That give you a chance to lurk.

And as far as being included, I try to include every one. Even Vance, and he has a street beast :shock:  It may take a couple times, before I learn enough about you to "banter", but trust me, keep coming back, and I'll get to you. :lol:

If I have made anyone feel unwanted, I am truely sorry, that is not my intent. I am here to learn, and have fun, and I do on both counts. You all are the best bunch on the net, and I'm glad to know you all.

Believe it or not, I am a one finger typist, and if I can do it, any one can, we don't count off for spelling, particularly on chat.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Well, we are trying to change the chat so it doesn't kick you out so fast, we are looking at 30 minutes. That give you a chance to lurk.

And as far as being included, I try to include every one. Even Vance, and he has a street beast :shock:  It may take a couple times, before I learn enough about you to "banter", but trust me, keep coming back, and I'll get to you. :lol:

If I have made anyone feel unwanted, I am truely sorry, that is not my intent. I am here to learn, and have fun, and I do on both counts. You all are the best bunch on the net, and I'm glad to know you all.

Believe it or not, I am a one finger typist, and if I can do it, any one can, we don't count off for spelling, particularly on chat.

I think its hard for the guys who are farther away and don't know that many people. some are just shy too  :P
You just have to jump in on the conversation or start one of your own, LOL (right Charlie?) someone in the room will respond!!!

Heck its fun just to go and listen to what they say about dave!! cause he can't stay up late, ha ha (just kidding Dave) Me loves ya  :wink:

I've been thinking about this for a while, would it work to have a prepared "topic" a few times? maybe open people up a bit?  or a kind of "Live" tech thing. Not up my alley but I could adjust, LOL.

See Rob I was nice to you  :)  ha ha


Quote from: "sirstude"The other issue is operator error and extreme slowness on the same operator.  While I am trying to type one line, Denise has nailed 3 of us and drawn 4 pictures, all the while answering questions on the H.A.M.B. Makes and old guy like me feel bad  :wink:  :wink:  :wink:


You left out the part about watching TV and eating my dinner all at the same time too. :lol:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "enjenjo"

And as far as being included, I try to include every one. Even Vance, and he has a street beast :shock:  

Thanks Frank, its nice to feel loved and wanted :roll:  :wink:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"
Quote from: "enjenjo"Well, we are trying to change the chat so it doesn't kick you out so fast, we are looking at 30 minutes. That give you a chance to lurk.

And as far as being included, I try to include every one. Even Vance, and he has a street beast :shock:  It may take a couple times, before I learn enough about you to "banter", but trust me, keep coming back, and I'll get to you. :lol:

If I have made anyone feel unwanted, I am truely sorry, that is not my intent. I am here to learn, and have fun, and I do on both counts. You all are the best bunch on the net, and I'm glad to know you all.

Believe it or not, I am a one finger typist, and if I can do it, any one can, we don't count off for spelling, particularly on chat.

I think its hard for the guys who are farther away and don't know that many people. some are just shy too  :P
You just have to jump in on the conversation or start one of your own, LOL (right Charlie?) someone in the room will respond!!!

Heck its fun just to go and listen to what they say about dave!! cause he can't stay up late, ha ha (just kidding Dave) Me loves ya  :wink:

I've been thinking about this for a while, would it work to have a prepared "topic" a few times? maybe open people up a bit?  or a kind of "Live" tech thing. Not up my alley but I could adjust, LOL.

See Rob I was nice to you  :)  ha ha

Debb, were you talking about me again?    I do have a shy bladder but how'd you know?   :oops:


Quote from: "bombcan"

Debb, were you talking about me again?    I do have a shy bladder but how'd you know?   :oops:

You'll fit right in then :!:  :!:

it just "Depends" if dave is there or not, he can't hold his Gin, or his bladder :shock:  :lol:  :lol:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****