I'm Off to Sunny Florida for a Long Weekend

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, January 30, 2007, 11:33:45 AM

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For years my folks have been trying to get me, and my sister of course, to come visit them in Florida over the winter.  I've never wanted to give up summer cruzn days off for winter ones.  Well this year I'm making an exception.  I got a good price on airfare, my pals the Rumblers are having a car show on Saturday, AND IT'S GOING TO BE BITTER COLD IN MICHIGAN this weekend.....so I'm outta here!

Not exactly sure what's going on for Friday nite.  Hopefully the folks will know of a cruz or something near them near Lake Wales, on Saturday morning Dad and I will head to the Rumblers show in Daytona, Saturday nite I'm sure we'll head over to Old Town.

Anyone here want to make plans for a Meet and Greet this weekend??

Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Have fun kid..Im jealous its gonna be real cold.. I think i saw a high of 12 for saturday at kzoo :evil:


Went last year and even with the rain had a good time. Thats a heck of a setup the Harley guy built your going to like it.


Have Fun.....Tell your Mom/Dad hello!They are predicting highs for this weekend to barely get above zero here....Florida sounds like THE PLACE to be! You should be ashamed of yourself for not taking Rudy though!  :P
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


I was just in Florida a week ago (on the way back from Puerto Rico) and the weather was fantastic.  Say hi to your parents for us and we'll see you in a few weeks!


I have been in Florida twice and both time I froze my rear off.  I don't think it ever gets warm there, just a rumor they all spread.

:lol:  :lol:

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



I can neither confirm nor deny if I will be at the Rumblers on Saturday.  In other words. its still up in the air. I wanted my son to come up with me but looks like he'll have to work, poor kid hasn't had a day off since the 1st of January.  When are you flying back?  Sunday is the Bushnell Swap Meet that you could drag dad up to, and your ol' buddy Rayvyn will be there.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


I do fly home on Sunday evening.  How far is this Bushnell place from where my folks are?
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"I do fly home on Sunday evening.  How far is this Bushnell place from where my folks are?

According to Yahoo maps, 79.4 miles; 2hours 2minutes  Tom...


Mapquest has it at 79.70 miles, 1 hour, 47 minutes.  So about 80 miles and 2 hours away.  Dad may be looking to relax after a full day on Saturday, but its your vacation.  He'll have all week to rest up.  By the way, I gave your folks a recent copy of the Florida Cruise News on Saturday.  It has most every event and cruise night that's going on around the state.  You may find something in there for a Friday Night activity.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50

Dennis the Menace

Has any one heard from HotRodLadyCrusr? Hope she and her family are ok. With the storms and tornadoes that rocked central Florida.
Photo Guy: WWW.hotrodhotline.com
Dennis  8)


She flew out this morning and is two hours from Daytona.  She's heading that way in the morning with her Dad.  The pics of this adventure should be something to behold.


Yeah, I heard this morning that a tornado hit central Florida and immediately thought..........Denise 8)
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


I think the worst of the weather was well north of her Dad.  I called a friend this morning that lives in the area of the worst damage, west of Deland which is west of Daytona.  He had no damage but was without power.  Said he was running on his elaborate solar power system.  He had to pause now and then as we talked due to the news crew helicopter noise overhead.  My son and I are still hoping to make Daytona tomorrow but right now the forecast is a 50% chance of rain and temperature in the mid 50s.  Might have to put the top on the ol' roadster.
Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


We moved here from just north of Deland last year. (Georgetown) There are days I miss Fl. today isn't one of them. :cry: