Junk Brothers on Ice

Started by MO_JUNK, January 15, 2007, 09:05:36 PM

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Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"
Good luck to everyone.  It's bitter cold here in Detroit, 20 degrees today.

when i left for work sat and sun morming (at 5:30AM) the thermometer on my patio said exactly that 20 degrees. i actually had to wear a jacket to work :roll:  the highs will soon get back to the low seventies where they belong :wink:

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


We never lost power here, but the Ice is still coating everything. I have seen some limbs down, but as far as precipitation goes, we got more sleet than Ice. There is about 1/2" built up on tree limbs and the power lines. The worst problem we have is getting around. The 2 inches of sleet we ended up with on the ground got welded together into solid Ice when it rained Sunday.

I had to run hex-head sheetmetal screws into the heels of my boots to get in and out of the Job I'm on. The general on the job spread salt in front of the main doors, and out to the porta potty, but it just sunk down into the ice and disapeared.

The State and county did a pretty good job of keeping the asphalt roads clear, but everything else is covered solid.


Quote from: "river1"the highs will soon get back to the low seventies where they belong :wink:

later jim

You and I need to discuss hooking up and me being your "winter" girlfriend  or something like that. :wink:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Lots of ice here. Usually in michigan when we have an ice storm about 2 days later is melts :!:  Not this time.. Lots of people without power in fact Sue went to her mothers for a bit and her sister is over there cause her power is out. We have a lot of limbs down between here and work and in the hood here.
We got off the eway this morning and both truck stops had no power as well as mickey D's and one stop light was out on the south side of the eway. It was still that way at 3:30 On the way out at 6 am we noticed the truck stop up the street was without power but it was on tonite.
Ive got a friend at work that lives about 40 miles south of here and he had ice but it all melted yesterday :?:  Wierd stuff.. I was just getting ready to go to grandmas and get the harley and put it in my kids garage since she is moving and the house is for sale and also bring the coupe home.. Not gonna happen for a bit :!:  Ive got till march 3rd but im thinking now.. I just dont really understand global warming i guess.  Texas is getting snow ?
Dave :?:


The cold has really settled in now. Tonight should be the worst. We are predicted to reach -2. I haven't been able to reach brother today. His cell phone has been fading out at times. Thanks for all of your good wishes. I feel guilty because I still have electricity but it continues to flicker at times. It could go at any time. It's really sad to see the huge trees down. We will appreciate Spring when it arrives. Sam


Quote from: "jusjunk"Texas is getting snow ?
Dave :?:

They are getting ice and snow in parts of TX that usually don't get ice and snow. :shock:

way south of me, down around San Antonio, Austin.

We haven't been above freezing since 1 a.m. Friday the 12th :x

ice and sleet too.......started about the time the temp went below freezing.

but its supposed to warm up for a couple days, then another storm this weekend :(

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Good luck all you people. I have never in all my life known of such a thing to happen in Australia. That is amazing weather. We have had the exact opposite happen here yesterday. It was 115 to 120 degrees in Melbourne and massive bushfires to the north. The smoke was that thick the carbon particles caused major power failures. The smoke actually shorted the current to the next lines and tripped the whole system out. 10's of thousands of people without power and no air con. She's a funny old world. Dave
When I was young I went hard and fast.Now I\'m old I still go hard, only slower


well we still have about 4 inches of ice here and lookin like 5 to 10inches of snow for saturday... like Junk it has been below freezing since fri, odd for this part of the world, super hot and super dry all summer and now an ice age..............must be terrorists or something.. Hope you guys get power soon,as for the trees it takes along time to get over them being down...
ownerWoodard racing and hot rod shop in mustang oklahoma. My  specialty is gassers &  nostalgia race cars , love the salt,


Was wondering how the Junk bros were doing? I heard tonight on the news Springfield still has 100K without ele. Ice and snow coming tommoro in those areas. Thay have been without juice for a week now. That SUCKS!

Everything in St Louis is back on line for now. 3 to 6" of snow for tommoro.


I live right between Tulsa and OKC. Snowed and sleeted all day. Temp was up in the high 20s so it didnt do much harm, just made a sloshy mess. I cleaned the garage. :D

Sure hope everyone else is as well.


Humm, think I've got about 8", of snow that is, so far today.

Sure does look good out there.


Just talked to Wz. We both dodged the bullet on the storm that went through late yesterday and last night. We both got about 1" of snow and it stayed warm. John says it's easier to get around now. He says the tree trimming(utility)crews have been there so the power crews should be there before too much longer. He says a home burned there after the power was restored. He will wait a while after power is restored before he goes on-line. He wants to ensure that any power surges or fluctuations have passed and just wants to be sure that everything is ok. It's really pretty here but we are about tired of pretty. For Katie and I it has made for some nice nights in the hot tub. You should be hearing from brother in another day or so. Sam


Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts.  We got electricity about 2 hours ago.  It went off once since then.  I stepped outside awhile ago and it was strange not to here the sound of generators running.  One of my neighbors had his generator stolen off of his back porch this morning.

The storm was unusual in that we had very cold temperatures following the first ice storm.  It has been a difficult 9 days but interesting.  The only work I could do in the shop was clean up some stuff and put some junk away but I needed to do those things.

I had 556 unread email messages and only 4 that were legitimate.  I think it may be time for me to change my email address.

I have a lot of tree limbs to clean but I will wait until the ice is off of the yard.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

phat rat

Welcome back John.  Glad to hear you didn't suffer any real bad damage, you know like house or cars. Those times can be frustrating as well as enlightening.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Glad you are back on the electrical grid again  :D .  Thanks for keeping me up to date on your condition.  I was worried about you.  

I think if I couldn't have done something in the shop for that long I would have driven out of the area and worked in someone else's :wink: .  Just think of all the work you could have gotten done on 974.

I hope the person that stole the generator uses it inside at night  :twisted: .  I know I shouldn't have thoughts like that.

c ya,
