Despirit question of the day

Started by GPster, January 06, 2007, 04:53:13 PM

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I got the top off my quadrajet carb (without tairing up the gasket) to see why the float and accelerator pump weren't working. Because the metering rod carrier was stuck in place I gently removed it, the accelerator pump and the float and needle. I then went a little deeper and removed the jets and a screw-in oriface next to the accelerator pump chamber. I then picked up the carb bottom to get it within bi-focal range and find this little steel ball. I don't know where it came from but there was only one which causes me to think it was something under the oriface near the accelerator pump and was supposed to act like a check valve (or there was two balls and I've lost one which will bring about another problem). Anyone know of a site which shows the breakdown of Quadrajet carbs or can scan their and send me a picture on line? Some of you guys (River and Purplepickup) come up with sites I wouldn't begin to know how to find. I've thought about this for 6 hours trying to find a way to not pester but I've comeup blank again. GPster


Might snoop around on this site. I would for you but I'm out the door to a birthday party for the grandson.




Is this what you are looking for Joe?   I'm still unsure what carb you are working on at the moment :roll: .

I took a q-jet apart the other day so I can put it in carb cleaner and rebuild it for the 383 and ended up with a ball also.  I knew it went in there, but had forgotten where.  Thought I would figure it out later, but seeing your post I figured it out now :wink: .

On this carb the ball and screw like thing go in the well between the accelerator pump and the metering rod.  The well connects to the fuel bowl.

c ya,



Just what I hoped. That answers my question and I copied the picture and added that site to my favorites. Now I can put it back together tomorrow before I forget something else. Thanks GPster