UNBELIEVABLE! We're not dreamin' anymore.

Started by Carps, December 25, 2006, 06:20:51 AM

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Australia, the driest and one of the warmest continents on earth, around 60%  of our Island is desert and the average recorded temperature for Christmas day is around 80+ degrees (or mid 30s for those who understand metric) because it's summer down here.

So, what happened here today?

IT SNOWED!   :shock:

Yup, we had a genunine bonafide white Christmas and not just a little dusting of the stuff but enough to go ankle deep, ski or build a snowman.    

So much for global warming, today was the coldest Christmas day on record and the first time in my whole more than 50 year life I ever knew it to snow on Christmas day.

Hope your Christmas was as fun and exciting.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


YOU GOT OUR SNOW!!! :shock:

There's no snow on the ground as I look out the window. This is our first green Christmas since 1994, & only the third time I can remember having a green Chistmas. Normally here in northern Michigan were sitting on 2-3 feet of snow by now. :wink:

Till we meet - On the street


That's no fair... :!:  :x
Just `cause he gets there first, doesn't mean you have to get Santa drunk and blackmail him with sleazy photos to get your Christmas wishes... :oops:  :wink:

I don't know if I'd want a "Snowcarps" in front of my house... :wink:  :P

It was 78* when I got up this morning, and partly cloudy. Not much chance of snow falling here today. :cry:  

But I did see a portly guy with a beard wearing bermuda shorts, flip flops and coppertone putting a little "sex wax" on his sleigh runners last night... :D  :D  :D

He kinda reminded me of Choco, but better looking... :D
(And "sex wax" isn't adult in nature, but a brand of wax used by surfers and skiers. So calm down Vance... :shock:  :D )
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


if i could ever figure out how to resize pics for here i'd show ya some snow....and you can have it!BAH! HJUMBUG! :lol:
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


I think it got near 50 here yesterday .. a nice sunny day. They say 40 today and 35 tomorrow with some snow showers. I gotta make a run so i cant do the morning hunt and too bad cause it should be a good morning for it. I see no amount of snow up till 2007 so we have escaped 2 months of winter here. I wonder what the rest of winter will be like?


Here are photos tomslik may be thinking about.

He says this is his back yard / shop door....

:arrow:  :shock:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


No snow here either, I was at a friends house yesterday that lives on a river and he said a jet ski and a canoe went down the river yesterday!!!, sometimes by this time of the year the sleds are racing on the same river. Carps, you're a lucky guy, enjoy it while you can!!!


No snow here 40 degrees and wind blowing a pretty steady 50 mph , just a normal day in oklahome.........
ownerWoodard racing and hot rod shop in mustang oklahoma. My  specialty is gassers &  nostalgia race cars , love the salt,


No white Christmas here...or...green either.Just an ugly brown everywhere :roll: Great for the people traveling and not too bad for working outside but it sure is ugly! Carps....Enjoy the snow!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Typical winter day here.... a bit cool at 52*F when the photo was snapped.

BBQ going , burgers for breakfast

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Carps"...So much for global warming, today was the coldest Christmas day on record and the first time in my whole more than 50 year life I ever knew it to snow on Christmas day.
Instead of having the aircon running as would normally be the case this time of year the heating is on high.

Really is weird.  This has been one of the driest years on record, reservoirs at historic low levels, tight restrictions on water usage, then suddenly the coldest Christmas day on record with snow falls and icy roads.  

Something else Carps did not mention, a few days ago there were bush fires with a 100mile front, and now some of the places under threat have snow, at least this has given the fire fighters a rest over Christmas.

phat rat

As Dave said it was nice in Mi yesterday, warm and sunny. Took the cpe out and put around 70 mi on it.  :D Also just to be able to say I drove it on Christmas Day I took it out again today for a 15 mi jaunt. :D  I don't mind it a bit that I'm not having to use the snow blower  :lol:  Think I'll drive it when I go to town tomorrow. Unbelievable that it snowed down-under.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

Mr Cool

Carps, I would imagine snow in winter is unusual at your place, but in mid-summer? A few days ago the massive bushfires which have currently burned more than 1million Hectares could easily reach your place with the right wind conditions. I also note that some areas have received almost 2 inches of rain a little further east of you, that should dampen the fires a bit too.
Its also bloody cold here, didnt quite snow but as Im only 2 hours away from your place Im sure feeling it too. We dont have the heater on though, we have enough heat mass stored to get us through the couple of cold days after near 40degreeC (or 110F) heat last week.
Enjoy it while you can.
Im nobody, right?
And dont forget, nobody\'s perfect.


Same thing Dragracr Said. He is only a hour drive from me. Was 23 degrees F this morning. Will get to probably 50, Dry, Windy, and Sunny.


Quote from: "Rayvyn"He kinda reminded me of Choco, but better looking... :D

Oh, yeah, and what was it about being "cool" to be "ugly"?
The only White Christmas I have had is was when we were living in Issaquah, Wa, in the 80s. It just didn't feel right, so I put on my shorts, T Shirt, thongs (flip flops) and sunnies, and went out on to the snow laden deck with my beer in hand to cook a BBQ, like "normal" people do on Xmas day. I froze my nutz off, and the neighbours were looking at me in a funny way, but they soon realised I was just homesick.
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks