Manning Valley Crusers 4th Mountains to Sea Run,Taree PICS

Started by barnsey, September 23, 2006, 09:56:52 AM

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I recently attended a Rod run up north,about 4 hours drive from home,It went for three days and i had a great time.I thought I would share a few pics with you all
cheers barnsey.
Craigs Roadster in the main street saturday morning

craig again,this time in the grass events.

A couple of others trying there hand in the grass events.

A couple from the street show.

my car in the street.

and the pancake breakfast on the final day,check out how you make pancakes for 200 people lol

hope thats not too many pics to post at once,let me know if it is and ill delete some
cheers barnsey


Looks good Barnsey. It would have been fun to be there.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.




very good..... eggsplain one item to me;

What is the purpose of the 'grass driving event' ??


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


its just part of the fun ,and gives the guys a chance to have a bit of fun.there were two different grass events this year,its not compulsry to do it.theres a trophy for each event that test the driver and there car against the clock.the first one is the motakahna where they set out a heap of hay form gararges the idea is if you look at the diagram this is rougthly how it works.
the start line is where the two green dots are,you drive forward into the first gararge,then the red lines are reverse,you then back into the next gararge then green you drive forward into the next gararge then red you back into that gararge then drive out through the start finish,your time is recorded and the quickest time wins.the other event four cones are placed on the ovel the trick is to go around the cones in a figure 8 and the quickest time wins

sorry about the crappy drawing but its late here lol
cheers barnsey


I forgot to mention some guys forget that they are being timed and decide to let off a bit of steam and just stick the throttle to the floor and go crazy in the dust
cheers barnsey


Yeah, that grass thing seems a little strange to me too, especially with nicely finished rods WITH BIG TUNNEL RAM SCOOPS. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: And we worry about a couple of bugs on our grilles.  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :lol:  

Great looking cars, though.



Craigs  Roadster is a really nice car in the flesh,it was driven up from the central coast some  4-1/2 hours away and driven back home when the weekend was over,the next day,apart from some exess dust on the interior,the car came out without a scratch. there were 75 entrents this year and all rods were driven great distances to be there. it was great driving up the highway and seeing so many other rods on the road,all heading to the same place i was heading.We love to put heaps of miles on our rods over I'v already clocked up over 30,000 ks on mine since xmas and will add another 20,000 ks be for next xmas comes around.
cheers barnsey


I understand now....... a timed driving course where folks get eggcited and do circles in the dirt.

sounds like fun to me.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Now THAT'S what rodding should be about....FUN with your cars.    Thanks for the pics Barnsey.  It looks like a really fun show and a fun bunch of people.  

I do like the pancake batter mixer :shock: :lol: