O/T gas prices

Started by Dave, August 24, 2006, 06:41:59 PM

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I got gas at 2.67 sunday here in jackson,Michigan and now I see its 2.64 ?
will they ever make up thier minds. ? 3 weeks ago it was over 3 bucks and I went to riding the harley to cardiac rehab for 3 weeks just to save gas money but it takes mid grade and cost me 14.50 every 200 miles......


Geeze, I though we were doing well at $2.68 here! Did ya ever think that gas under $2.75 would be a bargain?

phat rat

Boy you guys have all the luck. It just made it down to $2.73 here
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


It's still $3.04 up here in the northern parts :cry:  It hasn't been below $3.00 since the first week July :shock:

Till we meet - On the street


around $2.79/gal here.
and we have a refinery within 60 miles. :shock:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


$2.79 in southern Maine Today.  Tom..


Gas is 2.68 here in Mid Missouri. They raise the price to the point of * everyone off and then back it down a few cents to make you think you are getting a deal. I sure miss the days of 19.9
Never enough tools, toys or time!!


Do I win a prize? Gas prices here in Vicksburg, MS just went down today to $2.85 finally a break from $2.97 yesterday. I have been driving to the Jackson, MS area about 45 minutes away and filling up for $2.64 at Kroger and $2.71.

I was suprised back in May when I left home paying $2.77 and it got cheaper the closer I got to Springfield, MO. The lowest I paid that trip was $2.46 and as I went back home the $2.77 price was there waiting on me to get back home.

The Louisville trip was cheaper on gas than I figured it would be except when they raised it overnight. Within 24 hours, it went from $2.84 to $3.18 ouch!

No matter, I'm still driving. And to think we were in shock last year at Louisville when we saw prices as high as $2.45
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.



Going by my sums..we are paying about $5 a US gallon...(it's $1:41 a litre and there are 3.78  litres to a US gallon )....so you guys are doin OK :wink:
See Ya


The oil companies should be elated....they are recording record profits and they have the general public getting excited about gas being under $3 per gallon :roll:  I do not think the average person has any idea the overall impact this has had on our economy.I'm still driving also...but...I don't like it!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Got down to $2.64 with the Kroger card here, just in time to go to Frog Follies.


Today's fuel price here is $1.129 per litre. at today's exchange rate, that leaves it at $3.85 per US Gallon. That is down a couple pennies from earlier in the week. That's crazy! We are sitting atop billions of barrels of the stuff right in this area.


Filled up for $2.55 yesterday!!  Hope it lasts!
I am CDO, kinda like OCD, but in alphabetical order, like it should be!


No CRYING $3.54 and thats down from $3.85
Now i have a big plumbing that has a 30 gal tank and gets like 12 mpg  


As always in Europe we win the gas price comparaison. Here in France the unleaded is at  1.32€ a liter at the supermarket station, where it's the less expensive.  At 1.28$ for 1€ and 3.78 liter a gallon the price is......

:cry:   :cry:  :cry: 6.40 US$ per gallon... :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

and near 7$ per gallon on the motorway!!! :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  

And I know it's even more expensive in England and northern Europe countrys!!!

This summer I did a lot less kilometers with the 32 roadster than the previous years. Even at 21/ 23 MPG due to the overdrive (and a very light right foot) the long trips cost a fortune. And we have to pay toll on motorway too!!

Fortunetly the average small french car that I drive everyday (when I don't use my bicycle)  consumes 6 liters for 100 kilometers, the equivalent of 40 MPG.
