My summer so far.

Started by sirstude, July 13, 2006, 04:24:39 PM

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Even though it has not been as some of our members, it still has been a summer to remember so far.  

First thing, is my wife's mother passed away on Memorial day after a short illness and then a heart attack.  The actual thing that got her is what they call a "gut attack".  This is when the blood supply to the gut area, in her case the large intestine, is blocked and starts to die.  The "fix" is to remove the dead part of the bowel, but she could not stand the surgery.  Anyway, everyone here is doing pretty now.

Next thing is the end of May I was diagnosed with diabetes.  So far have lost 40 pounds and the blood sugar counts are looking good.  Still is not fun when someone tells you it is time to take care of yourself, and watch the diet.  

The rest of the summer has been pretty much self inflicted.  About 2 weeks ago I lost the power to my garage.  This happened a couple of years ago and the solution then was to replace the buried power cable from the house to the garage.   Don't know what happened to the old one, but the trencher made short work of it.  This time I had a friend that does all of our network wiring come out with his locator and we tried to find any kind of break with no luck.  I then had the Hospital Electrician come out with his better locator.  We tried from the garage out and seemed to be some kind of "something" just out of the garage below my wife's flower garden.  We then tried tracing from the house and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.  Jim said if he was a betting man, he would dig in the garden.  I tried and the wire has migrated up a bit, and probably was not put deep enough by someone who shall remain nameless (but he is writing this thing).  Anyway there was about a 6" section of the 220v wire (all 3 legs) burned away.  Seems my wife had planted a new plant just before Memorial day weekend and must have nicked the wire with the shovel.  After enough watering and such, the wire must have shorted out.  Jim came out this morning and spliced the cable and we put it in conduit this time so at least she knows there is something there.  Next year we will be building a deck and I will re do the entire setup and much deeper.  Sure glad Vonnie did not get zapped or the such.  The interesting thing about this, is it did not blow the 100 amp breaker at the house.

Latest issue is on Monday we had a really bad lightning storm here and it took out my tv.  The new tv's don't have circuit breakers on them, so it blew a fuse in the tv.  81 bucks later, my tv is working again.  I am sure using a fuse instead of a breaker saves the manufacturer a couple of bucks per tv and multiply that out, it is a substantial amount.  Sure does not help the customer though.

Oh well, better times are coming.
1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


It's tough Doug, but I hope you have a more pleasant continue of the summer.



All the bad is over and you're ready for the good. Best wishes for the rest of your summer.


Next thing is the end of May I was diagnosed with diabetes. So far have lost 40 pounds and the blood sugar counts are looking good. Still is not fun when someone tells you it is time to take care of yourself, and watch the diet. (quote)

Five years ago my Son Dan was diagnosed as Diabetic. He was 30 at the time.  It is a tough disease because you sort of have to deal with it on a constant basis, but they have come very far with the treatment of it.  He is insulin dependant, and injects himself 3 or 4 times a day, and tends to run low sometimes, which is not good.

His Doctor told me one time that it is not a matter of if we all will become diabetic, but when.  The point being that as we age we will all face dealing with it to some degree. Maybe not to the injection point, but watching diet etc.

But he lives a perfectly normal life in every other respect, and now has his numbers running right around what a normal person would have.  That is the goal you need to hit also, and if you can do it through diet that will be terrific.

I'm sorry to hear about all of the bad things that have happened to you this Summer. I have had years like this, just one disaster after another. But it will end and life will return to normal,  After all, there are only so many things that can befall a person, and you have used up your quota. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Keep the chin up Doug.



Yeah, I got those things goin on too! Thank god for me, I'm in good health. It started a couple days ago when some guy in a mini van backed into my '57 Chevy at the stop light. Then the next morning, I raised my garage door to have it catch and the next thing ya know the whole garage door is sideways and off the track and heading for the Victoria! Thank goodness I stoped it just in time but the * thing was cocked sideways, had to have a guy come out (called at 7:30 am didn't come until 2:30p.) and get the door down. Today another guy came out and  $160 later the garage door was fixed, but not the Chevy!
Whats Next?, oh yeah, getting the Victoria ready I discovered the air conditioning has leaked out (again)! * the luck!
Vacations coming soon and I'm heading for Las Vegas hope my bad luck stays behind  in Orlando!


58 Yeoman

geez, doug...look what you started.  i lost at least a half inch of my left thumb on the 3rd.  got it caught in a door jamb at work, hinge side.  clean as a meat cleaver.  cast is off after 8 days, hand still swollen, and doing pt on fingers to get them moving again.  oh yeah, i came home, and the house a/c was on the fritz.

stay on the diet and exercise, and look for better days ahead.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


QuoteVacations coming soon and I'm heading for Las Vegas hope my bad luck stays behind in Orlando!

When you going to be there? I am going out the 5th of aug.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "58 Yeoman"geez, doug...look what you started.  i lost at least a half inch of my left thumb on the 3rd.  .

Jeez. I want to stay away from all you bad-luck guys. Nothing worse than having health issues. My '39 is in fine shape, I have al my fingers and toes, and I can eat a donut if I want to. All is well with the world  :D

Hope all works out for you guys.

'48 Chevy Custom sedan in progress-Z28 LT1 drivetrain, chopped, shortened, too many other body mods to list
'39 Chevy driver


Hang in there! It's sort of been that kind of Summer for me also.My latest "trick" was to flip backwards off a ladder last Sunday and break my nose....what a mess that makes! I'm planning some time off for Americruise then the Nat's in Louisville.....sure hope I make it,I can sure use the rest!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Quote from: "sirstude"Even though it has not been as some of our members, it still has been a summer to remember so far.  
......................snip bad stuff................
Oh well, better times are coming.
Welcome to getting older Doug.  I think you're right when you say "Better days are coming".   Hey, at least you buried your power line.  I've still got 12 ga extension cords running to two of my buildings. :oops:  

Your summer sounds like last summer for Sue and I.  We went to too many funerals of friends, Sue was diagnosed with cancer, both of us had some other health stuff going on, a concrete truck hit my power line and everything electronic in the house and garage was permanently zapped by the power surge......but this year the cancer is gone, we've got all new electronic stuff, and after stepping up the exercise routine and eating better we're doing a lot better.  Life is pretty good. :D  

I figure a trip to Utah is just what the Dr ordered.    When he says to cut back on the salt I just grin.  Little does he know what good medicine the salt can be. :lol:

If I get feeling bad about how things are going, I look around and it isn't too hard to find someone living with way worse conditions.  

....Now if there was just an easy way of sticking to the exercise and eating better routine... :?


Quote from: "sirstude"
Next thing is the end of May I was diagnosed with diabetes.  So far have lost 40 pounds and the blood sugar counts are looking good.  Still is not fun when someone tells you it is time to take care of yourself, and watch the diet.  


There is a positive link between Agent Orange and Type II diabetes.  If you are a Viet Nam war veteran and you are diagnosed with the condition you need to see a Disabled American Veterans (DAV) service officer.  The VA will provide treatment and you may be eligible for compensation.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


there are also links of the children of  those exposed to agent orange.

A friend has a step daughter that has a history of odd little health problems . She is in her early 20's now.

A sharp doctor put the list of problems she has and connected it to her bio dad's exposure to agent orange.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "48builder"and I can eat a donut if I want to.

You could actually eat 20 donuts and it wouldn't effect you! :lol:

Doug, my condolences to you and your family for the lose of your mother in law.  They say things always happen in three's so I think you've had your share for now.

I am staying away from the rest of you guys though.  :roll:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"
Quote from: "48builder"and I can eat a donut if I want to.

You could actually eat 20 donuts and it wouldn't effect you! :lol:


Hey Denise!

What a treat it was chatting with you Saturday. I got some great ideas from your car, and after I use them I'll give credit where credit is due! Stayed at the fairgrounds until 8:00 that night. Watched some burnouts and truck pulls. Came back the next day to win the truck but didn't. I'm all fired up now tro finish my '48. All I need now is the time to do it.

Take care!
'48 Chevy Custom sedan in progress-Z28 LT1 drivetrain, chopped, shortened, too many other body mods to list
'39 Chevy driver