Back to The 50's

Started by 40, June 22, 2006, 07:48:09 AM

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Perhaps this is a bit late ......Just wondering who's going to make it this year?? We should be around there all weekend!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


I am not going to make it this year! I was looking forward to seeing you again. Well maybe in '07! All the rest of the Manitoba Gang will be there. If you see them, Say Hi! Too busy at the shop. See you soon, Rick


I'll get there Fri. about 1:30, be there all afternoon, & all day Sat. Set a time & place to meet. I;ll be there. Sun. I'll be at my brothers. After all we are staying at his house. It's the least I can do. Larry.


Well....Obviously,I'm not at The 50's like I'm supposed to be....I really hate it when life gets in the way of having fun.This will be the first one I've missed in many,many years......There's still a chance I might make it up for a day but it's not looking real good :roll:
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Hey Rick....I totally understand about being busy! You should seriously consider slipping down this way in August and hitching a ride with me to the Nats......You've got to get this side of the border sometime this year!Take care!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


That would be fun! I was thinking of Sturgis this year, but the Nats might be a better choice. Its been 10 years since I last attended an NSRA event.