A grand time at Speedy Bill's Museum

Started by moparrodder, March 25, 2006, 03:36:07 PM

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Boy howdy did we have a great time on the tour today!!!!   Man, that man has way too much neat stuff to see in one trip through.  If you ever get close to Lincoln ya gotta go, it's worth the trip that's for sure!!  I'll try and post some pics when we get back home from the races later tonight .  Chad and I had to leave right after the tour to get home and put the final touches on Andy's race car and load it up and head out for Harlan and Shelby County Speedway for opening night of the season, and I think it's gonna be a cold one, but it will be a fun night.  Thanks Daryle for setting up this great time to share with great friends, I know we were glad we made it and I know Chad's other half's boys did too, they didn't stop talking about it all the way home.  John was the perfect guide too!!  My hats off to him for a perfect job showing us all the neat stuff.  It was the BEST!!!!!    Catch ya later with pics.     Bill


Well we got home late from the races last night, man was it ever cold, no really fridgid!!! Andy did good in his first race, got second !!!   8)  he's still on cloud nine. Anyway I had trouble with photobucket downloading the pics but I was able to get the group pic so here it is, I'll try later to get some more posted.     Bill

front row l to r   Mike Cotner,Chad's special friend's boys Ryan,Nathan Rudd,our son Chad,Mike Johnson(MikeJ).  Back row l to r ,  Bill Hicks(moparrodder), Anita Johnson(MikeJ's wife),Bob Tilton (btrc), Daryle Saltzgiver (40) and Dan Johnson,  also Tom and Sue Gephart were with us but snuck out to go to the parts counter to get som parts before the pic was taken.   It was really a good time to share with eachother and hope to do it again real soon!!!!  Bill


Glad you had a good time, even with 40 there, he can be kind of a wet blanket at times, the constant whinning. :lol: Sorry I couldn't make it.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Glad you had a good time, even with 40 there, he can be kind of a wet blanket at times, the constant whinning. :lol: Sorry I couldn't make it.

enjenjo,  I sure wished things could have worked for you to be there but it's a long drive from your place out here, and ya can't be every where when ya have projects that need to be done.  Some day in the future our paths will connect and get to meet, untill then this great site will keep us up to date with every one that have the same interests.. As for a wet blanket he does a pretty good job of picking out cool places to gather and share good times!!!!!  I'm still having problems with my photobucket   :x  so untill I figure it out I'll have to try something else to post pics later.  I have some cool pics, Tony would like the hiper Crosley motor that was on display.   Catch ya all later,  Bill


The Museum was AWESOME!! If you have not been....It should be near the top of your "To Do" list!  John,the curator of the museum ,was our tour guide and did an exceptional job.....he was very informative and shared lots of stories about many of the exhibits which really added to the experience. John is a Land Speed Racer and has a car that he runs at Bonneville....A REAL car guy! If John happens to stop by this site,I'd like to extend a huge "Thank You" for helping me arrange this and also for personally taking the time to spend with us on a Saturday morning! I had not been before and was really surprised at the size of the collection and also was very impressed by the facility itself. The museum is extremely well layed out covering 3 stories. It is immaculate and the displays are well organized with lots of room to navigate around them to get a good look. We had fun at the museum,had a good visit at lunch and then stopped by Bob's (34 Ford) house to check up on the progress of his 34 Ford.I would like to thank Bob and his wife for having us over....we had a good BS session while checking out his car.....looks like he'll have it finished for Americruise and everyone can check out the finished product in July! As is almost always the case,it's the chance to BS with friends that's the part of the event I enjoy the most.To make it even better,I traveled there and back with Bob (BTRC) and his friend Dan in Bob's 37 Sedan....It performed flawlessly and we had a great time swapping stories.....not positive,but Dan may have snuck in a little nap....it certainly looked comfortable enough in the back seat :P I did snap a few photos using my old dinasoar of a camera....when I get them developed,I'll try and post a couple. Hope everyone had a good time!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


"he can be kind of a wet blanket "....Sorry Frank,That's what happens when you get my age and start to lose control of your bladder  :shock:
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

Elmo Rodge

I always tell people "If you're ever within 12,000 miles of Speedy Bills Museum by all means, GO." Wayno


Rub it in 40, I spent all day count inventory at work. 1st Saturday I have had to work in 5 years, go figure!


I have to echo what Bill and Daryle have said.  The museum is just unbelieveable.  It is 10-15 times bigger then I thought before I got there.  The quality of the displays and the layout was fantastic.  Many thanks to Daryle for setting it up and John for giving us the tour.  Also thanks to Bob C for letting us invade his garage to see his 34.  It had been a couple years since I'd seen the group so that was great too.



Man, I was just about thaaat close to making the drive out there.  Of course, now I wish I had.  It sounds like y'all had a good time.  I didn't realize the museum was as large as it is.  I think that next time I'm passing thru Nebraska that is a "must see" thing to do.

Thanks for the report. :D


Well George....You'll just have to put Americruise on your calender in July :)  and tour the museum then! I know I'd be up for another trip thru! Speaking of Americruise,does anyone know if they are planning a cruise from Lincoln to Louisville for the Nats?? In past years,they have left Lincoln Monday and then cruised 200/300 miles each day arriving in Louisville Wednesday afternoon.I have never did it but it sounds like fun and I thought I might participate if it's going to occur.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Although I didn't go to the museum I had a great time as well on Saturday. Glad the group all came by on Saturday. Missed you and Gail, Bill. I had a commetiment on Saturday morning so couldn't be with the group but it is an awesome place to go see. John is the key guy to give you a tour. He's a car guy, racer, engineer and historian. I'm sure  they will have it open for Americruise. In the past they have had a ice cream social out there for the participants.



Great to hear you all had a fab time!  The photographer of the group shot must have forgotten to say the word cheese when the photo was taken.  You guys all look like your in pain. :shock:   :lol:

Good to see Mike Cotner joined you guys.  Don't hear too much from him  much.  Looks like his nieces have given him a few more grey hairs.   :lol: Anyone hear how his projects coming along??
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Yes,It was good to see Mike! He missed the last couple of get togethers at my house....I guess it had been a couple of years since I saw him last.We had a good visit,his 36 Chevy is slowly coming together.As I recall, the chassis is complete,the body work is nearly complete and he's in the process of having the engine/trans rebuilt.He has been working a bunch leaving limited time to work on the car.I sent him an email just this morning encouraging him to join us on the RRT.....perhaps he'll show up here one of these days.It does appear that we are all expecting a raging lunatic to burst thru the lobby with a machine gun..... guess you should have been there to liven up the party :P
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"