Moose encounters of the worst kind

Started by phat46, February 23, 2006, 07:49:57 PM

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This pic was e mailed to me by our own Parklane. He said i could post it here if I wanted.  This is the resilts of hitting a moose. Parklane said the driver was seriously injured but survived!!!  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:



 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Wow! Just imagine what the car would have looked like had it been one of the little "poop" boxes they're building today instead of that old hunk of Detroit steel!I have been face to face with a moose on a couple of occasions while fishing in Canada......That must have been one large critter!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Wow. Makes my encounter with the deer on the cycle look small.



There is very little forgiveness in contact with a moose. This past year a good friend of mine lost his Nissan 4x4 to a one. Fortunately he hit the small bull dead on. The legs hit the "A" pillar of the pickup on each side and kept the animal from entering the cab and crushing him. He called me at my home, not more than 5 miles from the scene. He told me what happened and that he had glass in his eyes. By the time I reached him he had rinsed the majority of the glass from his eyes and thankfully was OK. We returned to the site and removed the carcass from the Highway. This is a common occurence in my neck of the woods. Those suckers breed like rabbits out here! Sure hurts to see a street rod with that kind of damage. Glad to hear the driver survived


Quote from: "kb426"Wow. Makes my encounter with the deer on the cycle look small.
Same here,but the 36.


Quote from: "Normspeed"That'll buff out.

:lol:  :lol:

If not they sell that miracle dent puller on TV that should do the trick.  Glad to hear the driver will be OK, unfortunately those long moose legs position them perfectly to come through the windshield.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Here is a photo of a moose and a Lumina. Not pretty. The woman driver needed treatment for a broken wrist and a bath.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


Around here it is horses that do that kind of damage.  Not often, but you hear about it once or twice a year.  Same issue as a Moose, long legs set them up to come right into the front seat.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


Quote from: "sirstude"Around here it is horses that do that kind of damage.  Not often, but you hear about it once or twice a year.  Same issue as a Moose, long legs set them up to come right into the front seat.

Good reason to chop your top!


Quote from: "sirstude"Around here it is horses that do that kind of damage.  Not often, but you hear about it once or twice a year.  Same issue as a Moose, long legs set them up to come right into the front seat.


We get horses and cows here.

mostly cattle, wander onto the roads, always after dark.
they attract drunk drivers.  :shock:

but, if you get there quick enough, FREE STEAKS :!:  :!:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Quote from: "chopped"Good reason to chop your top!

It doesn't help. A couple friends of mine were headed down to Springfield to the swap meet several years ago in a 48 Chevy pickup, chopped 3". They hit a draft horse south of Findlay Ohio, at about 50 mph in the fog. Both have recovered, but they were in serious condition for some time. They had to be cut out of the wreck. The truck was a total, outside of the engine, nothing could be saved. The horse was not killed by the collision, but had to be destroyed.

The next door neighbor hit an 800 lb boar hog one time with a 52 Buick. Slightly bent the hood on the Buick, pi$$ed the pig off, otherwise no damage :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Gotta watch out for any animal on the road, they can all ruin your day at the very least. Here in michigan it's estimated there is approx 80,000 (yes, thousand) car deer accidents a year; with several fatalities each year.
You don't even have to be the one hitting the deer to be screwed. We had a local incident  a few years ago where a pickup hit a deer and threw it across the road into another oncoming pickup where it went through the windshield and decapitated the driver!!!