Your lights are on!!!!

Started by BFS57, February 16, 2006, 01:56:06 PM

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You guys will like this one! It's about 1:45 in the P.M. and one of the people here at work is going home. She informs me, "Your Lights Are On"!. Oh God, I think. I run out to my car to see the halogen headlights "blazing" away!. I get in the car, turn off the lights and HOPE, it will start! * thing cranks like there's been no drain what so ever! Starts right up! Now my car has been sitting with the lights on since 7:30 A.M.!
The only thing I can think is that the new style led tail lights saved my butt from certain disaster!! I recently replaced the tail lights in my 57 with these new led tail light lenses with the leds embedded in the lens and a cable with the end of the light bulb plugs into the light socket!
I think my battery should have ben sufficiently drained had my old lamps been on for 6+ hours!
What do you guys think?


Quote from: "BFS57"Hello:
What do you guys think?

That, or it's not cold enough where you are.

58 Yeoman

You don't suppose that someone turned on your lights after you got there?  Years ago, when my daughters were very little, I had a rain gauge in the back yard.  One day after a rainstorm, I went out to check it, and it read the max, which was 6 inches.  I went in to tell my wife how much rain we'd gotten, then noticed the girls snickering in the other room.  They'd gone and filled the gauge with water before I checked it. :lol:
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


reminds of a fellow at work  :lol:

as he was getting ready to leave he notices he doesn't have his car keys :?  
he enlists a couple of other fellows to help him find his keys :idea:
after a while one of the others suggests did you leave the keys in the car?
nope no way could i do that :roll:
so they keep looking
a while later they say lets go look in your car.
they go out to the and yup the keys are in the car and the car is running :(D)

we have never let him forget it :ha)  :ha)

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Back when I first started working as a Paramedic, my partner and I were coming back to the station after a call and noticed a car pull out of the shopping mall  with a baby car seat on the roof.  :shock:

we pull up beside her, get her to pull over....slowly....... and when she gets out of the car and sees the car seat, she passes out.........

in her haste to leave the parking lot, she forgot to put her baby in the car. :oops:

wound up taking her and the baby to the hospital.

both made a full recovery

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


More proof you don't need a License to have children. :roll:


A few years ago when those fake bullet holes weren't so popular and well known some friends/co-workers of my brother put one on his new Monte Carlo. When they left work that day they pointed out to him that it looked like someone had shot his car. He thought it was real and he called his insurance man when he got home to report the damage. They all got a good laugh on my brother the next day when he told them that the insurance man peeled it off and told him he had been pranked. He got them back a week or so later with one of those fake lottery tickets.  :D  :D  :D



When we four brothers were kids we would play "spaceship" in Dad's '52 Mercury because the instrument panel looked like a flying craft with the sliding vent/heater controls that looked like aircraft throttles.
Anyway, if the car was in the garage it was dark so we'd turn the dome light on, just for a little while...
No harm with that, right?
Of course, one Saturday we forgot to turn it off, and by Monday that one little dome light had drained the battery dead. :(
Good thing it was a stick shift and there was enough of us kids to push start it! :D

Quote from: "EMSjunkie"Back when I first started working as a Paramedic, my partner and I were coming back to the station after a call and noticed a car pull out of the shopping mall  with a baby car seat on the roof.  :shock:


Several decades ago, ok, probably in the 60's, I read a report that suggested that the then common practice of parents carrying their infants around in "baby carriers" instead of cuddling them and holding and nurturing them physically in their "formative years" may account for the increase of Autism.
So, now people plop their kids in a dual purpose car seat and carry the "package" around like, well, like a package, instead of a prescious infant human.
And we have record levels of Autism now...?

One more confession:
When I was working as a service advisor at the local Pontiac dealer I had a customer come in in the afternoon wanting "wait" service but we were booked for the day so I sat my clip board, with a couple dozen numbered, legally accountable write up forms (this was pre-computer) on the roof of the stationwagon while I checked their fluid levels because i didn't want to send them out with no service and low flids too.
Well, you know what happened already.
They take off out the back driveway and I turn to my desk and... No clipboard!
I'd left it on the roof!
So, about an hour later, as I and my Service Manager were trying to figure out exactly what number tickets were lost so we could report it to the California Bureau of Automotive Repair, (yes, this was serious shtuff,) a car came up the drive way that wasn't a brand we serviced, and a guy got out with the clip board in one hand and a "wad" of papers in the other and asked if we were missing these?
He was following the wagon when the wind blew the clipboard off the roof sending the papers flying down the street for about half a block and this good Samaritan stopped and picked up each and every one of them and brought them back, even the ones that got wet in the gutter!
We offered him a reward in the form of a free service but he turned it down and left.
Didn't even get his name.

Gives ya faith that there are still a few good people, don't it?


How about the guy who left his keys in the car and the car running at Disney Thursday?  I called security and they had to turn the engine off and lock the car.  The guy comes out 4 hours later and asks me, on the tram, why the security people have his keys.   :oops:   I told him he left them in the car ...with the engine running!
It was a Kia, that's the mentality!
Remember; Physics explains everything!


Quote from: "docchevy"
It was a Kia

That's why it was still there, running.
even crooks don't want to be seen driving a Kia.  :shock:

Hows it going Johnny? good to see you posting again
I've been worried about you.  :)

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


We've all done dumb things as parents. I have twin Sons who are now 35. But when they were about 4 I took them to the grocery store with me.

This grocery store was one of the neighborhood small grocery stores right on the main street. I parked my '68 Mustang out front and ran inside to get a loaf of bread, or something like that. The street was slightly on a grade, and YEP you guessed it, my kids, who I left sitting in the car, decided to play car, and pulled the Hurst shifter out of gear. ( The car was turned off, but only in gear, no parking brake on.

As I am paying for the purchase, I look out the window, and see the Mustang slowly rolling along. I ran out the door, and looked like O.J running through a terminal. Got the door open, and my foot on the brake, just as the car got within a few inches of the car parked in front of me.

I never told my wife about that one, or she would have divorced me sooner than she did.  Pure dumbness on my part.

Down here in Florida we have had quite a few instances where a mother or dad forgets to drop off their kid at daycare, and the child is forgotten in the backseat of the car while the parent is at work. It has ended in tragic results when the kid dies in the super heated car during the day.

People keep saying "how could someone be that dumb" and I kind of understand how it could happen, after my own stupidity. We get so caught up in life, we forget to use common sense sometimes, or we get so preoccupied with what we have to do that we forget where we are at that moment.  Sad that it happens.


Here's my "Key left in the ignition story"...Not very amusing at the time :roll:
A couple of years ago a fellow flew in from California to buy my 37 sedan.Naturally,he wanted to drive it so we drove into town and decided to stop by the shop...he was curious as to whether it would overheat sitting at idle so we left it run while we went in.Neither one of us gave it a second thought when we closed the doors with the windows rolled up and the car running....after all,I had installed a remote popper for the doors.We came back out to leave in a few minutes and when I went to "pop" the door....nothing!I then realized that the when the car was running,the poppers were not functional.No big deal,I'll call my brother in law and have him bring the extra key fob....he gets there and we find that the remote is also not functional while the car is BS,I suppose.We then decide that if we can get the hood open(inside latch) and kill the motor that the remote or the poppers should work.After lots of swearing,we get the hood open and manage to kill the motor...but...we then realize that the motor running isn't a is the fact that the key is on that is causing everything to not function!After lots more swearing,we got a piece of wire from the shop and managed to slide it down along the window and open the door.The fellow from California was very cool the entire time....his comments were "Well,at least I know it doesn't overheat" and "I know how to break in,now"!He bought it and I haven't installed a keyless entry in anything since!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


QuoteHere's my "Key left in the ignition story"...Not very amusing at the time  
A couple of years ago a fellow flew in from California to buy my 37 sedan.Naturally,he wanted to drive it so we drove into town and decided to stop by the shop...he was curious as to whether it would overheat sitting at idle so we left it run while we went in.Neither one of us gave it a second thought when we closed the doors with the windows rolled up and the car running....after all,I had installed a remote popper for the doors.We came back out to leave in a few minutes and when I went to "pop" the door....nothing!I then realized that the when the car was running,the poppers were not functional.No big deal,I'll call my brother in law and have him bring the extra key fob....he gets there and we find that the remote is also not functional while the car is BS,I suppose.We then decide that if we can get the hood open(inside latch) and kill the motor that the remote or the poppers should work.After lots of swearing,we get the hood open and manage to kill the motor...but...we then realize that the motor running isn't a is the fact that the key is on that is causing everything to not function!After lots more swearing,we got a piece of wire from the shop and managed to slide it down along the window and open the door.The fellow from California was very cool the entire time....his comments were "Well,at least I know it doesn't overheat" and "I know how to break in,now"!He bought it and I haven't installed a keyless entry in anything since!

I've built several cars with remote door poppers, and I always have a hidden over ride switch, just for the reason you needed one.

I did a 49 Merc one time with a microswitch in the quarter panel to open the door. You just bump the quarter with your knee, and the door unlatches. I wired the microswitch through a neutral safety switch, so it will only work in park. I had visions of the car driving down the road, being involved in a fender bender, and having the doors fly open.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"
QuoteHere's my "Key left in the ignition story"...Not very amusing at the time  
A couple of years ago a fellow flew in from California to buy my 37 sedan.Naturally,he wanted to drive it so we drove into town and decided to stop by the shop...he was curious as to whether it would overheat sitting at idle so we left it run while we went in.Neither one of us gave it a second thought when we closed the doors with the windows rolled up and the car running....after all,I had installed a remote popper for the doors.We came back out to leave in a few minutes and when I went to "pop" the door....nothing!I then realized that the when the car was running,the poppers were not functional.No big deal,I'll call my brother in law and have him bring the extra key fob....he gets there and we find that the remote is also not functional while the car is BS,I suppose.We then decide that if we can get the hood open(inside latch) and kill the motor that the remote or the poppers should work.After lots of swearing,we get the hood open and manage to kill the motor...but...we then realize that the motor running isn't a is the fact that the key is on that is causing everything to not function!After lots more swearing,we got a piece of wire from the shop and managed to slide it down along the window and open the door.The fellow from California was very cool the entire time....his comments were "Well,at least I know it doesn't overheat" and "I know how to break in,now"!He bought it and I haven't installed a keyless entry in anything since!

I've built several cars with remote door poppers, and I always have a hidden over ride switch, just for the reason you needed one.


I'm so paranoid that on the '36 I'm doing, I have a MANUAL release for the drivers door under the hood and the hood can be opened from the outside.  :lol:   Tom..


Quote from: "river1"reminds of a fellow at work  :lol:

as he was getting ready to leave he notices he doesn't have his car keys :?  
he enlists a couple of other fellows to help him find his keys :idea:
after a while one of the others suggests did you leave the keys in the car?
nope no way could i do that :roll:
so they keep looking
a while later they say lets go look in your car.
they go out to the and yup the keys are in the car and the car is running :(D)

we have never let him forget it :ha)  :ha)

later jim
I wouldn't be too hard on him. He MAY have left it running intentionally, in case he left the lights on, he wouldn't get a flat battery.......