OT snow fall

Started by phat rat, January 21, 2006, 09:02:51 AM

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phat rat

Well we finally got a snow like we used too get. Last night at dark the ground was bare this is what it's like this morning 8 1/2" on the level
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

phat rat

Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.



it is 30*F here this AM.  Dry as a bone.

I am gonna fire up the BBQ and have some burgers & fries.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

phat rat

it's already starting to melt, the suns out and the temp is 33 predicting mid-high 30's today and tomorrow
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "Crosley"WOW....

it is 30*F here this AM.  Dry as a bone.

I am gonna fire up the BBQ and have some burgers & fries.

Enjoy it now Tony, cuz when I looked at your weather banner for your retirement town this morning, it was 12 degrees in Taylor AZ and 36 here.

BTW, sorry you have a dry bone :shock:


Man we didn't get any of it up here in the "nether region", all south of Gaylord. :shock:

Since we're the ones who normally get hammered, its nice to see you getting your share! :wink:

All kidding aside, it really hasn't been that bad a winter --- SO FAR!! :-o

Till we meet - On the street


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Enjoy it now Tony, cuz when I looked at your weather banner for your retirement town this morning, it was 12 degrees in Taylor AZ and 36 here.

BTW, sorry you have a dry bone :shock:

It is 28*F here at the house this AM..... 10*F at the Taylor property.

After we move to Taylor..... it is 4.5 hours drive to Yuma where it is currently 45*F and the upper 60's during the day.  We may winter in Yuma, who knows at this point.

oh BTWay..... I rode the motorcycle a bit over 150 miles yesterday just running errands.  You?  :wink:  :wink:

and there is the possiblity I may buy a place in Mexico too. Several friends have moved there for retirement because of that money thing.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Yesterday was in the high 40's with no snow at all. Today is supposed to be more of the same.

My 88 year old aunt called, she is  worried about global warming. :lol: For real. A lovely lady, who has never been so far from home she couldn't sleep in her own bed that night. That's right, she has never slept in a hotel room, or at a relatives house, or any where besides her own bed in 88 years. She has never flown, or rode on a train, or even a bus. She has only lived in two houses her entire life, her father's house, and then her husband's, and they are less than 1/2 mile apart. Her son has a house in Florida, and she won't even go down there to visit.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I don't know if it's global warming or not but we sure have had an unusually mild winter so far.  I'm not complaining because I just got a $95 gas bill for December....that's very low for here.  :D  :D

Since New Years I've burned two tanks of gas riding the Harley, and have been test riding my pit bike all over the place (100+ miles).  I did about 10 miles yesterday. :D

I spent last weekend at the cabin which is located in the "snow belt" of northern Michigan on roads that don't get plowed in the winter.  I drove in with the Buick.  Some snow was piled up in front of the porch where it slid off the roof earlier but there was only about 1" in the woods.  This area has an annual snowfall of 186".

I'm enjoying the warm weather while it's here cuz this is Michigan and we might have 4 feet of snow tomorrow. :shock:   That's part of living here...we get lots of changes.  I like it. :D


TJ's Dad

Bit different here on Oz , 3 days in a row over 40 celcius , i think thats around 105F ......

The 41st Victorian Hot Rod & Custom Show was on in Melbourne over the weekend and i wimped it for the trip down (around 200kms) and left the Rod home in favour of the A/C daily driver !!

I\'d rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomomy !!!

ASRF Life Member

VHRA Member.


George, i really like that cabin!. It needs to be in the U.P. though.  :lol:
Here's a pic from November up at deer camp, this is about halfway through the snow we got the day after opening day.


Quote from: "phat46"
Here's a pic from November up at deer camp, this is about halfway through the snow we got the day after opening day.
Joe, is that the cabin you stay in at deer camp or another building?


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "phat46"
Here's a pic from November up at deer camp, this is about halfway through the snow we got the day after opening day.
Joe, is that the cabin you stay in at deer camp or another building?

 :lol:  I wondered after i posted that if anyone would think that. Actually it's one of five buildings (seven if you count the two poopouri's) that make up the camp. that is a bunkhouse for two guys, the pic was taken from the front door of my bunkhouse that two guys stay in. We also have a 50' house trailer under a metal roof and a tractor shed and a storage shed


Went cruisin' today in my '40 Chevy to a BBQ restaurant with some friends. I met them there since they were coming from another city than me. It was foggy in the low 50's when I left my house and when I got there, the temp was in the high 50's with a mist (from the fog) on my winshield. Drove home in a little bit of rain, but thanks to rainX, everything was fine. The '40 ran good and it was good to get it out and cruise since I have not driven it in over 20 days. It was startin' to get jealous of my new HHR.

Oh yeah, the other cars there were: a '30 Hudson, a '31 Chrysler, a '33 Pierce Arrow, a '36 Cad, a '34 Ford, an old Mustang, and an old Mercury. I didn't bring my camera because I thought with the weather like it was, I would not get a chance to use it. It was rumored that a newspaper and a local TV station was going to be there covering it, but I did not see them.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.



Snowed here this morning (30 miles from Aspen, what else is new?). We've had more snow this year than usual, and they are predicting snow every day from here to Monday. If any of you guys are skiers, come on down!