Big Olds' Ego-Rama Adventure Day 14: SoCal, Kennedy Bros &am

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, October 07, 2005, 02:39:26 AM

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Day 14 Wednesday Oct 5th
Ontario, CA to Pomona, CA
Today's fuel "sponsored" by Leon

We started the day at an airplane museum in Chino.  Not my cup of tea but I went along with the program.

The others seemed to enjoy it, especially the guys

We then headed over to SoCal, now this is right up my alley.......I should have just met them all here.  

Got the grand tour by Tony himself.  Very, very nice person and answered all our questions

Lots of cars outside as well as inside

The owner of this baby just bought it on eBay for 10 grand.  A real piece of original hot rod history that SoCal is bringing back to life for the new owner.

The "new" fuel tank

Tony said they'd be starting on this bellytanker soon

Once inside, spotted HAMBer Todd553's salt flat racer.  It's such a small, small world, I'm cruise nite buds wth his uncle in the Metro Detroit area and work with his cousin.

Todd553's push car

SoCal put on a yummy lunch spread for us where we were joined by Alex and Pete then afterwards we were all given autographed SoCal signs.  THANKS a bunch guys!  

We then said our thanks and goodbyes and headed over to the Kennedy Brothers shop.....WAY COOL place!

Parts EVERYWHERE and they were telling us they just purchased someone outta Long Beaches stuff.... 60 palettes of car parts PLUS!  What a score.  Very nice guys and they let us snoop in every nook and cranny

This will be left with the body in exactly the shape it's in right now

More parts in the very back

Lots of surf and tiki stuff around

Again, we said our thanks and goodbyes and headed to the monthly cruise at the NHRA Museum where they had spaces reserved for us up front.  The Ego-Rama "people Choice" was going to be voted on here.  LOTS of HAMB folks came out to support their HAMB brothers and sister participants.

I no sooner had Big Olds wiped down when Wayne, Elmo Rodge came up and said "hi".  It had been 2 years since we saw each other at the salt.

WasAsedan and his Dad John then stopped by.  We had met previously at L'ville a couple of years ago.  What a great couple of guys.  My father really enjoyed their company as well.

The four of us then proceeded to head into the museum and checked it out.  Dad and I for the first time.

Got back outside and HOLY SMOKES... Don Montgomery had a table set up with all his books!  I had purchased them for Roadstar as a Christmas last year and to be able to meet the author in person was such a treat.

Shortly thereafter some dear old car friends from Ridgecrest showed up.  We met many years ago thru Power Tour and have been friends ever since.  He's now both a HAMB and RRT member, Leon.  Lovely wife's name is Sharon.  Short story, both Leon and Sharon drove in their T-bucket from Ridgecrest, CA to Detroit, Michigan where we all then started Hot Rod Mag's Power Tour together bound for California..  Both are hard core to the bone.

and speaking of Hot Rod Mag, Dave McCullen stopped by Big Olds to say "hi".  He remembered Big Olds as being in black primer and on tour a few years ago.

HAMB lurker Ron also stopped to say "hi" and chat.  Nice fellow....... but he needs to intro and participate  

English HAMB member Pike and his lovely friend stopped by to chat and check out Big Olds.

Wasn't long before it was dark and folks started to take off.  A group of us then went to a late dinner then called it a nite.  All in all a most pleasant day spent cruzn around, checking out hot rod shop and cars with friends.

I realize I'm a day behind but last nite it was late before I got in and I was wiped out.    I will have time tomorrow to catch up with what went on today and with what happens tomorrow.  Just a hint, I'm having breakfast with a fellow RRT member and his lovely wife tomorrow morning.  I've been wanting to meet him for years and tomorrow is the day.  I can't wait! Stay tuned!
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

Elmo Rodge

Good seeing you again. By the way, Pikes lovely friends name is Suzie. Anyway, Jack and BobK were treated to a ride in The ELMOBILE when we went to dinner from the Twilight Cruise. A good time was had by all. Wayno


Did Don take you to that Mexican dive near the Fairplex? The food there was sure good.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

Elmo Rodge

Yeah Frank. That's where we always go.  By the way, thanx for the beans, Bob. They were yummy.  :D  Wayno


