Started by enjenjo, September 18, 2005, 08:19:30 PM

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9 pm, get the low down on George.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


looks like I missed chat.  A fellow was over , we were lookin at his car.

How low did George get?

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "enjenjo"9 pm, get the low down on George.
Dang it all....I missed it.  Now I gotta wait til next week to get the dirt  :cry:

Hope you weren't too hard on him.....he's such a nice guy :wink:


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "enjenjo"9 pm, get the low down on George.
Dang it all....I missed it.  Now I gotta wait til next week to get the dirt  :cry:

Hope you weren't too hard on him.....he's such a nice guy :wink:

We were talking about you behind your back.  I wanted to know how you did as a car salesman this weekend.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "purplepickup"Now I gotta wait til next week to get the dirt
I think you were the dirt. What's this about Sams Club? GPster


Quote from: "GPster"What's this about Sams Club? GPster
All I can say is if you go shopping with Rayvyn and enjenjo and there is a dumb blond who is highly turned on by a singing halloween mannequin, you might want to pretend you don't know them and when you check out, get in another line. :shock:


Of course I first thought that they were busting you for shopping at Sam's and then came the light that you'all went together and they showed no mercy while making you feel like the Father of youngsters..........
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


I got lost when George was referring to a dumb blonde. At our age George it's OK to refer to your hair as gray. GPster


Quote from: "purplepickup"
All I can say is if you go shopping with Rayvyn and enjenjo and there is a dumb blond who is highly turned on by a singing halloween mannequin, you might want to pretend you don't know them and when you check out, get in another line. :shock:

Geez oh man, was that blonde being outsmarted by a dummy, or what?
Had alot of fun over the weekend, seeing cars that I don't normaly see, and people I haven't seen for a long time. Kenny makes a hell of a mash, Denise's HotRod french toast was a blast, and it was a great time had by me, meeting everyone again. Froze my buns off on Friday, but now it's 94* with high humidity here so I'm finally warming up!! Another storm is brewing here, and it'll be interesting to see where it heads. So it's all back to normal down here.
It was great meeting George's wife and playing with Murph, and meeting F3's new bride. Glad to see he's on a short leash!!  Enjenjo snored like a chain saw every night and refused to get up in the morning, but otherwise it was a great pleasure tagging along with him. I want to thank him for the trips to the airport, and playing taxi to/from the fairgrounds. It's not often that one gets chauffuered about town in a Desoto Airflow hot rod. I had to cut out quick at noon Sunday, so I didn't have time for goodbyes for everyone, but for everyone there I had the pleasure of hanging out with for a few days, THANKS AGAIN for a great time. See ya'll soon I hope... :D

PS. Hey George, you're lucky you weren't in line with me at the Kzoo airport. 2 obvious rednecks behind me in the security line were probably flying for the first time. The guy behind me asked if they screened laptops. I told him to take the laptop out, open it up, turn it on and hand it to the screener, and pray that they didn't find any * on the computer. He started panicking, and asked me why they look for *. I told him it was a federal offense to take * across state lines. Next thing I know, him and his buddy left the line, went to a table, and it looked like they were deleting alot of files!! I made it through the line before they were done so I didn't get to see the outcome, but man, I love having fun with people!!
I also told the guy in front of me, who tripped the buzzer 3 times, got in an argument with the screening supervisor and darn near stripped down naked, to "Take the car show button off your shirt, sweetheart, and see if that works. Or did the remove all metal objects from your clothing idea just sneak up on you?"
See ya's... :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "enjenjo"9 pm, get the low down on George.

Sorry I missed it. I didn't get home until after 9:00pm. Plane was late leaving Chicago because a luggage conveyor broke and we had to wait for a replacement belt, and a goofy Chech girl started an argument with one of the flight attendants about getting a beverage while we waited. It was actually funny for awhile, a Chech arguing with an Irish lady, but things sobered up quick when the 1st officer came back and told the girl to sit down and shut up, or the police would come aboard and arrest her. She finally shut up, but it delayed the flight even more. Then the idiot girl tried to get up to use the bathroom while we were taxiing. That didn't go over well, either!! Not fun, sitting on a plane for 45 minutes waiting to leave, especially after a 2 1/2 hour layover. Oh well, we landed wheels down and the flight was smooth. Although the pilot tried to plant the tires into the runway and the plane bounced for awhile, but all was fine. He was standing in the galley saying good-bye to everyone. I walked by and said "Navy pilot, huh? Was that a carrier landing or did we get shot down?" He busted up laughing... :D
I'll tune in next week for the details. I can imagine what was said about me.... :shock:  :-o  :oops:  :lol:
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...