So...who's still going to Bonneville?

Started by Charlie Chops 1940, July 25, 2005, 09:44:32 PM

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Charlie Chops 1940

Have been steady thrashing away at little stuff on the '40 and the Mullins Redcap: new mufflers & tailpipes. radiator shroud. degunked the battery hot lead, new front seats, changed oil and filter, spare belts and radiator hoses, put a wrench on basically everything I could touch, a few more wire ties here and there, and new wiring on the trailer..

I think it's ready to go. It'll be the longest single trip in 26 years and 141,000 miles. 5 more wakeups and we're off for a liesure tour of the corn states,Colorado and Utah.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Lillie and I plan on pulling into Blanding Sat night.  Sunday Sum and I      need to rig up some cameras in "974".  If we get through early, I think we will take off on some self guided tours Sun and Monday.  I will be looking out of the corner of my eye for '38 chevy parts(SheetMetal). I think Wed, Sum has a Grand tour planned.  "974" is supposed to pull in there Sunday.  John and Hooley are taking their wives on a tour....
Looking forward to teaming up with you again Charlie...
Benny Rhoads
Orange,  Texas


Thursday had the wife, two dogs and the three grandkids. Friday and Saturday the same. Sunday their parents arrived, four more people and one more dog. Monday one grandchild and two parents leave. Tuesday the other two parents are supposed to leave which will have the count to one wife, two grandkids and three dogs til Sunday. Next Monday I'll be ready to walk to Bonneville, but I think I'll use my plane ticket and rental car and be there on the 11th. Maybe in my free time between now and the I'll have time to check those carbureator parts soaking in kerosine. GPster


i'll be pullin into blanding early afternoon mon the 8th . i'm actually heading out of here fri the 5 but spending the weekend at a friends cabin in the flagstaff area. can hardly wait til then work and normal life has been a drag lately, but i think that is just anticipation for VACATION. :D  :D  :D

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


we will be at the salt on saturday morning  august 13

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Sharon and I will be arriving in Wendover on Friday about noon.  I'll be heading out on the salt after lunch to set up our sunshade the same place we were last year.  I'll bring a couple extra chairs.

Ohio Blue Tip

I plan on being in Blanding Tuesday night 8/9/05, the first part of a two and a half week tour :D  :D  :D .  Rod's not done :( , so will be in truck and small tent camper.
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



I am to bring the race car here sometime later this week for a few things I still need to do.  Right now everything is on schedule.  My wife and I are flying out the 4th and we will do a little site seeing and vacationing before we get to Sumners on Tuesday evening.  I am looking forward to Bonneville and a little cooler weather, as the last few days have not been much fun here.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "Ohio Blue Tip"small tent camper.

What? I thought you said it was a 9 passenger "Ken Must Haul". Looks like I'll be hitch'en a ride out and back with "cookie" so that pits me in Blanding Tues night and on the salt Friday the 12th.........Cyathere.
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Odie and I will be in Wendover (thanks Charlie) on Friday.  Sure is nice to have a friend to travel with when the wives just don't like the hard core car stuff.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


I'm leaving Wednesday to do the Alviso Roadsters Reunion then I'll be rolling in to Wendover around noon on Friday. That evening I have to shoot over to SLC to pick up my GF from the airport.  I'll probably leave Tuesday morning for home.


Planning on being in Blanding Tuesday night 9 August
:D  :D  :D  :D


Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "slocrow"
Quote from: "Ohio Blue Tip"small tent camper.

What? I thought you said it was a 9 passenger "Ken Must Haul". Looks like I'll be hitch'en a ride out and back with "cookie" so that pits me in Blanding Tues night and on the salt Friday the 12th.........Cyathere.

Wow!  Happy day!  I have a rider for the "Salt Heavy Intimidation Tour".
Sure hope he can drive while I snore and think of all the money I can save on the beer he'll buy!
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.


Bob K

Have you got stickers made up for the tour like your buddies John and Bob did?

B :?: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?



Hey I think I'll go too :twisted:  and I'll be in Blanding from now till the 11th  :roll: .

Let's all hope it cools down a little.  We had 3 days of 100 last week, which is hot here. We took Julie's sister and husband out to Natural Bridges and it was so hot I couldn't run the air conditioning in the car without it lurching all over the place.  This week it has been in the 80's and really nice with thunderstorms the last 3 days.  I don't think any of this rain is hitting further north on the salt.

This morning I talked with Dallas Volk, who is the son of Larry Volk (#59 Volk, Elbert, Nish roadster), and he said his dad was out there laying the courses out and they are going to be in different locations than years past.  If I understood they will be further east (they ran over there a few years past) and instead of a more north-south direction towards Floating Mt. they will run more Southeast to Northwest direction pointed towards the left of Floating Mt..  There was also some confusion as to where exactly the pits would be.   Now I might have some of this wrong, but though I would pass it on.  Also sounds like maybe the salt dried out a little too fast and might be pretty rough.

Also you can see from the picture at the top of the post that John finished the front of the car.  Let's give him a big hand  :D  :D  :D .  I hope to have some final pictures of the car all together by the weekend if he gets them to me.  For those of you following the changes on the car for this year I've added some pictures ( HERE ) as I've gotten them from John and Hooley and will add more over the next week or so.

c ya all soon,
