Sneak preview, George II set to debut at Aussie Nats . . .

Started by Pope Downunder, March 09, 2005, 12:19:56 AM

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Pope Downunder

Now that I have your attention!

Inspired by George I (Purplepickup's low tech camper),
I decided to make one.

What you see here took all of one evening and $100 (so far) to make.

Really, a matter of necessity, as it looks like I will loose the old camper-trailer in this marriage separation I am currently embroiled in; and I need to watch my $'s just now.  Still, I'm going to the Nationals, and I will enjoy myself, even if the accomodation is 'rustic'.


there you go,

last time I looked fun didnt necessarliy have any $$ signs attached to it


Home sweet home.  That is really taking things back to the grass roots!!!  Hope that Cyclone that's floating around the Top end disipates soon.  Otherwise you could have some fun.  
I've got a gas BBQ you can borrow but watch out for the roof!


Pope Downunder

Quote from: "sal37"Home sweet home.  That is really taking things back to the grass roots!!!  Hope that Cyclone that's floating around the Top end disipates soon.  Otherwise you could have some fun.  
I've got a gas BBQ you can borrow but watch out for the roof!

Thanks mate.


Neil,Sorry to hear about the problems on the homefront....hope everything works out.Looks like you're determined to have a good time anyway......Good for you!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "40"Neil,Sorry to hear about the problems on the homefront....hope everything works out.Looks like you're determined to have a good time anyway......Good for you!!

Thanks Daryle;
The last six months have been the most stressful and confronting period of my life.  I have done everything I can, but unfortunately, that was not enough. :?

All I can do now is try to be a good father to my two beautiful children, and try to keep the settlement amicable.  I am currently carrying around a lot of anger and resentment, but I refuse to let my life be controlled by such negative emotions for too long.  So; I am trying to remain positive and part of that plan is to get out and do some things I enjoy.

I have a good family, and a few good friends like Steve, who has been a fantastic support.



It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.


Quote from: "Dolly"What's the Aussie nats?

The Aussie Nats are our "major" nationals event.  Held every two years they are like the US Louisville Nationals but way way smaller.  Car numbers are around 2000 - give or take a few.


Quote from: "sal37"
Quote from: "Dolly"What's the Aussie nats?

The Aussie Nats are our "major" nationals event.  Held every two years they are like the US Louisville Nationals but way way smaller.  Car numbers are around 2000 - give or take a few.

But the NSRA Nat's are held at Louisville every year.

Why only every two years?

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "sal37"
Quote from: "Dolly"What's the Aussie nats?

Thanks for reminding me about the Aussie gnats; it is in Queensland; I'll get a mozzie net tomorrow. :wink:


Quote from: "Pope Downunder"Inspired by George I (Purplepickup's low tech camper),
I decided to make one.
Neil, I'm so flattered.  You are now amongst the very very small group of people that I've influenced.  Having met you, I took you to be a smarter person than that.   Beware, some have never become normal again. :shock:

Your camper is much more high-tech than mine.  You actually used some fabrication skills.  Keep us posted on the build.  We love to see update pictures.  :D  

Like flatoz said, it doesn't take money to have fun.  You'll have a great time camping.  Campers are an adventurous, fun loving bunch.

Sorry to hear about your separation.  Keep your chin up mate and try not to let the stress rule your life.  Your children are going thru a lot right now too and they need a loving father.  It sounds like you've got some good friends you can depend on and talk to.  I'm sure they're willing to listen and help keep part of your life normal.  You're in my thoughts.

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "Pope Downunder"Inspired by George I (Purplepickup's low tech camper),
I decided to make one.
Neil, I'm so flattered.  You are now amongst the very very small group of people that I've influenced.  Having met you, I took you to be a smarter person than that.   Beware, some have never become normal again. :shock:

Your camper is much more high-tech than mine.  You actually used some fabrication skills.  Keep us posted on the build.  We love to see update pictures.  :D  

Like flatoz said, it doesn't take money to have fun.  You'll have a great time camping.  Campers are an adventurous, fun loving bunch.

Sorry to hear about your separation.  Keep your chin up mate and try not to let the stress rule your life.  Your children are going thru a lot right now too and they need a loving father.  It sounds like you've got some good friends you can depend on and talk to.  I'm sure they're willing to listen and help keep part of your life normal.  You're in my thoughts.

Thanks George, I appreciate the thoughts.

Seriously, I do appreciate your inputs here very much.  You seem to have a balanced outlook and attitude to life and for other people, especially when they have personal difficulties, and I have often had cause to think after reading some of your posts.  So; yes you have influenced me, and probably many other here as well, thank you.  :oops:

I've been a regular at the RRT since late 1999, so I feel I almost know some of you guys.  It was a great pleasure to get over there last year and meet some of you guys.  I hope some of you can get down here one year.

The 'camper' is a bit of a statement I suppose; I could have paid a couple of nights in a motel for what it cost, but it probably wouldn't be as much fun as being there on site.  I had fun making it as well, and I need to enjoy doing some stuff for me right now.  The kids had a ball playing in it, like a big cubby they reckon; they didn't want me to pull it down.


Quote from: "Pope Downunder"The kids had a ball playing in it, like a big cubby they reckon; they didn't want me to pull it down.

the kids having fun inside  it is something you will remember forever.

gooood job!

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Neil, not my place but Id like to offer up some advice anyhow.  Man your attitude is the greatest, the time you are having is worse than enduring a death [she's still there, in death they're gone] Keep up with YOUR interests, cheat a bit out of the marriage every time you get the chance [it does help!!] and above all keep a firm grip on your kids man.  I let mine go for a bit when I lost sight of what was important, through the rage I was feeling.  At the end of it all two of my sons were still at my side, but my youngest son had gone [he was 14 at the time, 21 now] and at this time it don't look like I will ever get him back.  I couldn't care less about my Ex - she cleaned me out and now is on the bones of her * again, but loosing my son because of the way I acted is something I will never forgive myself [or her] for.  Mate keep the faith, life on the other side is just as good - just different thats all, but your kids will always be the same kids if you look after them.
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "grazza"Neil, not my place but Id like to offer up some advice anyhow.  Man your attitude is the greatest, the time you are having is worse than enduring a death [she's still there, in death they're gone] Keep up with YOUR interests, cheat a bit out of the marriage every time you get the chance [it does help!!] and above all keep a firm grip on your kids man.  I let mine go for a bit when I lost sight of what was important, through the rage I was feeling.  At the end of it all two of my sons were still at my side, but my youngest son had gone [he was 14 at the time, 21 now] and at this time it don't look like I will ever get him back.  I couldn't care less about my Ex - she cleaned me out and now is on the bones of her ##### again, but loosing my son because of the way I acted is something I will never forgive myself [or her] for.  Mate keep the faith, life on the other side is just as good - just different thats all, but your kids will always be the same kids if you look after them.

Thanks mate;  I am truely sorry for what happened in your separation.  All too common (unfortunately) these days.  Look me up at the Nationals and we can have a drink and a talk.

Tonight was the night we had to break the news to the children (7 & 3 yo), and they'll be moving out this Friday!  Trying to keep a positive spin on it, was bloody hard; I can tell you.  I am however mindful of the impact this can have on them, and how important this phase is.