Latest on the dec 13th break in and tool theft

Started by Dave, January 26, 2005, 06:24:50 PM

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First I dont want to make a insurance company bashing deal out of this im just sharing my experiences so far..

Im getting annoyed with my insurance adjuster to say the least. Its been over a month and a half and ive yet to get the doors that were damaged replaced. I got the second estimate that they asked for and they oked the door replacement for less than the quote and it was agreed on by the adjuster and the contractor. My back door on the house well actually the storm door has about an inch of ice on it from the heat escaping from the junk entrance door..  I got a letter in the mail last saturday and in fact ive had the insurance check for better than a week less the deductable of course and the letter i got wanted me to sign my life away for 1700 and some change when the actuall price was 1400 and some change. Well monday I called the adjuster. Told her the problem and she suggested I call the contractor who they sent over for the quote? She then went on to tell me that I submitted almost 7k in tool loss? Like I didnt know. Well now they need further documentation. Like a letter or letters from people that had seen my tools and asked me again if I used em for a business and i told her no I had a real job. Then she had the nerve to ask me if I entered the cars I built in events.  :?:  I got no idea what the heck that was about or what she was shooting for so another no answer. Ok end of the conversation Ill get the letters. After thinking for a bit I called my Agent. I told him the story he told me get the letters in it will be easier and I said ok. Then on the door deal he asked for my claim number and told me he would call me back in the afternoon. He called before then and told me the adjuster was getting ahold of the contractor and if i needed any more help please call. Cool now the adjuster is gonna have to actually do her job. In the meantime I called the contractor he called me back and he screwed up the numbers admitted he did and we got the done cept no doors yet. Then I get a call from the ajduster and she is not happy  :?:  Seems as she put it she got a call on the HOT LINE  :lol: that I called my ajent.. Well ya i kinda figure he works for me  :?:  She told me she was waiting for a call from the contractor and I was polite and just told her let me know. I wish you could have heard the voice message she left later in the day saying every thing was a ok with the contractor and so there :?:  but if i had any questions please call... Well im still keeping my cool and going with the flow but the contractor hasnt dropped off the stuff to pick out the doors yet and I have no tools yet but what the heck im having fun playing on the internet cause I dont have enuff tools to work on stuff... :wink:
ps: Thanks for the advice from whoever it was on the letters before but I wasnt smart enuff to do it from the get go.. My fault.

phat rat

Dave, what company are you insured with? I'd sure change after everything was finally settled! You might consider asking your agent to go over the adjusters head and get them on the stick as this is ridiculous
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Just to warn you, when I had my break in, after they settled, the next renewal date, Nationwide canceled my homeowners insurance. And since I had a claim within a year, I had some difficulty getting a good rate from any other insurers.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Just to warn you, when I had my break in, after they settled, the next renewal date, Nationwide canceled my homeowners insurance. And since I had a claim within a year, I had some difficulty getting a good rate from any other insurers.

The same company did the same thing to my father-in-law.  He was a radio amature and lighting struck one of his towers.  They paid the claim (it was only a few hundred dollars) but dropped him at the next billing cycle.

Some day, maybe I\'ll think of something witty, \'til then, this is the best I could do!


And to think people wonder why it is I dislike insurance companies even more than lawyers.   :?

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Found out today that there was an article in the local news paper bout a guy that was busted for breakins around the area. He ahd already done 10 yrs for breakins and drugs and cooperated with the cops so he only got 10 years. Guess what... Sue and I worked with the guy and he used to pick up sue with his mother and ride to work together. I only knew him as charlie but I guess that wasnt his real name. I guess ill find out what is was and call the cop that made the report tomorrow..


Quote from: "N8DC"Found out today that there was an article in the local news paper bout a guy that was busted for breakins around the area. He ahd already done 10 yrs for breakins and drugs and cooperated with the cops so he only got 10 years. Guess what... Sue and I worked with the guy and he used to pick up sue with his mother and ride to work together. I only knew him as charlie but I guess that wasnt his real name. I guess ill find out what is was and call the cop that made the report tomorrow..

wow!!! you just never know do you  :cry:  :?  :shock:

58 Yeoman

Good luck, Dave...he may still have the tools, if he's the one that did it.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "58 Yeoman"Good luck, Dave...he may still have the tools, if he's the one that did it.

You think he took em to the jail :lol:
Just kidding but ill bet he had em sold fore he stole em and Id bet a bunch he is the one


A person that doesn't have an addictive personality doesn't understand the drug deal. I'd like to have a better understanding of what makes a person lose control of yourself to where you would do anything to perpetuate a habit. I wouldn't have any sympathy but I'd like to be able to help.


Quote from: "kb426". I wouldn't have any sympathy but I'd like to be able to help.

I have found thru the years of picking the "reched refuse" off the streets, that you can only help them if they want to help themselves. I have hauled addicts in to the ER with withdrawls so bad they were curled into a fetal position, begging you to kill them and put them out of their misery.
only to see them discharge themselves AMA (against medical advise) and be walking out across the parking lot before I could finish my paperwork :evil:

I used to be sympathetic, but an old Medic once told me
"you can find sympathy between s*#!$ and syphyllis in the dictionary"

used to think he was just burning out, as is common in this profession, but once I had been doing it for a few years, he was on to something.

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Quote from: "N8DC"Found out today that there was an article in the local news paper bout a guy that was busted for breakins around the area. He ahd already done 10 yrs for breakins and drugs and cooperated with the cops so he only got 10 years. Guess what... Sue and I worked with the guy and he used to pick up sue with his mother and ride to work together. I only knew him as charlie but I guess that wasnt his real name. I guess ill find out what is was and call the cop that made the report tomorrow..

Called and left a message for the cop.. Called the insurance company today about my claim (this is getting old) They told me they were gonna have the investagator call me this week cause over 5k they have to do that ????Its interesting that it may be like 6800.00 its not 40 k and im glad its not but i could tell she was still a little upset from me calling my agent and ive decided if they try to stiff me too bad ill call my agent again. After all I pay him also to do a job .. Now i suppose ill have to go sit in a chair with a bright light and have hot wax poured down my nose till I come clean on the extra screw driver I listed?
The adjuster told me it would be all settled by the end of the week :lol:
This is a good time for someone to start a pool on when it really gets settled.

ps: again take pics of your stuff guys and gals I hate to see anyone go thru this crap like i am, believe me its no fun.


Worst case scenario: call the state ins. commisioner. If they investigate you'll probably get a settlement soon but most likely will be cancelled. I personally don't think you're to that level yet but maybe this drags on so it could. I have almost always been successful sitting across the desk from someone. In person is way more successful for me than the phone or mail. I've had several friends in the ins. business. They all have stories similar to yours. It only takes one person to drop the ball and turn something into a nightmare. Hope it speeds up for you.


Oh I am sure they will cancel y'all after this.  Keep pushing buttons and write down when , what , whom you speak to.  Treat them like the IRS... document , document , document

I called the AZ insurance commision on an agent and her company over my insurance on my shop when I was located in Tempe AZ.  

She charged me for coverage I never authorized.  All said and done I was found to be NOT at fault on anything.  Took about 4 months

She was a neighbor/ friend  of a friend of mine... needless to say we don't speak any longer.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"Oh I am sure they will cancel y'all after this.  Keep pushing buttons and write down when , what , whom you speak to.  Treat them like the IRS... document , document , document

I called the AZ insurance commision on an agent and her company over my insurance on my shop when I was located in Tempe AZ.  

She charged me for coverage I never authorized.  All said and done I was found to be NOT at fault on anything.  Took about 4 months

She was a neighbor/ friend  of a friend of mine... needless to say we don't speak any longer.


Well its my lucky day i guess. The insurance investagator was here a bit ago and guess what he is a deer hunter and an ex cop retired to do insurance investagation. He spent more time bsing with me about hunting than anything else. Loved my 32 and took a pic to show the adjuster why I had so many tools. We talked about my other cars and stuff too. He told me the reason he came out was just to make sure I wanst running a business out of the garage. It went better than expected and he also told me i shouldnt worry about any depreciation cause they wernt business tools.
Again A good Day