MAN..........WHAT A STORM..............

Started by SKR8PN, January 10, 2005, 07:35:39 PM

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We got HAMMERED here in Mansfield with that ice storm! Willy and I were without power(just had a back-up Generator to run the bare essentials) from 9:00 pm Wednesday evening, till 1:30 sunday evening,and didn't get our phones back till today............and even then we can only call out,no incoming calls!
Saw the post about Joe and am glad everything is OK with him!

WE got MAJOR damage to every single tree here at our place. We are prolly going to lose at least two BIG trees and a couple of LARGE shrubs,as well as a Dogwood :(  and a Hydrangea tree :( and my 50 year old Magnolia :(
First tree limb to come down,ripped the wires right out of the weatherhead,and the SECOND one took out the phone lines!!!!
Talk about some scary should have been here,to hear some of the CRAAAACKS as the larger limbs let go. I have NEVER heard anything as scary as that. Some of them actually shook the house as they let go!! Brought us up out of a not-so-sound sleep more than once!!
Very scary stuff..........................We were lucky in that NONE of the trees hit the house..........but I have one neighbor to the south that was not as 80 ft oak fell right  thru his kitchen! Thank God nobody got hurt,but he is without a place to live for a couple of weeks  :shock:
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


I hate to see Trees get torn up... But its good to hear that none of them smashed your house.


It's really a bummer to lose mature trees....glad nothing hit the ranch.Looks like you'll be cutting firewood for a while!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Glad to hear your buildings are intact. I feel for you on the power outage, went through that a couple years ago. We had freezing rain and snow at the same time, I walked out the back door, hear a crack, and looked at a pine tree just in time to see all the limbs on one side fall to the ground. Some as big as 5". Took me two days to clean up that mess.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

Jimmy Jay

Went through that in '81.  The sound of those limbs giving way will never be forgotten.

We had city water and natural gas so we always had hot water for showers and gas for cooking, just did everything in the dark and cold!

Good news that no damage to home and hearth.

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.  :wink:


I'm glad you're OK. Our son lives North of Cincinnat and our daughter lives east of Akron so both of them have seen that kind of weather this year. All we've seen is rain and water. Hope you'll be caught up by this weekend. I don't like to mention my problems but I don't mind listening to some elses' because their's might be  worse. Be carefull cleaning up the yard. Frozen dog s..t on hard ground is just like walking on marbles. GPster


Never knew what I missed living in central Texas all my life!  Frozen dog poop on the ground is just like marbles!!!  Never thought about that problem before. :lol:  :lol:
We have junipers here, everyone calls them cedar.  Last ice storm we had 4-5 yrs ago lost a buch of limbs off a lot of really big old ones in my yard, not to mention those in the pasture.


I guess thats one good thing about living in northern Michigan - We hardly ever get ice storms just tons of snow!! :shock:

Till we meet - On the street


And to think here in So. Cal. we're griping about 10 days of rain  :?

MM64  8)
Racing.... Because Baseball, Football, & Basketball
Only Require One Ball..... Gotta Race


We lost the conservatory roof to hailstones the size of golfballs just before xmas
The insurance company has approoved the claim so no worries

I always thought that that stuff was unbreakable but I guess everything gets old in the sun it is supposed to be summer here
Just because it\'s written down doesn\'t make it true


If any of you have a tree or branch broken which has some special memories, send me a chunk of wood and I'll be glad to make you a pen/pencil out of it.  The parts cost about 10 bucks each.  It does need to be a hardwood.


Quote from: "SKR8PN"We got HAMMERED here in Mansfield with that ice storm!   :shock:
Jim, I'm glad to hear you and your property came thru safely.  Hope to see you Saturday. :D

I was thinking of you this morning when I woke up to a strong thunderstorm.  According to my thermometer it was 31 degrees but the radio said the official temp was 33.  My yard is full of trees.....a mixture of white pines, which are very brittle in ice storms, and 4' diameter 150 year old oaks, one of which I lost in a storm a couple of years ago.  Luckily the rain was just rain on top of 6 inches of ice.

The local morning radio person, who just got back from sunny Florida, was complaining about the dreary slushy weather and questioned what were the first settlers thinking when they picked Michigan to live in.  He said you never hear a doctor say "You've got some health problems and maybe you should think about moving to Michigan".  Actually I like living keeps you on your toes.  Weather-wise it's definitely not boring.  In the next two days the temp is supposed to go from 45 degrees to 2 degrees below zero.  With all this rain and melting snow we'll have plenty of places to ice skate....or get stuck.....or slip and fall. :?

Quote from: "OlBuzzard"If any of you have a tree or branch broken which has some special memories, send me a chunk of wood and I'll be glad to make you a pen/pencil out of it.  The parts cost about 10 bucks each.  It does need to be a hardwood.
OlBuzz I might take you up on that.  I've still got a chunk of the 40' hard maple that was the gin pole I used to build my cabin.  When I took it down I saved it.  Part of it is inside the cabin now, part of it will be built into a room divider in my house, and it would be cool to make a mechanical pencil or two out of a piece of it.  That log made it possible to build the cabin and it means a lot to me.  I'll PM you.


Well we're 9" from being at Marietta's flood stage but I need 7" after that for it to be at my front door. It's not raining. GPster


Quote from: "purplepickup"
Quote from: "OlBuzzard"If any of you have a tree or branch broken which has some special memories, send me a chunk of wood and I'll be glad to make you a pen/pencil out of it.  The parts cost about 10 bucks each.  It does need to be a hardwood.
OlBuzz I might take you up on that.  .....     I'll PM you.
Chuck, I tried to PM you and got a message that says you don't take PM's.  You can click on the "email" button at the bottom of this post if you want and send me an email then we can talk a little about the pencil.



Quote from: "GPster"Be carefull cleaning up the yard. Frozen dog s..t on hard ground is just like walking on marbles. GPster

Well Joe, I'm thinking frozen ones would be a heck of a lot better than the ordeal you went through earlier this yr!!!!  :wink:  :wink:

And just how are things your way, are you out of danger of flooding again?

Jim and Debbie, sorry to hear you got it so hard, like others have said just glad your ok and your house and shop too!  It will take a while but you can grow more trees. Its a shame you lost so many  :?  from one storm especially.