GPster, hows the water?

Started by enjenjo, January 09, 2005, 08:02:57 PM

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I saw in the paper that you got to 43.5 ft. Did it get into your house again?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


per his post in the weekend thread

QuoteSaturday at 3:00AM the Ohio River crested at 43.2 feet . That put 1 foot of water in my garage. Because the joints are not too tight in the 150 year old sand stone blocks the ground water let about 4 1/2' of water in my basement. We were better prepared this time ( I started the truck project and drove it to a high spot accross the street UNDER IT'S OWN POWER). The backyard fish pond we have been building was the first thing to fill-up and will be the last thing to drain to ground water. Because the water level was level in it I was evening up the grade stakes around the edge so that when I build the concrete form it would be correct. I fell into the pond. I have no heat here and no hot water. I'm going to find a shower and a meal and chances are real good I won't be back for CHAT tonight. GPster

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


seems like Joe needs to build a wall around his place.  then get some large pumps to use when needed.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"seems like Joe needs to build a wall around his place.  
Or move to higher ground :shock:


I shouldn't be on this computor (but I am). Water went below flood stage right about midnight and thing aren't as bad as last time,yet. I got about 4 1/2' in the basement but it didn't fill the basement. It got the furnace and the hot water tank but I saved them last time. Only the bottom of the return air duct got wet this time and because it's new (all the ductwork got replaced after the last one) it will probably clean up.Bought a new submersible pump yesterday but it's got a float on it that won't let it pump below 1' so I had to wire it up this morning. I'll be ready to work on something differant (trailer?) by this weekend, I hope. GPster

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "GPster"I shouldn't be on this computor (but I am). Water went below flood stage right about midnight and thing aren't as bad as last time,yet. I got about 4 1/2' in the basement but it didn't fill the basement. It got the furnace and the hot water tank but I saved them last time. Only the bottom of the return air duct got wet this time and because it's new (all the ductwork got replaced after the last one) it will probably clean up.Bought a new submersible pump yesterday but it's got a float on it that won't let it pump below 1' so I had to wire it up this morning. I'll be ready to work on something differant (trailer?) by this weekend, I hope. GPster

Hang in there Joe, and I'll buy you a pop this week end while you dry out.
Can't imagine the mess you must have when this happens.  I know it would take me years to just dry out all the junk I have lying around if a flood was to hit us.  I'm only about a mile from the Muskegon River, but about 100 foot higher, so not likely.
See ya Saturday if you can get away.
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Sorry to hear it's as bad as it is, glad to hear it's not any worse. You may have to consider putting your house on a hoist to keep it out of the water.

The worst we have had it was the water at the top of the drain in the basement, at that point, it runs over the road, and doesn't get any higher.  Our flooding always comes from the east, and drains to the west.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.