new american hot rod tonite 10 pm est

Started by Dave, January 07, 2005, 07:55:21 PM

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I think ill try and stay awake long enuff to watch it but ya never know. I had a guy at work today tell me he was sure my 32 was on the last or 2nd episode of the rat rod build up and race to louisville but i didnt catch all of it.?
Maybe maybe not. I tend to look at my rod mags while i watch tv only cause a lot of it bores me so i do miss some things.


Quote from: "N8DC"I think ill try and stay awake long enuff to watch it but ya never know. I had a guy at work today tell me he was sure my 32 was on the last or 2nd episode of the rat rod build up and race to louisville but i didnt catch all of it.?
Maybe maybe not. I tend to look at my rod mags while i watch tv only cause a lot of it bores me so i do miss some things.

====== I have my Tivo box set to record it.

:arrow:   :wink:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I watched it.  True to form.  Folks are leaving.  Everyone is *. And they have got to build a car in only 8 hours or 8 days or may be 8 weeks.  There is hope.  They build the chassis in three minutes, just in time to receive the custom Marcel De Lay body.  And then the * starts.  Duaine fires a chick metal worker who seems to know what she is doing, but they have rules, no exception.  Morale was low at the start and continues South.  At the end of the show the car is where it was 5 minutes in except that an outside shop has fabricated (incorrectly - more *) the wood trim.  And at the end of the show, Bettle, who has been AWOL, gets a repreive (rules time out).  I don't know why I watch.  For that moment or two of fabrication, metal work, or painting that gets folded in from time to time I guess.  Or may be I am hooked on reality TV.  No, that is not it.  Sunday I mashed my left thumb in the works of a Sawsall and went to the emergency room.  Now that is reality.  Not my thumb, the great unwashed mass waiting for their moment with the good doctor.  I counted 50 people, of whic one had a broken arm, one had a sliced hand (Nice middle class lady.  She was fixing a ham for dinner. Boy was she out of place) and my thumb.  All the rest were there because it was a slow TV night and if they were lucky and said the right thing they might get a real drug.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


I tried to watch it but, as usual, the whining and *', cussing and fussing and screaming reminded me of my first wife.  I could only watch it a few minutes.  What a wonderful expose into the true characters of all rodders, or so the image is presented.


I'm going to predict that Charlie and Beatle Bailey are about to leave........

Now for the Lotto numbers. . . . . . . . . . .

Did we say it was over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


When the program first started I really liked it!! But with all the people getting fired & the constant whinning, sure seams to be going down hill fast! But until they pull the plug, I'll watch it every week.

Besides this time of year you either watch TV or shovel SNOW!!

Till we meet - On the street


Quote from: "Fift4fe"I'm going to predict that Charlie and Beatle Bailey are about to leave........

We already know that Charlie works for Foose now, good for them booth!
The main problem in that shop is the "foreman" Dwyane (sp).
If that guy talked to some of the guys in the die shop i work for the way he does to the guys on that show he'd find himself in the E.R. The guy has zero people skills and a real ego problem. Boyd is portrayed as a dufus, I hope that's just editing on the shows part.  But then again, I watch every new episode, so who's the real dummy here.... :lol:


I'm drawn to it like a moth to a flame.  My wife gets irritated with me because I voice my opinion and talk to the TV. The show irritates the hell out  of me. I guess it's kinda like I gotta see what happens next.  I think I watch it because of all the cars in the background and I get to see all the tools & equipment I will never have.    Surely what we see on TV is not the norm for the day to day operation of the shop. :roll:
I find it strange that Boyd's ex wife is the bookkeeper.  Looks to me like she could do a whole lot of getting even for Boyd having the young good looking new wife.  Maybe she is just waiting for the right time to kite with the company cash.  I can just see it now, she and Dwayne run off to Mexico  together and retire with Boyd's money and a couple of purchase orders. :lol:


Looks unanimous. We all think it's terrible but we watch hoping that we might see something of interest. As a sidebar, on the rat rod buildoff, the Big Texan stop was something that everyone I every took to the races wanted to do. It was really poor years ago and I'm willing to bet it hasn't changed.  The one thing that appears to be consistent with reality tv is " people have no class".


the show sucked for quality content on automobiles / hot rods.  

All drama crap  & I don't watch drama-crap shows.

what were those winning lotto numbers?   :wink:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


In my opinion it's right up their with all the soap operas, reality BS TV, OCC (Out of Control and Contemptuous) and "Monster Garbage" .  I won't  lift a finger for the remote to watch any of it.

Foose, Two Guys Garage, Myth Busters, Heavy Metal, Barrett Jackson Auctions and "Car Search......different deal.  I usually learn something from each of these everytime I watch them!  I am a sponge for info and enjoy learning.  The other stuff just repulses/bores/sickens/nausiates (pick one or all) me.

Geeeeeee, wait till ya hear how I really feel.



Quote from: "HOTRODSRJ"In my opinion it's right up their with all the soap operas, reality BS TV, OCC (Out of Control and Contemptuous) and "Monster Garbage" .  I won't  lift a finger for the remote to watch any of it.

Foose, Two Guys Garage, Myth Busters, Heavy Metal, Barrett Jackson Auctions and "Car Search......different deal.  I usually learn something from each of these everytime I watch them!  I am a sponge for info and enjoy learning.  The other stuff just repulses/bores/sickens/nausiates (pick one or all) me.

Geeeeeee, wait till ya hear how I really feel.


Well I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I watched it and it was ok but id sure like to see more building and less *  :lol:  I understand the tv hype crap but they are taking a good thing and sending it down the tubes..
Ill keep watching just to see the finished products.
Dave :wink: