Stupid pet tricks

Started by enjenjo, October 15, 2004, 08:12:32 PM

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Quote from: "enjenjo"
Quote from: "mrloboy"As a practicing blaclsmith, all I can say is AHHHHHHHH!

For my next trick.... yesterday, I was moving some stuff out in the barn, and ran the left side of my head into a stack of steel plates, felt like I was hit with a ball bat. So I have a series of small cuts up the left side of my face, nice sharp edges. :lol:  An hour later, I slipped going up the stairs carrying a box of parts, fell on the box, and got a big bruise on my chest. I went in and quit for the day then. Today was much better, no burns, no cuts, no bruises.

You better slow down a little there buddy!!!  We have to have another build day  :wink:  Don't want you to broken up to help!!!  :twisted:


I thought it might fit here. It's more a Stupid (because of) Pet Tricks (LONG). Usually on Thursday I start gathering up trash around here because of garbage pick-up tonight. I also have a couple of dumpsters near by that I can bless with my overages if they're not full because they get cleaned tonight also. Not only am I dealing with a substancial about of ruined by the flood stuff but because last Monday was NOT honored as a trash holiday I still have last weeks. They were on schedual, I was not. My back yard is about 90' by 90' with a 6' high privacy fence. It is inhabited by my garage, a patio, willow tree, a big hole in the ground(soon to be a pond), a hot tub and two 85 lb. dogs. I also have a plastic container that used to hold 40 lb. of kitty litter . I use this to patrol the back yard to clean up dog ---- (can't say S_H_I_T_ here). After doing my duty with their duty this morning I thought that the container would go another week if it was forced to settle some. I proceeded with the age old trick of picking the container up slightly and allowing it to strike the ground smartly (this is where the stupid word can be inserted) on it's base. I had not allowed for the dynamics of the situation. I had added to the collection yesterday before the lawn was treated and there was a substancial amount of rainfall yesterday. The contents of the container did a briliant rendition of the "OLD FAITHFUL"  eruption.  In closing it is hard to fathum the term "safety glasses". How safe can they be when you can't see through them? Rest your mind, I showered before I started typing this. I will add doing laundry to my accomplishments of the day. :oops: GPster


Well Gpster, you got me giggling. You win the gold star for today.
          Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
Badges? Badges? We don\'t need no stinking Badges!!
Team Smarts official dumbfounder
The first liar ain\'t got a chance

58 Yeoman

I think I'll get some alcohol and clean the puter screen....just in case.  :lol:
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


A few years ago I helped out at a friends' workshop, one of the guys working there was a chap called Pete. Pete is pretty tall, 6' 3" or so I guess.. anyway.. we pack up for the night, to leave the workshop we had to walk under the front fo a car that was up on a 2post lift, so about three of us walk under it, followed by pete who suddenly starts cussin' and jumping all over the place.. turns out that the car on the ramp had a hot exhaust, we were all short enough to get under it, but pete was so tall his hair brushed against the exhaust, resulting in a slight singeing.. so he's jumping about thinking hes on fire and I'm rolling round the floor laughing... good times..


This is not my own story but one from a fellow rodder some years ago. He was working in a friend's workshop and crouched down on the floor to retrieve something. Being a little older and not quite as flexible as he once was, he reached up to use the vise to help pull himself up again. Only trouble was the vise wasn't bolted to the bench was it! A vise in the face is not a comfortable thought.



that stinks

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

later jim

sorry :wink:  :wink:
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Thanks GPster...........I just spit beer all over my computer :lol:
Being the owner of ONE 70lb dog,I can feel your pain.........
Not really,I just chuck my dogs "stuff" over the fence  :lol:  :lol:
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Today was much better, no burns, no cuts, no bruises.

So, you stayed inside the house . . . ?


No, I stood out in the yard, away from the trees and stuff :lol:  Actually I built a trailer hitch, and three antenna clamps for slip seat 18 wheelers. And finished up the wagon that started it all :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.