A little trick

Started by enjenjo, January 09, 2021, 06:18:15 PM

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There is an Ebay seller that has dash knob kits at a very reasonable price. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Hot-Rod-Art-Deco-Floor-Shift-Knob-Matching-Dash-Knob-Set/153441488727?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 The only problem they are all drilled for a 1/8" shaft. I have had problems in the past drilling them without scaring the surface.

So today at the hardware store I noticed these compression couplings for 3/4" PVC pipe. I purchased one to try an idea, and the rubber grommet stretches nicely over the knob. Then the compression nut tightens it up nicely so it can be drilled.

I may not be smart, but I am crafty. :D
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Good job. The phrase "always thinking" was applied here. :)



Another tip: Find a friendly full-service  bicycle shop in your area that will let you go through their parts bins; you'll usually find lots of pieces/parts that will re-purpose in our hobby.


A follow up to my first post. I drill out some of the knobs today. I held the plastic coupling in a vise on my drill press, and centered it up on the chuck. I used a piece of brass rod held in the chuck to center the knob, and tightened to coupling nut to hold it straight. A strong hand tight was all it needed.

If you notice the brass rod has a small mark about 11/16" from the bottom end. That was how deep I could drill the knob. Each time I changed a bit I adjusted the stop on the drill press so I wouldn't drill any deeper than that. It worked like a champ.
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