2021: What are you doing today

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, January 01, 2021, 11:19:02 PM

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I finished a painting this morning. Not really thrilled with it, but it's done. Now to clean the shop and mow the lawn, maybe for the last time thus year, we had a pretty good frost this morning.

Bruce Dorsi

It looks good to me!  .....I especially like the fence.

Nice work!
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!




Good detail. The more I look, the more I see. :)


Thanks for the compliments. Many people mention the fence. It was the final thing painted, like Bob Ross used to say, " It's your bravery test" when he would add a huge tree at the end of the painting. Screw that up and you can junk the whole thing! 😆

chimp koose

Just saw a truck I built for a client 15 years ago go up for sale on a sales site . He has done almost nothing to it in that time . I wonder , when he sells it will he come over and pay me what he still owes ? :lol:


Quote from: chimp koose on October 26, 2021, 09:33:08 AM
Just saw a truck I built for a client 15 years ago go up for sale on a sales site . He has done almost nothing to it in that time . I wonder , when he sells it will he come over and pay me what he still owes ? :lol:

Good luck :)
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

chimp koose

This guy popped by this summer to ask what parts I used to build the front end . He ran the truck up a curb and bent some stuff .I steered him to someone I knew that had the parts he needed as I really liked the truck and wanted it to be repaired . I look at the money owed as a bit of a convenience thing . As long as he owes me money I know I will never bump into him anywhere as he makes himself disappear whenever I see him in public . I was surprized to see him at my house asking questions this summer .


Anywho:  Our counter tops in the park model unit are installed. They look good. Couple blemish here and there. The installer guy said give it a few days for the sealer the builder used on the granite to dry out to reduce dark spots.

Install time window was 8am to 2pm..  At 2:15pm my wife called. Guys were running late. They finally arrived at 5:45pm. It was dark. By 7pm they were cleaned up and headed out. Very professional guys, on task, measured stuff, cut under lament boards quik.   

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


We have had nothing but rain for the last two weeks. This had been the wettest October for this are since 1872. My property is mostly sand, and what isn't sand is black Muck. It's so wet we have water standing in any low spot, and my gravel driveway is falling apart. I have a area where we park trailers. Since I have the room several members of my family park theirs there too. Right now the water is up over the tires, and we still have another day of rain yet to come.

Yesterday I stepped out on the back porch, and interrupted a squirrel eating a Walnut there. He took off across the yard like a rocket. He came to one of the water puddles, and ran though it throwing a rooster tail like a speedboat. I laughed my butt off.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


We've had the wettest winter and some for a lot of years butits been fine for the last few days. Tomorrow I'm going to a swapmeet and Nostalgia drags with fine weather forecast
It's going to be a special day but my grandson doesn't know it yet but I'm letting him drive the roadster in to the meet.should give him a buzz.
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


I've spent the last 4 days battling the worst cold I believe I've ever had. With the respiratory problems, I think I have some insight into covid. I had trouble breathing laying down. I'm about to go to the shop but I don't know how productive I will be. :)


Feel better now, Bill.  :)

Today was a Grand Three. They all need work. But today I took down the window A/C unit and replaced my mailbox with a new one which was just as bent. But assembled using RTV at latch gaskets. Been about to blow one over getting wet mail.

Funny encounter at the store, relevant to a vid I put on my build thread recently. Self checkouts all full with lines so I use the one open cashier line. One family with a few things in a cart. Well, it seemed to take awhile and the cashier was joking around a little with them. Blah blah my turn. One plain mail box and four numbers which I fanned out on top with him looking, I thought. Nope, total is for just the box. Heres these letters. Oh. Adds them. $25.24. Heres a twenty and two fives. Heres your reciept. My change? Calls a manager over, promptly opens drawer. Kid hauls out four ones, shuts the drawer. My change was $4.76. Oh. Calls manager over. Long about then, some lady behind me erupts into a fullblown tongue lashing on the kid. Grey headed man with card walks up but can't open drawer. Another round of screeching rant and another person arrives and I get the .76 I was hanging out for but at that point might gladly have dismissed. Walk out thinking this must be what people are upset about. Them who regularly go places and buy things.  The grey man told the kid to pay attention which is all I might have said. I did say I came for a mailbox, not a critique. What a circus. I wasn't peeved in the least but maybe at that lady a little for making a scene. There was a line behind me and we were all standing under a sign saying if there was three people under it, another register would be opened. Such are my scant dealings with the public.

Kind of in a related category, I just listened to a Dragnet where a woman pedestrian was seriously injured in a hit and run. She had been a nice girl but her landlady said she'd gone flaky and wanted her out. Clues were slim, a make of this year or last, color, and half a tag number. Grey 48 Plymouth sedan. Over 4,000 cars were checked while she healed. Found it. Lipstick print on a fender was damning and it went to court. But she didn't show and it was dismissed. Turns out after tracking her to a new address, she took $50 from the guilty party to forget it. Both were charged with felonies. What was her crime called, felony failure to appear? Obstructing justice? She didn't understand and asked if forgiveness was against the law. Friday said it is when you get paid for it. ???

So, I uh... well theres you some down time reading material with spooky mysteries.  :) Sort of.

Boo!  :twisted:


I can go one more, to end on an automotive note. Didn't think I would get to it today but I removed the inop actuator preventing heat in the daily GTP.  Turned the double D plastic nub with fingers to the hot position. This is driver's side, where your feet have to straddle the headrest to access. I did learn a new trick... used an allen wrench to drive a 14" drive socket. Worked like a champ, no ratchet room but left the quarter inch drive stuff at work anyway.

That completes all chores I hoped to accomplish. No severe evisceration of hands required. Maybe new front rubber for that car this week.

I'm leaving my typo in this time, as comedy. ^^^  :lol:


I've been trimming out the mobile home unit. Crown moulding to cover the gaps. Moulding at the floor to cover gaps from new laminate. I am very slow at this. The first 5 or 6 cuts for crown moulding corners were wrong. I even watched some video to reduce mistakes and I still made the mistakes.

I have the sink drains and faucets hooked up.  Water heater flushed out via the hose bib on the bottom of the tank.  Glad I opened that drain up. White icky stuff flowed out of the drain hose I attached.  New toilet hooked up. Went from 1984 toilet to 2021 toilet.  Much better crapper for sure.

H*** or high water: we move in this coming weekend if the new bed mattress delivers like it is suppose to.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)