whats your bottom dollar

Started by chimp koose, January 27, 2020, 08:42:15 PM

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Today's thought: when you deal with serious money, ie, thousands and more, you expect it to be a reach for some buyers. When you are less than 1 thousand or in the less than a hundred category, it becomes a game of " I got a bargain" rather than what the item might be worth. My deal today is $200 less than my price. I don't think I want rid of it that much. :)


One item I really like at a swap meet is:

When a person will come by , make a low ball offer.  Talk , talk , talk , talk to you on the item.

That person comes back by:  "Same offer" .. you tell him no a few more times.

You sell the item (s) for your price.

Low baller guy comes back by looking for the item and looks, looks, looks, looks,  while standing across from your swap spot. I usually wave at them.  Very few low ballers come up and ask me if the item sold.

Oh:  the low ballers that "just happen" to be near you as you are loading up to leave...  make another low ball offer so "you dont have to take that part home" ... I tell them  the same price again and tell them: "I've had the item 15 yrs , I can keep it a bit longer."

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


My friend 41woodie tought me to say " I don't negotiate with my self, feel free to make on offer" . I like it and have used it.


LOL, my daughter bought a new used car a couple weeks ago. She (I) was selling her '04 Cavalier,  only 108K miles, but rusty like a 16 yr old Michigan car. I listed it at $1050, hoping to get about $800. Listed on FB Marketplace. The first guy to answer just said "trades?" Lol, nope I already have one rusty p.o.s. We sold it in a couple hours for $900!