Nats North

Started by purplepickup, September 07, 2004, 10:35:24 AM

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A couple of things......

1.  If there is a shy lurker out there that wants to stop by and sample some food and friendship, there's a map here to help you find us .  We will be somewhere near the red marked spots.

2.  Charlie, I'm planning to take off work a couple hours early so I'll be at registration around 2pm.  I'm pre-registered so that line shouldn't be bad but I've got to register my other car (Frank's) that isn't pre-registered.  Sometimes that line is short and sometimes it isn't.  I'll probably have my van since the canopy won't fit in my pickup.

3.  Daryle, sorry to hear about the poison sumac.  I sure hope you didn't take a leak while you were in the bushes and get blisters on your whatchamacallit.  :shock:

4.  For anybody that is planning to be there on Friday AM, it would be appreciated if you would get there early if you want a place to park.  I can't save spots while other people are coming in and setting up.

5.  The turkey sounds like a good idea but I vote that we keep the cooking and mess down to a minimum like with hot dogs, hamburgs, brats, boiled corn.....basically finger food.  There's less of a mess and it's simple to just turn on the grill and burn meat.  This is just my opinion and if someone wants to volunteer to deal with the turkey cooking, carving, and cleanup then I'll definitely eat the heck out of it.  :D

6.  If people want to come over to my house and sit around a bonfire Saturday night you're more than welcome.  I've got all the wood from my trailer deck that needs burning plus lots more.   BYOB.  
We should probably eat at the fairgrounds Saturday tho.  Everybody is already there and it is real comfortable to hang out there after the crowd clears.  If you decide to come over and want to bring the trailer and eat again at my place that's cool too.  This one is just my opinion too.


Per usual, George's thoughts and comments make alot of sense. :wink:  

Even though the best turkey I've ever had was deep fried, it sure is a whole lot more work then dogs and burgers.  I say we save that taste treat for a time when we're grilling at someones home just sitting around shootin the crap and have the availablities to clean up properly.  If we did it at the Nats someone would have to be there the whole time watching it to make sure it doesn't burn the place down. :shock:

Anyway, me, Roadstar, his son Race and his buddy will be arriving on Friday morning.  (Big Olds, VooDoo Child, and the roadster)  Since we have to register and all that, don't bother saving spots for us if it's a hassle, we'll squeeze in somewhere close.

Daryle, I'm really sad your not coming and I do hope your feeling better real soon.  Sure wish I was there to help rub your medicine on the ichy parts  :D

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again.  This might be the last time this year for most. :cry:
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

Bob K

Quote from: "purplepickup"A couple of things......

3.  Daryle, sorry to hear about the poison sumac.  I sure hope you didn't take a leak while you were in the bushes and get blisters on your whatchamacallit.  :shock:

George, I hope for your sake, he doesn't answer that. That would be a classic case of TMI (too much information)

B :roll: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Quote from: "purplepickup"Since Nat's North is this weekend in Kalamazoo, I figured it would be a good time to see who all is coming and get a little discussion going about what might be going on.

I'm assuming the BBQ trailer will be there and some of us will be parking near it.  I can set up my 20 ft canopy if I can get it on the fairgrounds with my van Thursday afternoon after I register.  I'll try to get the same spot as last year or close to it.  I could use some help if anyone wants to volunteer.  I won't be able to save spots to park so if anyone else wants to put up a canopy on Thursday it would help reserve some real estate.

Hope to see some old friends there and meet some new ones.

Hey George im on vacation and was thinking about crusing down tomorrow to register also and have it done. I could come over to the fairgrounds and help set up. I may even ride the honda sounds like a nice ride. If you still have my number give me a call. ill pm it to ya also. Ive got to take one of the dogs to the vet early tomorrow for a nail clipping then im free. I even finished the new overhead console and radio project in the 32 I just wish I could knock some more of the wind noise out of the door area and id be jammin...
Oh ya im gonna be there friday in the am so im sure you will have a spot saved for me right ?  :lol:


WOW  :shock:  how many times we gonna get to eat!!!! LOL
hope I can talk rob into staying long enough to go to George's afterwards. sounds like fun

Daryl, sorry to hear about your itchies!!!! Rob had some posion ivy a few weeks ago, guess he was pretty lucky compared to your mess. Darn it anyway, I'll never get to meet you at this rate  :cry:


Thanks for your concern!Lets just say it did migrate North but not far enough to affect my whatchamacallit. :wink: I will be as good as new...well,as good as slightly used anyhow,in a few days!Went to work today and was able to make the day so I'm sure tomorrow will be better.I'll bet it sure looks funny when someone drives by and sees 4 grown men scratching themselves,sometimes in unison :roll: Probably a good thing we'll be inside hanging cabinets for the rest of the week.Sure would like to have attended,but on the upside,I'll get to use my season tickets and see what the Huskers are up to this year.At least I won't be sitting around crying in my beer cuz you guys are having all the fun...well...unless they get whooped! You guys have fun!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Hey, we have got poisonous snakes and spiders, pretty nasty things in the ocean, stinging nettles and stinging trees (especially in the more tropical north) but for the uninitiated what is poison ivy and this sumac stuff?? Sounds like you need to be pretty carefull having a cr_p in the woods over there!!  
Hope you are recovering Daryle.


Ohio Blue Tip

I also think we should keep the cooking simple, turkey's is a lot of work.  Hay!  I'm not retired yet, just on vacation and I need my relax time. (Read nap) :lol:
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Dave or Don, how's traffic been looking on I94 west bound lately.  We'll be passing thru the Jackson area approx 9am tomorrow morning.  Is there still contruction?  If so, how do we get around it??  Thanks!
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Dave or Don, how's traffic been looking on I94 west bound lately.  We'll be passing thru the Jackson area approx 9am tomorrow morning.  Is there still contruction?  If so, how do we get around it??  Thanks!

Well i left to get my sticker and stuff about 12:30 today on the motorcycle and i got on at sargent road and it was stopped up past there. I dont know what the hell they were doing but it was road work and it was clear at 6 pm when i came home. Im gonna check it out real good in the morning and if they are at it again ill go thru town. I got off at 127 south and went to michigan ave then thru town and back on at 127 north. I could have gone michigan ave all the way to m60 then up to 94 but i got thru ok after making a little detour. If you have a cell phone and pm me your number  ill take mine tomorrow and i can call you if its backed up. Im gonna try and leave here about 7 am. I met slocrow and charlie and george and we got the stuff up and the spot staked out.
Its clear after jackson all the way to kzoo. I dunno it they are still working on the bridges from chelsea to ann arbor either as i havent gone that way in a while and im on vacation this week so i didnt have to go east at all :lol: Ill ask Sue when she gets home and find out if they are still working to the east. Its been a real bear trying to get to dexter to work all summer.. :x