The whole story

Started by enjenjo, May 20, 2014, 09:12:15 AM

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Here is the whole story of my latest adventure. It started in January when I found two partially stripped Studebaker pickups I could have for hauling them off in Las Vegas. There were no body parts left except for one bed, and it was in very nice shape. And there was one very nice frame. On my truck the frame has been badly abused over the 40 years I have had it, so I decided it would be nice to start with a fresh one.

To that end, I bought a trailer from an impound lot that was big enough to haul the parts back to Ohio, stored it with the truck parts, and came back to Ohio.

I was offered a 1997 S10 SS, very nice looking truck, lots of miles, but it ran good. It was in Phoenix. So I made a deal for that, and shipped the parts to rebuild the suspension on the trailer to Las Vegas, along with the tools I would need.

April 23rd I flew to Phoenix and picked up the truck. There was a vibration at about 60 mph, so I had the front tires balanced, and replaced both rear tires. After a short visit with Zebby and his family, I drove to Blanding Ut. to Sumners place to show him how to set up a ring and pinion. I think he learned enough to do one, but we did not finish the one we were working on because we had the wrong carrier, and one wrong pinion bearing. I repacked the wheel bearings on the truck while I was there, and then drove to Las Vegas.

In Las Vegas, I rebuilt the trailer suspension, including new hubs and bearings, and bought some good used tires for it, including a spare. I then disassembled the two Studebakers, and loaded the parts in the S10, and on the trailer.

Sunday morning I left for Ohio about 9am, in Boulder NV one of the radiator tanks cracked and blew out coolant. Fortunately I was right in front of an Auto Zone, and more fortunately, they had a radiator in stock. I fixed that, and was back on the road.

Nearing Ash Fork AZ, I could hear a ticking in the engine. I pulled over at the next exit to check it out. The noise sounded like it was high, and at the front of the engine, so I disconnected the belt to make sure it was not one of the accessories, but the noise was still there. So I called my son, and told him to rent a trailer to come and get me.

I rented a space in a campground to park the trailer, and about that time my son called and said the trailer had come loose east of Kingman. No permanent damage but he had to find a pin for his hitch. He did manage to find a bolt that allowed him to get the trailer to the Petro truck stop east of Kingman. I decided to drive the S10 back wst as we were still about 75 miles apart, taking it easy. I made it about 50 miles when the engine quit. I pulled the cap on the distributor, and it was not turning, so I think the timing chain let go.

I got a ride back to the Petro, found a pin for the hitch, and we went to get the S10. At this point, it no longer runs, and we had no winch, but we did have a couple web straps. So we would pull with on strap until it would not go any more, the pull with the other one. It took about an hour to load it, and in the process, I fell off the tongue of the trailer and twisted my right knee.

We got the truck back to Vegas sunday, monday we went and picked up the trailer. By monday I was in considerable pain. Tuesday I went to urgent care. They did Xrays, nothing was broken, but it was badly bruised. They sent me home with my knee wrapped, and some controlled substances. It was still friday before I felt decent.

So I went to rent a truck. I intended to put my trailer in the truck, and haul my S10 on a trailer behind it. So a 16 ft truck was big enough. But they did not have a 16 with cruise available, and there was no way I could hold the throttle for 2000 mile with my knee. They said they had a 22ft truck with cruise I could hace at the same price. With a 22 ft, I could put my truck inside and pull my trailer, so I agreed to that. When I picked up the truck, it was a 26 ft truck, still the same price.

I had my truck loaded into the rental with a roll back, tied it down with a bunch of 2x4s, and headed home tuesday. No more drama until I was 10 miles from home. I came to a 12 ft overpass with a 12 ft 7in truck. No I didn't hit it, but it is not easy turning around a 26 ft truck, and a 16 ft trailer on a 20 ft road.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.



I can't top that and it sure was nice reading, at your expense. I guess the Stude's weren't exactly free and best of luck with that knee.
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...

Ohio Blue Tip

Sounds like a normal day to me!
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Sounds like a fun trip. Can't wait till I retire. :)
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.

Charlie Chops 1940

ALL retired days are better than work! Some are a whole lot more interesting though.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


A good story about perseverance. When the rental people ask if you want the insurance, do you say yes? :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: "kb426"A good story about perseverance. When the rental people ask if you want the insurance, do you say yes? :lol:  :lol:


A bit of a side bar. I only know a few people in Vegas. When we were loading up the trailer, one of my buddies asked where I got the trailer. Come to find out he built it about 4 years ago, and sold it. What are the odds against that?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


:shock: Well you definitely topped the AMC Concord story.  I really fear for your life if you schedule another one of these trips in the future. :wink:


:shock:  And then there was the time you had to get the station wagon inside the truck at the HAMB Drags!


Gee Frank ..That sound's like my "Vacation from Hell" when I moved my son & wife , his 89 Taurus,( inop of course), His '48 Chevy pickup & everything he could pack in a 26' Ryder from Ca to southern Il.. I wont go into details but lets suffice to say it was an adventure ..Going up hills in the mountains at 5MPH with the engine on the governor .. Only able to go down hill at 62 MPH because engaging "George Overdrive" also set the parking brake ..  :shock:  

 Turns out the complete rig weighed over 33K lbs ...Oops ..... :oops:  :roll:  

Good to see you made it home safely & now have more projects to care for ... Take care of that knee ..Remember ..You only get two ... And they will NOT interchange   :lol:  

Bob .... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


I love this stuff. All of us have good stories to tell. You think the guy that sat on the couch and watched everybody else have a life has much to say?  :lol:


So it went smoothly...

Silly me, I thought I was the only one who had relatively simple things go that wrong.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Wow. I'd have to go back on antidepressants. lol!
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


I would have had a yard sale right there on side of the road.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)