Easter way down under

Started by bucketmouth, May 11, 2014, 09:18:27 AM

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Easter a couple of weekends back our hotrodding cousins in Tasmania, a island of the mainland of Australia put together a four day weekend run.
Now myself being on the west coast a long way away decided to do the long trip some 2000 miles away.
Driving was out of the question because of the time involved so I had the car transported to the other side of the country to Victoria a week earlier.
I flew across the country with my partner Sue and picked the car up in Victoria and drove it to Port Melbourne to load it onto the ferry to take it to Tasmania.
The ferry trip is a 12 hour trip so we had a overnight cabin.
When we loaded the rods on their was probably 200 rods on there.

Here's a pic inside the Ferry.

I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


That must have been a lot of fun! You guys have some really nice cars  over there.


Now there's some dedicated hot rodders.


That's a "pretty picture" Bucketmouth. Haven't seen it anywhere before, thanks. But mate, you are sure keeping some 'Bad' company there.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Going to put any more up? Maybe one something like this one?

Or maybe one like this one,
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
I Should not be allowed to wander through there alone


Good onya Grazza ,I've been busy of late with a bit happening around the place.
My roadster looks so clean there, must have been just after I cleaned it. It was filthy by the time I got home covered in mud and crap.
Yes you must like that photo of yourself you keep posting it around the place. I think that's the fourth time I've seen it.
Thats Grazza between the girls trying to look cool,actually it was bloody cold that weekend in Tasmania. For us west coasters it was freezing for what we are use to but after seeing what some of are American friends have had to go through of late it probably looks like a warm sunny day.

An American import and still LHD.

An original body style here.

I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


Found this you all might be interested in. Watch the video but ignore the text its not correct.

I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.