You never Know what life will give you

Started by enjenjo, October 31, 2013, 11:50:33 PM

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A long time close friend of mine stopped by today. I had not talked to him in a couple months, he no longer lives close by. He said he had some bad news for me, he has been diagnosed with ALS, and has at best, 2 to 5 years left. Most people would let this get him down, but he seems pretty upbeat about it. He has decided to finish his dream car by next spring, he has been working on it several years, so he can get at least one good cruising season out of it. It hit me kind of hard at first, but after thinking about it, none of us have any guarantees in life, and I think he is doing the right thing.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


A year ago June I lost a good friend to cancer. Two years ago this Oct. we went to Las Vegas to buy a '38 Chevy P/U. 50 years young went in for his first colonoscopy in Nov. & was diagnosed with colon cancer which had already gone to his liver. Seven months later he was buried. The truck sits in my shop unfinished. I think of him every day. Like the song says,"Live like you are dieing". Larry


It seems as we get older more of our friends are being struck with something.
One of my buddies has been dealing with prostate cancer for a number of years and has had numerous treatment with mixed success. He's hanging in there for the fight and is enjoying life all he can.
Another had his removed only 18 mths back and all went well but at his last check up two months ago it has returned. He goes back this month to see what the prognosis will be. Hopefully all will be ok.
When this stuff happens a lot of what you think is important falls by the wayside and gives you a reality check.
I hope they do well and I get to enjoy their company for a long time yet.
Enjoy your friends you never know what's around the corner.
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


Enjoy your friends you never know what's around the corner.[/quote]
Amen to that statement! I'm still here but way too many friends, associates, and family members arn't around any more!



A fellow I know has terminal Cancer.  The way Greg views  his situation and how he is handling it ;  is part of the reason I decided to get back on a motorcycle after my crash.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


kinda depressing, but a reality just hit me. I don't have any close friends.


Most of my friends are already gone. I know way more about this subject than I ever wanted to.


Within the last year +2wks we lost my mother & 2 of the best friends we ever had. One  friend fought lung cancer for a year (heavy smoker) & about the time he passed my mother  was diagnosed w/ pancreatic cancer.She only lasted 3 weeks.This past summer Mr. Bill Sellers passed away suddenly. He was a long time rodder & one of those men whom could make anything. He made hidden door hinges in his home shop & sold them to many of the well known rod parts sellers. A few years back he built a '38 Ford truck that received a PPG best use of color award  & was featured in PPG's booth at Street Rod Nationals 2 yrs in a row. I miss these every day & am so thankful I have my health.
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!


No doubt about it...every day is a gift and we should treat it as such.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Quote from: "kb426"Most of my friends are already gone. I know way more about this subject than I ever wanted to.

Ain't that the truth, dammit.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I guess as we get up into the age demographic when mates start dropping off the perch the reality hits home. Males tend to have a bad history of  getting medical check ups also.
All we can do is keep the weight down,keep active and keep off the ciggys and enjoy a drink in moderation. And reduce the amount of fried fatty foods ,salt and sugar  we dump down our gullets .
Being in my 60,s.  Past check ups showed my blood test prostate PSA reading climbing.  Physical check gave an enlargement but not feeling abnormal .
Now given that my 94 y/o dad passed away earlier this year due to prostate cancer that had spread , and the elevated risk due to hereditary factors  I got a referral  to a specialist who also did a physical and came up with the same opinion as the regular GP. He then went into the advice of PSA test not being definitive but only a rough guideline for Prostate cancer  and booked me for a biopsy informing me of the risk ,mainly infection but I would pee blood for a week or so  :roll:  :roll:  :roll: .  This came up negative for cancer.

More good news 6 months later another PSA test somehow now has my reading dropped.  I will now have this monitored yearly. Look after yourselves guys.



Try to make every day count, even if that means just taking it easy for a day. I have a family member in his mid 60's battling multiple myeloma, it only ends one way, and a partner in my deer camp told me a couple months ago this will be his last year hunting, he's mid 70's. I get annoyed that my Dr. wants to see me every three months, but at least if I do get something we should catch it quickly. Remember besides the prostate check, get your colon check too. My colonoscopy is scheduled for April.


If you belong to NSRA or have a friend who does get the last issue of StreetScene & read Jerry Dixey's article in the back of the mag. The title is" Someday". It sure hits home to what this topic. is about.
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!

phat rat

Quote from: "papastoyss"If you belong to NSRA or have a friend who does get the last issue of StreetScene & read Jerry Dixey's article in the back of the mag. The title is" Someday". It sure hits home to what this topic. is about.

Thank god he took the time to do his trip when he did.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Everyone looks at this differently. I've already out lived my Father, and four brothers. People tell me that I should be checked for this & that, and the next thing. Had bi pass about 10 years ago, and feel good. I do get a check up every year, but thats about it. I always say that it's quality of life, not quantity. Would I be happier living til I was 90 and miserable, or 70 -75 and enjoy the time I have left?? I vote for the latter, thank you.
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??