AOD torque convertor shudder?

Started by junkyardjeff, January 30, 2013, 08:31:53 PM

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I have a 89 crown vic that has developed a vibration that feels like a dead miss in the motor but when put in neutral and revved up no miss in the motor,it does it when cold and the trans still shifts fine so could the torque convertor be starting to go bad. It has about 170000 miles on it and will change the trans fluid this weekend and see if it improves.

wayne petty

change the spark plug wire separator order over the drivers side valve cover to 7,5,6,8    same problem with chevy motors. last two cylinders fire 90 degrees apart and wires tie wrapped together or neatly run next to each  other induce sparks in close wires... there is a FORD TSB on this issue

try this, it's under 2 minutes to correct... and its free if you fix before experience piston damage..


AOD does not have a convertr clutch inside like a 700r4 or other lockup converters.

There is a spring loaded drive hub in side.  When the AOD shifts to 3rd gear, the trans goes to 1-1 direct drive inside the converter.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I am going to mess with the plug wires first.


make sure you change fluid in the torque convertor also.  Some Ford transmissions in and around that general time frame had shudder problems that were cured by total fluid change.


It had the last two plug wires touching each other so they got seperated.


Quote from: junkyardjeffIt had the last two plug wires touching each other so they got seperated.

   Boy those plug wires  :!:  :!:  
Take your eye off them for a second & they're worse than teenagers  :shock:  :shock:  

Touch ...Touch ... :oops:    Good thing you caught this before it went any further ... :roll:

 You cured them ...Did it cure the shudder  :?:  

Bob ...... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


It has not done it yet but I do suspect the wires are getting old and will replace them soon.


While your messing with the leads check them all with a ohm meter,one crook lead will give you that miss at idle or low revs then it irons itself out.
We don't have many AODs down here so that trans fluid is an interesting one.
I have a AOD in my 34 coupe so I'll have to keep that one in mind.
Not many trans shops here will touch them but I found a guy who was full bottle on them so hopefully all will be good with the rebuild he did.
I also found out he lives close by so he offered to come around and set up the TV cable for me before I take it for a drive.
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


This weekend I did a complete tune up with wires and cap,the old plugs were burning good and all were the same so I dont think the problem is in the motor. The trans starts to shudder as soon as it goes into 3rd gear and slower speeds and is not as noticable above 40,so if that trans goes into direct drive in the convertor and thats when the shudder arrives so could there be a issue with the convertor.  I am going to change the fluid this week and see if it improves.


Quote from: "junkyardjeff"This weekend I did a complete tune up with wires and cap,the old plugs were burning good and all were the same so I dont think the problem is in the motor. The trans starts to shudder as soon as it goes into 3rd gear and slower speeds and is not as noticable above 40,so if that trans goes into direct drive in the convertor and thats when the shudder arrives so could there be a issue with the convertor.  I am going to change the fluid this week and see if it improves.

  Take this as MY experience FYI please.
  I had a Ford trans that started shudderring..and to the point where it was going to seize up in OD. I had to drive it in D all the
time. I couldn't really do that as I had a lot of highway drving to do.

  My next door neighbour was a large Seafoam distributer. He offered me a can of their "Trans Tune". Couldn't hurt he said as my trans was toast. True.
  The stuff is stupid aggressive! Reccommends that you put in in,drive LOL
I think 10Kms..TEN. KMS.then FLUSH. I did. Plus the filter. The fluid did not look that bad..neither did the filter. Might just have been the flush..the fluid change..I dunno.
  Whatever..fixed the trans in about 10kms..and lasted for however long I kept that car..I think another year or two..about 50,000K.

  I am of course not affiliated or sell the stuff.
  My .02


Ford has an anti-shudder additive, I used it in my Escape and it cured it.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Ford has an anti-shudder additive, I used it in my Escape and it cured it.

 Great info. How long have they had that? I guess it is dealer only?


10-4 on the Trans-Tune.  I'm not a big fan of cure-in-a-can, but I've saved a few Volvo 4-speed automatics  (AW-71) with it.  A $10.00 gamble with potentially huge savings.  Also, I've used it (sparingly) in the power steering to smooth out a shudder on slow, sharp turns.  YMMV
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