OT Thinking of moving to New Zealand

Started by BFS57, August 26, 2012, 09:35:55 AM

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Well, with the way the economy here is, the wife and myself have been tossing this subject around.
Any of you RRT members got some thought you want to share about the Economy there, Jobs, Housing, Schools, or anything worth knowing about!!!



This is what I have heard.....
You need a large bank account..
You need a sponsor...
You need a job before hand...


My understanding, is they don't want people just showing up unannounced.

So Harry is probably correct.


Quote from: "phat46"
Quote from: "unklian"http://www.emigratenz.co.uk/emigrate-new-zealand/are-you-eligible/


This is exactly what the U.S. needs.....

If the US had this many of our parents would not have made it in  :roll:

Later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Australia was first settled by criminals that England shipped there.
Those NZ immigration rules are not that old.


Quote from: "river1"
Quote from: "phat46"
Quote from: "unklian"http://www.emigratenz.co.uk/emigrate-new-zealand/are-you-eligible/


This is exactly what the U.S. needs.....

If the US had this many of our parents would not have made it in  :roll:

Later jim

my parents were born in the USA ...  Would need to go back to the 1800's to boot out my ancestors.

Of course back in those days the immigrants did not enter the US with their hands out for hand outs from the gubmint.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


It looks like NZ has their act together regarding people coming in to stay ....BUT ...Is it enforced ????  We too have set rules to enter  our country legally ......... :idea:

 Both Tony & Jim can tell you what happens when OUR Law Enforcement people try to do their job .... :(

 Something needs to change .....SOON ..... :roll:

Bob ..... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Quote from: "BFS57"Hello;
Well, with the way the economy here is, the wife and myself have been tossing this subject around.
Any of you RRT members got some thought you want to share about the Economy there, Jobs, Housing, Schools, or anything worth knowing about!!!

Why New Zealand? I do know a lot of people have been going to NZ and staying 4 years and then bcoming a New Zealander and then moving to Australia becouse it easy to get in to NZ than here. Go in to them web sites and have a look
A Ford man that like all cars


We don't have any plans to migrate to Australia. We thought that NZ looked pretty nice, we are both about ready for retirement, and my wife is Philippino and NZ is close to Philippines so if the need comes she can go there as her extended family is getting older. My family is just about gone! and our daughter is just now starting College (JC) to study to become a nurse.
Thought that property was cost effective there. We were also thinking of Philippines as it is still a pretty good value for the $$ .



Quote from: "BFS57"Hello;
We don't have any plans to migrate to Australia. We thought that NZ looked pretty nice, we are both about ready for retirement, and my wife is Philippino and NZ is close to Philippines so if the need comes she can go there as her extended family is getting older. My family is just about gone! and our daughter is just now starting College (JC) to study to become a nurse.
Thought that property was cost effective there. We were also thinking of Philippines as it is still a pretty good value for the $$ .


Sounds like you have it thought out.

Good luck , have some fun


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


As you are near retiring age, I agree NZ would be a very good destination.

The main disadvantage of NZ, there being very little manufacturing or industry, and hence quite limited career possibilities for most younger people wishing to immigrate.
For self funded retirees in good health none of that applies.

It is merely a problem of convincing the NZ immigration authorities that you are among the best and most worthy of all the other applicants.

How good your chances are, probably depends on how many others apply as much as anything else.

Even though Australia may not be your first choice, it would be a good idea to apply for there as well.  Once you are established with permanent citizenship in either country, there are no restrictions of subsequently moving between the two.

Getting into either country may be a long slow difficult process, but applying for both multiplies your chances.


Quote from: "UGLY OLDS"It looks like NZ has their act together regarding people coming in to stay ....BUT ...Is it enforced ????  We too have set rules to enter  our country legally ......... :idea: :
Don't know about NZ, but in oZ it sure is ruthlessly enforced.

Anyone overstaying a three month visitors visa will be arrested and deported. You will remain in prison until you can get someone to pay your fare back to your own country. I am not kidding.

The first day you start in any new job in Australia, you fill out a form which goes to the Australian Tax Office. If you don't have a verifiable tax file number and identity, you are toast.

Without verifiable identity documents you cannot open a bank account, obtain a driving license, get a credit card, rent property, get any Government benefits such as unemployment or free health care, or do much of anything.  You are a non person without an identity.

So an illegal immigrant cannot work, cannot find a place to live, cannot drive a vehicle, cannot get health care, and without a bank account cannot receive pay or own a credit card without being caught very quickly.

Once behind bars, with no provable identity, you will be deported.
It is all very effective indeed.
And you don't even need to get caught doing a significant criminal act, it's the "system" that will get you.

See what happened to these guys.
And they were not even illegal immigrants !!!
All they did was find themselves a job while they were here perfectly legally on holiday.



Quote from: "Warpspeed"

Without verifiable identity documents you cannot open a bank account, obtain a driving license, get a credit card, rent property, get any Government benefits such as unemployment or free health care, or do much of anything.  You are a non person without an identity.

So an illegal immigrant cannot work, cannot find a place to live, cannot drive a vehicle, cannot get health care, and without a bank account cannot receive pay or own a credit card without being caught very quickly.

Once behind bars, with no provable identity, you will be deported.
It is all very effective indeed.
And you don't even need to get caught doing a significant criminal act, it's the "system" that will get you.

Interesting process.  Not the same here for the most part.

During  2011 at my work place a phone call arrived to the Controller (one of the owners).  A very upset father of a 16 yr old girl. The girl was looking for work and her father had checked up on her Social Security number.

Oddest dang thing, Her SS number was in use at my employer for near 9 years by a fellow that had told me he was in the USA illegally. :shock:  That fellow was terminated.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)