Report From Louisville

Started by 348tripower, August 04, 2012, 08:23:17 AM

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 Thunderstorms forecast all weekend. I am sharing a ride with Red in his 40. COE failed on me so I drove the daily down. More on that later. Still having fun. Got some great info from Painless and Vintage Air. Off today to ask more questions. Later,
Don Colliau


Glad to hear you're havin' fun Don.  In all the NSRA Nat's I've attended in the past 30+ years I've never once been to Louisville that the rain didn't bucket down.  Come to think of it, it also rained in Columbus and * near everywhere else we've travelled to the Nats.

My St Louis buddies have been keeping me posted on their hotter than normal and rain free summer, so I was almost starting to think this might be the year it didn't rain at Louisville.

Maybe next year.

Hope so coz I've already booked my flight.  :D

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


So, what was the car count this year? It had been going down each year since the economy hit a snag, disater, trainwreck... and the year change.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.


They said Saturday the final count was 9886.    Could not really see a drop off by looking at the grounds, IMHO.   The giveaway 32 coupe went to Chesapeake, OH.  It was hot as usual with a little rain, but still a great weekend.   Took a few pics and did a lot of walking!   It keeps me young!  Well, maybe just feeling that way!   :lol:
I am CDO, kinda like OCD, but in alphabetical order, like it should be!


Got back home Monday afternoon. Had a great time.  We were out back of the building on the grass. LOTS of parking out there as compared to previous years.  I got busy trying to track down a electrical problem in Reds 40 and didn't get out much Saturday. I didn't get to the swap until Sunday morning and most of the sellers had left. Oh well there is always next year.
I cut a radiator hose on the COE and got it hot. Lost a head gasket. $250.00 tow bill. Changed the heads and gaskets out Wednesday evening and Thursday morning only to find it still running hot at speed. Later we jumped into the daily and headed south.
Note to self. Don't wait until two weeks before the event to start the swap.    
When I got home yesterday I found it running in a lean condition due to a bad water temp sensor. Probably went bad with the over heating.  I am going to change it out this morning and clean the shop. It is a big mess due to the NASCAR style head swap. I am looking forward to Louisville 2013. :)
Don Colliau


Sounds like just another fun weekend of hot rodding.

I too am looking forward to 2013, see ya there.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.