Lesson one for this week

Started by enjenjo, April 02, 2012, 09:48:56 AM

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Ouch - not nice!  But at least I don't feel like the Lone Ranger any more.

Wayne - thanks for the first aid tips.  That's something I will keep for reference, but hopefully not need.  I've always been quick to grab the peroxide - looks like I need to re-think that.
My project is 90% finished, with only 90% to go.


I hate to see / read that stuff.  I've done it too.

My monday was a chitty one too, although I did not burn myself like that.  Started the morning with a customer following me around as I worked on his work truck that was on the hoist, followed me in the shop, at my bench, at the tool box.  geez, I hate that.

The fellow that should have been doing the work called in sick again and was home  dealing with his ''personal problems'' that came back to him about 16 months ago.   :shock:

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


WOW! That looks bad! I got a steam burn taking a cap off a radiator once, went up the length of my lower right arm! I used Alovera juice (direct from the plant) and the darn thing healed very quickly and without scaring! As the old saying goes, "try it, you'll like it".


Uncle Bob


Don't do that again...........
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity meet.


Oh Man-o-man, that looks horrific!  I hate it when you have enough time to think 'jeez, this is going to hurt' before the pain sets in and that is clearly the situation with your hand.


JEEZ, Frank!!!  I know[/i] that's an owie.  I'll tell you what worked really well for me: ALOE VERA - a whole leaf from one of our plants.  I burned my hand in an arc flash one time so bad that the middle finger looked like a hot dog that had been left on the fire too long.  To avoid a long drawn out romp with OSHA and the safety department, I took care of it myself; got it into the water jug within a minute or so, and kept it iced down.  I called Bobbye and told her what had happened and asked her to cut some of the Aloe leaves, wash them up, and put them in the fridge.  When I got home, I took a leaf from the Aloe plant and split it open and wrapped it around my finger and tied it on, and changed that out several times and wore one to bed.  The next morning, the pain was mostly gone, there was no swelling, and it showed signs of starting to heal already.  It was completely healed in a week, and (you have seen my hands) no obvious scarring or other impairment.  Hope you heal up quick and well.[/b]
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.


Sure ....    Where's Vance (  EMSjunkie ) when you REALLY need him   :?:

 That one looks kinda bad Frank .... No gloves   :?:  :idea:

  Bob.... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


owchie.  Take care of that.  Here locally today, a fella trying to cut a drum open, http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/images/news/2012-04/1797/53081/1200759_Farm_Explosion.pdf, got the end off by golly...  years ago in the air force, a ssgt in the welding shop was making a barbique for the commander, unfortunatley he never finished it, the top of the drum hit him in the head, and lifted his body up, slamming him into the header above the roll up door.

chimp koose

We have an aloe vera plant at home for just such emergencies. Works great .Hope the healing goes well.


Frank, Have you been working on lesson #2 yet? Please remember to keep your hand out of the way if you're using a hammer.........oops that was wrong wasn't it.


Yowch! I'm sure glad you got to the end of the week without lesson 2!
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)

wayne petty

wait... #2... i have  a fix for the HAMMER THUMB.. or HAMMER finger...

when a finger or thumb nail is SMASHED..   STOP what you are doing.. drop everything .. DO NOT swing hand..   take other hand..     place thumb of other hand down hard on the smashed finger or thumb nail.. squeeze TIGHT.. you want to prevent the blood from rushing under the nail..    yep its going to HURT like .........  

think of it this way.. a few minutes of pain now.. or weeks of a tender finder ...

continuing .. hold hands over head.. still pinching the damaged nail to prevent blood from flowing under it.. holding your hands above the head will reduce blood pressure in your hands ..  

hold it up for at least 10 minutes..  DO NOT SWING IT.. that will increase the blood pressure..   you probably want to take a 30 minute break .. without returning to the hammering.. until the tissue has had some slight chance to heal..

if you do this right..  you will prevent the blood from pooling under the fingernail and lifting it.. causing extreme pain until the nail pulls off..

this also prevents the need to drain the pool of blood from under the nail to relieve pressure..  yes... it will be sore for a day.. maybe two..  but it won't hurt like ....... for a week or two..   and you probably won't loose the nail..

this also works really great on kids fingernails when they get them pinched in the door of a car..  so you might want to share this with the spouse..

you have to practice the hold first.. spend a few minutes trying to cover your thumb nail with your other thumb.. and also a finger nail..  so you know which way to grab before you really need it and there is NO time to practice..

you have about 5 seconds to grip your smashed nail.. before it starts to fill..  hence the reason for DROP everything..


I  learned this from my uncle when I was a kid. Y es, it hurts like the devil, but only for a short time.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I understand the instructions but have a question... :?
Instead of the normal hollering / screaming /turning the air "Blue" with funny words , are we to just follow the instructions while smiling & repeating " Gee..That Smarts....Gee ..That Smarts .... :shock:

That way no one will catch on to our procedure   :?:

I just thought of some thing ..... :idea:   Does this incident qualify Frank for a "senior" position in Team Smart   :?:  :?:    Maybe placing him in the " HOTSEAT" at meetings ... :?:  

Bob...... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


I still think it's part of the procedure to turn the air blue...otherwise, who would've ever figured out it works?
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)