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Started by moose, March 15, 2012, 08:01:26 PM

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phat rat

Don, well the bright spot in this is that you and THE princess are ok. Glad to hear that.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "phat46"Wow, that's a lot of damage! Luckily the house held. Was there no header above that window or had you already removed it?  I saw on the news that they are bringing a big tub grinder down from the Thumb to grind as much of the wood as possible. Good luck.

The header was laying on the floor in two pieces. The princess will get the bay windows she wanted.
I keep looking at the pile of wood and waiting for it to split and stack itself.  We are probably going to move out next week so the construction can begin.
The whole end of the house is racked so the are going to take it down to the studs to see what is bad. Basement ceiling and all.

I haven't seen any of my immediate family and probably will not. The crew consisted of  my stepdaughter and stepson and son in law, one nephew, a guy who lives up the road that I had never met and some VERY good friends. I even turned one guy away because we had people stepping on each other. He had seen me at cruise nights and shows and came  to help. I suggested that he could help someone else and he was good with that. I can't thank everybody enough.

 I was coming out of the garage yesterday and was greeted by a very pretty young lady. She introduced herself as Lisa. She said she had two hands and would like to help. That is what it has been like here. They were turning people away in town because they had so many volunteers.
The girls went to the local hot dog stand Saturday to pick up lunch for everybody. About 60 bucks worth. It was donated.
I could go on and on.
Don Colliau


       Glad you and family are safe! Right through your back yard? Do you have a basement?

I hope your home owner insurance works for you.



Quote from: "58Apache"Don,
       Glad you and family are safe! Right through your back yard? Do you have a basement?

I hope your home owner insurance works for you.


The princess was on the second step of the basement stairs trying to get the dogs to go down with her. :shock:
Yes right thru the back yard.
What a mess. can't get the adjuster to communicate with us. Mike the builder is ready to go to work but we have not been given the go ahead. Very poor communication.
I am calling my agent again tomorrow.
My next move is to drive to their Howell Michigan offices about a half hour up the road.
Gotta find my can of woop *
Don Colliau

wayne petty

you might want to talk to the people around you with damage.. see if they are getting stone walled by their insurance companies...

stone walls would be nice.. hard to blow down..

but if they are doing that to you...

time to talk to your local mayors office.. your elected united states congressman..

the state insurance commissioners office..

or the news reporters who covered the story originally..

or are they hoping that you will miss an insurance payment  so they can cancel your policy..


Wow, glad everyone's OK, everything else is just stuff.

It might be a little late or this but try to do as much of your communication as possible through your agent. There are teams of roving adjusters that work on contract following disasters around the country. Their job is to make payouts as low as possible for the insurance companies. I learned that the hard way after a hailstorm. I called an 800 number in a newspaper ad urging me to call ASAP in order to handle my claim. Once I called the contractor there was very little my agent could do to help me.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Don, glad your family is ok. I hope the ins. deal works out ok. Best wishes. Bill


Quote from: "kb426"Don, glad your family is ok. I hope the ins. deal works out ok. Best wishes. Bill

We have a meeting with the adjuster, and engineering firm, the agent, myself and the builder on Thursday. Should be interesting. One of my fears is they would like to level the house and start over. This has never been a perfect house but it does have a lot of memories.
The other problem is our dogs. We have a 4 year old black lab and a one year old yellow. Jordan the black girl has a really hard time with relocation. We stayed four days at the daughters and she was a nervous wreck. Neko the yellow girl just wants a belly rub.
I am back to working in the shop. Spend most mornings there and afternoons cleaning debris out of the yard. Got a very sore back.
Don Colliau


Don ...Have you ever seen a "Thunder Shirt"  for dogs ??  It is a "Sweater" type of thing that the dog wears ...It is supposed to calm them down VERY well without harming them at all......

  As for the sore back thing ...Be careful & dont hurt yourself ...We dont "Bounce Back" like we used to .....

Bob .... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.

wayne petty

Quote from: "enjenjo"What  do you think of this?

i got a note from my timewarner cable company about box loss prices..

so.. it should be posted in the news paper and on the broadcast news.. that during debris cleanup.. if you find a cable box or cable modem.. DO NOT throw it away..  it needs to be returned after noting the serial numbers on it to the cable company..  or to the local collection designated  area.. or the home owner is going to get charged somewhere in the 200 to 500 buck range..

if you return it smashed.. its still a return..  just say. it quit working.. may i have another please.. and smile..

just be sure to get a receipt with the serial number if it gets returned to the Cable company..  or they will just toss it and still charge them..  i turned in 2 cable boxes a few years back.. got a bill for almost a grand.. saying i had not returned them..  i had a receipt that showed the serial numbers from the cable office return..  it took a lot of talking to get them to search for them..  they kept wanting the grand.. if they found them they would return the money..  in fact that was comcast..

in fact.. calling the cable company service trucks out..  saying the cable quit working.. as you sit on the bare foundation  as the driver walks up..


Quote from: "enjenjo"

What  do you think of this?

typical corporate BS :roll:  :roll:

i think they will eventually do the right thing once the uproar gets big enough. i just wish they would just do the right thing from the start. it's almost as if they say lets try this and see if anybody notices, then when noticed they back off.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


My wife is an adminitrative assistant for Comcast. We saw this story on the news last night about the people in Dexter being charged for their cable after their houses were destroyed. In defence of Comcast they have no way of knowing which residences were destroyed or damaged beyond habitation. Some damaged houses would still have Comcasts equiptment in them that is undamaged.  On the other hand there must be some really inept people at the call centers that apparently can't think outside of the parameters they are given to apply to problems. It sounds like Comcast is now bending over backwards to help these people to keep the bad PR to a minimum.

Charlie Chops 1940

I have Comcast for 3 services. All 3 were out at different times yesterday. Phone is still out. Lots of discussion with Customer Service (there's an oxymoron). In general they seem to try but Corporate doesn't have a clue. It really ticks me off while I use up cell phone minutes waiting for them and they bombard me with commercials or messages telling me how great they are.

I have two younger friends who work for Comcast. They have tried very hard to make things right but I believe Corporate keeps kneecapping them. We have agreed to disagree.

My view is that they are an exceedingly greedy and self-serving company.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!

Ohio Blue Tip

Wow, some storm.  Glad your all right.  Good luck with the rebuild.
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.
