Ford Ranger Gear shift stiff

Started by 48bill, October 25, 2010, 12:48:49 PM

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My nephew dropped off his 2002 Ford Ranger to have a windshield replaced.  He is from out of state and goes to a local college.

My questions deals with a very stiff, hard to operate gear selector.  It is a 4X4 with an automatic transmission and column shift.  I looked and cannot see where one would lube the cable or I am not sure if I have properly identified the cable.  My newest vwhicle is my 1948 Ford F-1 so I am "challanged" around newer stuff.


Thank You
Bill C from Connecticut
48 Chevrolet Cabriolet


My daughter had a rusty "92 topaz with a cable shifter, hers got progressively harder and harder to move. I tried to lube it but I couldn't get any lube into the housing. It finally broke after she couldn't get it to move in a parking lot and Dad came to the rescue and snapped the cable. We went to the junkyard and found one in a similar age car that worked like new and swapped that one in. I don't know that there is anyway to get lube in those cables, I tried both ends and could never make it any better.

wayne petty

try this link for some info...

there is also this...;jsessionid=48392607E48CDECC8E543B024B042734.diyprod5-b2c9

but you will have to join and log in .. its free...

well.. never mind looking at those... neither of them has any info on the shifter cables...  drat...


When we had that problem with motorcycle clutch cables the main cause seemed to be a worn through or abraided outer sheath on the cable. If that is the problem that would be the place to try and lubricate it to make it work until you can get a new one. In despiration we have tried pulling a vacuum on one end of the cable sheath while the other end of the sheath was submirged in some lubricant but that kind of work is easier on a simple play vehicle. Lubricating the cable won't fix it, it will only make it work better for a little while. GPster