Liability Insurance on Vehicles.

Started by 38HAULR, June 24, 2009, 01:22:31 AM

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I notice that over in the US,. the annual cost of tags is cheap compared to our various state systems in Australia.   I note the requirement for liability insurance being mandatory.  What would an average figure for this be? I see reference to a "minimum "cover amount of $25,000 in Alabama for example,this looks inadequate to me.......Frank.



very complicated system

Rate charge for insurance varies from state to state in the USA.  Each state may have different minimum requirements.

Many items are used to figure a rate;

Driving record, Credit record, the vehicle , area of state you live in (by postal zip code)...  I moved from west side of Phoenix AZ to here in Gilbert AZ.. my rate dropped over 100 dollars per 6 months with no other changes in coverage.

Insurance companies have a national data base to track a persons insurance claims filed,  even on glass replacement.

I had a rate quote increased on a new 2001 Ford truck because of glass replacement claims back to 1999 ... naturally I asked how I had claims on a 2001 truck from 1999.  That is when I learn I was penalized for previous vehicle claims on a different vehicle.... this was applied to a brand new truck with insurance from a different company.

Also... the glass replacement claims were from 'chip - crack  repairs' not replacement.  The chip repair company had charged a high price for the repair, so the insurance company put a mark on our record with out telling me.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "38HAULR"I note the requirement for liability insurance being mandatory.  What would an average figure for this be?

Are you talking about the coverage amounts?  Most folks go with $100,000/$300,000 coverage for personal liability and property damage coverage (PL/PD).  All cars need this type of coverage, daily drivers and classic cars.  The amount it costs (premium) per year to have this coverage varies from underwriter to underwriter and I believe is mandatory in all states.

Collision coverage is an option.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


I would disagree that most folks go with 100-300 thousand dollar coverage.  

Very common in AZ for people to be barely able to afford minimum insurance amount.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Most responsible people have 100/300 coverage because of the cost of things today.


Just for comparing.  Here in Australia . The states run pretty similar systems.    In my home state the premium is paid as part of your annual registration fee. You have the same plates,your windscreen sticker is just changed.  The fee for a typical sedan  is made  up of registration $178. and the Transport Accident Commission fee is $378. plus state insurance duty of 10%? ,the feds slug us 10%also in tax included in the $378.  This is a "no fault" scheme.and only has one insurer,an arm of the state government  that covers the driver/passengers/or a pedestrian/cyclist you may hit , for personal injury expenses and loss of earnings, wheelchair access mods to a home/rehab if disabled etc. Some payouts have gone into the million dollar mark.   We had a recent case where a truck collided with a train killing 11 passengers in the train wreck. The truck driver was charged ,and cleared by a jury of criminal wrong doing.  It is reported that the train passengers injured, and relatives of the dead,are now clear to sue the driver,which will mean his Transport Accident Commission cover will pick up the tab........Frank.