Helmet Law ?

Started by Learpilot, February 18, 2008, 08:54:10 AM

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It seems as though we all agree you should wear your seat belts in the car and your helmet when on a motorcycle..........   The point I was trying to make is my objection to a LAW that MAKES me wear the belts or the helmet.    If it takes a law to make me safe than we need a law that will give you a ticket if you walk around with a shoe lace untied (?), you could trip on it and injure yourself....maybe you need $10,000 of insurance to cover your possible injury (?).    ....or a law to prevent McDonalds from serving coffee that is hot enough to burn you if spilled (?)    ...or a law to prevent bad guys from having guns (that could take a whole new post to handle).   Due to laws, I will not be able to pass from the USA into another country like Canada, without a passport......     It makes me wonder why I need 535 people to pass laws to protect me from myself.


this is just my opinion, my opinion only, it does not reflect the opinion of the board, its susidiaries, or anybody else who may, or may not agree with my opinion, but none the less, its MY opinion...........

I feel that we should remove ALL warning lables from products......and let the "problems" solve them selves.

I understand about the "law" thing...........common sense should dictate, however.......common sense is a very rare commodity these days

once again, just my opinion.

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
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Helmet laws,seat belt laws and traditional rods and steel vs glass are all sore subjects with me.. All it does is start arguments that are meaningless ... Of course we have the politicians to blame for helping us in their wonderful debates and people that dont know a hot rod from an Audi but think it should all be there way  :lol: Im gonna wear my hat.. No i dont plan for belts in the roadster but ya never know.. Traditional.. Oh ok whatever.. Glass vs steel.. Ive hammered and welded a lot of junk back together and no thanks im over that and have been for 30 years..  I really like the options of what a glass car offers and the things i can do to a glass car.. My choice not the governments..
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


The other side of the coin to look at when we go down the path of "Laws to protect us from ourselves".  Is the cost to the over all community and families for the horrific injuries . In the state where I live we have a compulsory "no fault' personal injury scheme that is part of your annual vehicle registration charge.  My Mustang for example costs around $585 AUD per year for registration.  $312 or there abouts is the Transport Accident Commission fee,the rest is rego and taxes. The policy covers you for everything hospital /rehab/loss of earnings/mods to home for wheel chair access etc. whether it is yourself in a vehicle to vehicle/ hitting tree/kangaroo etc  or a pedestrian who is covered for his/her injuries . Even a cyclist who hits a parked registed vehicle is covered,the logic is.reduce the accident injuries the cost does not blow out running the scheme, our state road toll has fallen from about 1034 dead back in 1970 to just over 300 per annum despite a growing population, mainly due to seatbelt/drink driving laws /safer vehicles.........Frank.


Quote from: "tomslik"
Quote from: "Pep"
Quote from: "tomslik"
Quote from: "phat46"I'll never undestand why it takes a law to make some people wear a helmet, but maybe Darwins law will prevail   :lol:

maybe not, ever see a t bucket uhh, t-boned?

gonna make THOSE guys wear a helmet?

a helmet IS NOT a sure lifesaver!
neither is a seat belt or airbags....

it STILL should be up to the rider/passenger....

May not save your life, but may just pay for the constant care you will require for the rest of your life when you are in vegitative state...If your insurance is willing to pay for that and  not burdon your fellow tax payers, then go like Evil Kenevil.....I also find it amusing that the powers that be in that state can make that decision without consulting the insurance comapanies, they're the ones that will be stuck with huge medical bills..

pep, don't feel too bad for the insurance companies.
rates ain't EVER gonna go down, no matter what!

Ah...never go down is right...but more likely to go up if the law is not there to protect people from themselves.
See Ya


There also has to be a limit on expenditure to to protect people from stupidity. We have thousands of rail crossings without boom gates or lights in rural areas,people collide with trains,we have had some well reported multiple fatalities,the cry goes out to fit boom gates/lights.  The reality is that this will cost billions, and the simple answer is to slow down and look, there are road written warning signs or signage on approaches,drivers are too dumb to be aware,many try and beat the train ,people in the more urban areas,have been known to drive around automatic boom gates. How do we legislate stupidity?. Some laws are passed to help protect people to minimise injury,hence belts and helmets,there is only so far legislators can go though.......Frank.


I have to wear a seat belt.

I have to have a fence around my pool.

You have to be 21 years of age to drink alcohol.

Dumb people are allowed to vote.

I am forced to pay taxes.

I can't kill my wife when she * me off.

I have to wear clothes to work.

I have to wear a helmet when I drive my motorcycle.

I have to buy a license plate for me car.

ALL stupid rules... but they are the rules... so shut up and deal with it!
Would plastic be okay for you today?

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Quote from: "msuguydon"ALL stupid rules... but they are the rules... so shut up and deal with it!


later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Yes, the LAW....    Did you know, 100 years ago there were NO TAXES....
....but it is the LAW now.     I wonder what it will be like in the future with all of the LAW makers making new laws........


Quote from: "msuguydon"I have to wear a seat belt.

I have to have a fence around my pool.

You have to be 21 years of age to drink alcohol.

Dumb people are allowed to vote.

I am forced to pay taxes.

I can't kill my wife when she * me off.

I have to wear clothes to work.

I have to wear a helmet when I drive my motorcycle.

I have to buy a license plate for me car.

ALL stupid rules... but they are the rules... so shut up and deal with it!
Ah ya * hillbilly you should move to Kronos prime and deal with some Klingon mandates. If the insurance company knew how thick your skull was they'd be paying you.   Jbird :lol:  :lol:  8)
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