
Started by Low87, May 03, 2004, 05:25:27 PM

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Welcome back.

Since you left I've gone from the middle age group to the oldsters 8) .

I was through Tulsa a couple weeks ago.  I broke down on the toll road between Oak City and Tulsa and my car (not my truck) was on a freind's trailer going to Chelsea and then on to WZJUNK'S for a new old transmission. A bad deal with a happy ending.

Well anyway it is good to see you back,



Welcome back.  I was a lurker in the real early days of the cybercruisin RRT when you did a lot of posting.  Then as now, I enjoyed the comraderie.  It always seems to bring us back for more.

This site is yours isn't it?  The threads are gone but just the titles still bring back lots of memories.  There sure were some good posts back then.


Quote from: "Pep"Well there's a name from the past...good to hear you're well and alive....married aye, next you'll be telling us you're a father....Carps is still around and we still have a little banter now and again but its all in good nature. I don't think we could get away with much on the new board...Shame in some respects cause it would liven the place up a bit :wink:

So liven it up PEP, You have been here too long to throw out now :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "purplepickup"Welcome back.  I was a lurker in the real early days of the cybercruisin RRT when you did a lot of posting.  Then as now, I enjoyed the comraderie.  It always seems to bring us back for more.

This site is yours isn't it?  The threads are gone but just the titles still bring back lots of memories.  There sure were some good posts back then.

Wow!  No, that's not my site, didn't even know about it.  Pretty neat though.
I've gone through 3 websites, don't update them enough & forget to log in every 30 days so they wind up getting deleted.  Finally registered low87.com & was paying $3/month for hosting, but never got around to building the site.  Oh well.


Just been really busy lately. Catch me on Yahoo IM as car1968nut, or E-me at drchop@hotmail, @lycos, or @yahoo.

Progress on the sledd...http://hotrodders.com/projects/002/01.html

Currently have powertrain out for shift kit install, re-gasket the 472, and complete refinish of the engine bay, before finishing the body/paintwork before the Indy GG show in June.

Good to see you back...



Quote from: "Low87"Not sure who's still around from the original crew,

 I'm still here too. Didn't you start the Rides of the Roundtable page? Or am I suffering from CRS?
Anyway welcome back, confrats on the accomplishments and don't be shy. (like you ever were!)

midnight sun

Quote from: "Low87"Not sure who's still around from the original crew, but 'HI!' to all.  Guess I've been gone since the board moved.  I'm back in Tulsa (Broken Arrow actually), married & paying for a house.  I still have my 87, I've done a few things to it.
I'm picking up a 77 2wd Blazer tonight, guess I'm moving in the right direction as far as vintage goes.  
Hope everyone is still well, is Carps still hanging around?

For you originals;

Ajax ~ RIP (there's no substitute for cubic inches)

Hi Greg!! Welcome home.  Still working on the Model A but getting closer all the time.  Congrats on being married too!
How can there be "self help" groups :?:


Quote from: "Low87"Not sure who's still around from the original crew, but 'HI!' to all.  Guess I've been gone since the board moved.  I'm back in Tulsa (Broken Arrow actually), married & paying for a house.  I still have my 87, I've done a few things to it.
I'm picking up a 77 2wd Blazer tonight, guess I'm moving in the right direction as far as vintage goes.  
Hope everyone is still well, is Carps still hanging around?

For you originals;

Ajax ~ RIP (there's no substitute for cubic inches)
:b-d:  \" I GOTTS NOMOBUX \" :b-d:


Quote from: "phat46"
Quote from: "Low87"Not sure who's still around from the original crew,

I'm still here too. Didn't you start the Rides of the Roundtable page? Or am I suffering from CRS?
Anyway welcome back, congrats on the accomplishments and don't be shy. (like you ever were!)

Yeah, Rides of RRT was my project & I passed it off.  I was looking through there the other day and recognized most of the rides information writing as my own.  I had all the RRT photos on my HD until about a year ago when they got wiped out.  I'm way past due for a new computer at home...